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Understood FUSEE's Scene Graph concept, especially how SceneNode and SceneComponent work together.
Basic knowledge on matrix transformations in Computer Graphics (View and Projection matrices).
Building a scene from code or loading a scene from a fus file will result in a SceneContainer, containing Nodes and Components.
To render the scene we can add a Camera to the SceneContainer. Note that this is no must but, for example, makes the implementation of follow or orbit cameras much easier (see the Examples section).
A camera consists of a SceneNode which contains a Transform and a Camera.
As with every other Transform the Translation, Rotation and Scale values are relative to the ones of the parent nodes. The cumulated Translation and Rotation values describe the cameras position in world space and therefore are the basis for calculating the View matrix (which is done in the background).
You can find the properties of the Camera in the API documentation of the camera.
The constructor of the Camera expects a projection method, the distances to the clipping planes and the field of view in radians.
When creating the Transform we can add a Scale value. This doesn't have an effect on the View matrix calculation, but can be useful if the camera node has a Mesh
//1. Create a Transform and a Camera.
private Transform _mainCamTransform;
private Camera _mainCam = new Camera(ProjectionMethod.Perspective, 1, 1000, M.PiOver4);
public override void Init()
_mainCam.Viewport = new float4(0, 0, 100, 100);
_mainCam.BackgroundColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
_mainCam.Layer = -1;
_mainCamTransform = _guiCamTransform = new Transform()
Rotation = float3.Zero,
Translation = new float3(0, 2, -10),
Scale = new float3(0.33f, 0.33f, 0.5f)
//2. Create the SceneNodeContainer.
var cam = new SceneNode()
Name = "MainCam",
Components = new List<SceneContainer>()
new Cube()
Children = new ChildList()
new SceneNode()
Components = new List<SceneContainer>()
new Transform()
Scale = new float3(1, 1, 1),
Translation = new float3(0,0,-1.4f)
new Cube()
//3. Add the camera to the scene.
In the code below we use the method Transform.RotateAround to create an orbit camera. This method expects a point (float3), that is used as the rotation center, and a rotation in angle-axis representation (float3 up-axis, float
💡 Note: In the example the rotation center is
(0, 0, 0)
, in practice it is useful to take the world space position of the object we want to rotate around. We can get this position for example by using SceneNodeContainer.GetGlobalTranslation().
public override void RenderAFrame()
//4 Use RotateAround(float3 center, float3 up-axis, float angle) to rotate the camera.
var rotAxis = float3.UnitY * float4x4.CreateRotationYZ(new float2(M.PiOver4, M.PiOver4));
_mainCamTransform.RotateAround(new float3(0,0,0), rotAxis, someAngle * DeltaTime);
💡 Note: We can also achive achieve an orbit camera by not rotating the camera itself, but by placing it under a SceneNodeContainer, which serves as a pivot point.
In this case we rotate the pivot around its origin. This method may prove more stable against cummulative rounding errors.
A follower Camera can be achieved simply by adding the Camera SceneNodeContainer as a child to the object we want it to follow instead of putting it directly under the SceneContainer itself.
public override void Init()
//3. Add the camera to a node.
To achieve a fps camera we can use Transform.FpsView(). This method will modify the Translation
and Rotation
of the camera according to the parameters we pass.
To see the properties of the [FpsView] (https://fusee3d.org/api/Fusee.Engine.Core.Scene.SceneExtensions.html#Fusee_Engine_Core_Scene_SceneExtensions_FpsView_Fusee_Engine_Core_Scene_Transform_System_Single_System_Single_System_Single_System_Single_System_Single_) go to the API documentation.
public override void RenderAFrame()
_camTransform.FpsView(_angleHorz, _angleVert, Keyboard.WSAxis, Keyboard.ADAxis, Time.DeltaTime * 1000);
If we render without a scene graph or do not want to use a camera for whatever reason, we can set the Viewport, Projection matrix and View matrix directly on the RenderContext.
public override void RenderAFrame()
RC.Viewport(0, 0, Width, Height);
_camTransform.FpsView(_angleHorz, _angleVert, Keyboard.WSAxis, Keyboard.ADAxis, Time.DeltaTime * 1000);
var mtxRot = float4x4.CreateRotationX(_angleVert) * float4x4.CreateRotationY(_angleHorz);
var mtxCam = float4x4.LookAt(0, 20, -_zoom, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
var view = mtxCam * mtxRot;
var perspective = float4x4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(_fovY, (float)Width / Height, ZNear, ZFar) * mtxOffset;
RC.View = view;
RC.Projection = orthographic;
If we don't set the parameters at all FUSEE will use predefined default values. Those can be read from RenderContext.DefaultState.
In order for the camera to work in the expected way, each SceneRendererForward – whether it is a Forward, Deferred or a custom one – needs a pre-rendering pass (one traversal of the scene). This pre-pass is responsible for collecting the Cameras and calculating the view matrix for each one.
This is implemented in the PrePassVisitor
. For each Camera that is found while traversing the scene, we calculate the View matrix from the cumulated Model matrix by eliminating its scale (get the scale factor and divide the 3x3 rotation/scale part of the matrix by it) and inverting it (view = _state.Model.Invert()
The Camera and its View matrix is then saved as a CameraResult
to a public list and can therefore be accessed from the SceneRendererForward.
Back in the scene renderer we render one time for each camera we've found in the pre-pass, taking the Cameras Viewport the resulting Projection matrix and the CameraResults'
View matrix into account.
- Using FUSEE
- Tutorials
- Examples
- In-Depth Topics
- Input and Input Devices
- The Rendering Pipeline
- Render Layer
- Camera
- Textures
- FUSEE Exporter Blender Add on
- Assets
- Lighting & Materials
- Serialization and protobuf-net
- ImGui
- Blazor/WebAssembly
- Miscellaneous
- Developing FUSEE