A ROS4HRI-compiant ROS node to perform fast face detection using YuNet face detector and Mediapipe Face Mesh. The former performs well at greater distances (depending on image resolution and image scaling applied) and extracts 5 keypoints. The latter works only at close distances and extracts all the ROS4HRI-defined landmarks.
If you are running this package outside PAL, first install all the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
All parameters are loaded in the lifecycle configuration
(int, default: 30): Image processing logic execution rate in Hertz. -
(bool, default: true): It enables the additional Mediapipe Face Mesh detection. -
(double, default: 0.75): Candidate face detections with confidence lower that this threshold are not published. -
(double, default: 0.5): The YuNet face detector accepts input image of dynamic size. This parameter controls the rescale factor applied to the input image before running the YuNet face detector. Lower image scale results in less processing time required and lower detection confidences. The output data (e.g., RoI) is invariant with this parameter and always refers to the original input image size. -
(string, default: "camera_color_optical_frame"): The reference frame the estimated face pose should be transformed to before performing the filtering operations. Due to the proximity between the camera frame and the detected faces, and considering that cameras can be mounted on frequently moving robot's components (e.g., robot's head), directly filtering a face pose expressed in camera optical frame might reduce the filtering quality. -
(bool, default: false): If true the face ids start from "f00000" and increases by one for each new face. If false it is a random five letters sequence. -
(bool, default: false): If true opens a windows showing the input image with face detections overlayed.
This package follows the ROS4HRI conventions (REP-155). If the topic message type is not indicated, the ROS4HRI convention is implied.
ros2 launch hri_face_detect face_detect.launch rgb_camera:=<input camera namespace>
For an example of usage, execute in different terminals:
- USB camera:
apt install ros-humble-usb-cam
ros2 run usb_cam usb_cam_node_exe
- HRI face detect:
apt install ros-humble-hri-face-detect
ros2 launch hri_face_detect face_detect.launch.py
- RViz with HRI plugin:
apt install ros-humble-rviz2
apt install ros-humble-hri-rviz
In RViz, add the 'Humans' plugin to see the detected faces with the relative keypoints.