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Axis Aligned Bounding Box

Simon edited this page Nov 18, 2020 · 4 revisions


Work in progress

The Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (float) is an efficient tool for collision detection. A Bounding Box forms itself out of the minimal and the maximal x, y, z coordinates of an object. The min and max values of a cube in the center of a scene may look like this:

min = (-1, -1, -1); 
max = (1, 1, 1);

A Bounding Box draws a cuboid as tightly as possible around the targeted object. A sphere with radius 1 would have the same Bounding Box as the cube in the example above.

minimum and maximum values visualized

The Axis-Aligned Bounding Box is as the name suggests "axis-aligned", which means the Bounding Boxes are not able to rotate and if its object rotates the AABB has to be recalculated and may end up in a bad approximation of its former shape. Therefore the AABB is most useful when the objects principal axes are roughly aligned with the scenes coordinate system.

rotating an object in a scene visualized

When two Bounding Boxes are tested for a collision, the minimum values of one box are compared to the maximum of the other and vice versa (A.min.y & B.max.y,..., A.max.z & B.min.z,...). So if a minimum value is greater than a maximum value / a maximum value is lesser than a minimum value, a collision occurs.


For an overview of the components [](click here to visit the API documentation).

Building your own Bounding Box

You can use the constructor 'AABBf' to build your own Bounding Box:
_min = new float3(-1, -1, -1);
_max = new float3(1, 1, 1):

AABBf bb1 = new AABBf
There is also a way to get the Bounding Box of an Asset or Object in the scene:
private Transform SphereTrans;
private Mesh SphereMesh;

SphereMesh = Scene.Children.FindNodes(node =>node.Name == "Sphere")?.FirstOrDefault()?.GetMesh();
bb2 = SphereMesh.BoundingBox;
If (at least) one of your objects moves you can multiplicate it with the Matrix of the moving Object:
AABBf movingBb = bb2 * SphereTrans.Matrix();
Now if you want to check for a collision between these two Bounding Boxes, you can use the Intersect Method:
    Console.WriteLine("Oh? You're intersecting me?");
You can use the same method for checking if a Bounding Box collides with a specific point or coordinate in the scene:
float3 point = new float(1, 2, 3);
    Console.WriteLine("We hit 'im, boys");
Checking different bounding box collisions

Intersection detection

Maybe you want to draw one Bounding box around two existing objects:
    AABBf twoGether4ever = AABBf.Union(bb1, bb2);
Examples for a Bounding Box being drawn around two pre-existing ones

Union AABB

Sometimes you may want to know if an object enters the visible area of your scene:
Frustum frustum = new Frustum();

if(bb1.InsideOrIntersectingFrustum(frustum) == true)

Frustum Intersection

You can do the same for just one direction (or with any plane in general):
PlaneF planeLeft = new PlaneF();
    if(planeLeft.SignedDistanceFromPoint(bb1.Center) <= 0)
Plane Intersection

Plane Intersection

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