Hound v1.0.0
Please, only use Hound on your own unwanted datas!
This package was made to work only on Debian distros!
What Hound have :
- Destroy the file.s content, by overwriting it with random datas
- Choose the number of iterations, to increase the safety!
- Comfy Terminal use!
Install Hound :
wget 'https://github.com/tomwongs/hound/releases/download/v1.0.0/hound.deb'
sudo apt install ./hound.deb
Or you can copy and paste this command, for a clean installation :
wget 'https://github.com/tomwongs/hound/releases/download/v1.0.0/hound.deb' hound.deb; sudo apt install ./hound.deb; rm --force ./hound.deb
How can I use it? :
Common usage :
hound [<switches>..] <folder/file>
Switches :
-a (--angry) [number]
: number of iteration done (default: 1).
-c (--chomp)
: leave the file unreadable and unrecoverable.
-h (--help)
: display help.
I hope this program will be helpful to you and that you'll use Hound on your own datas! ^^
Contributions :
This github is more a place for me to share my programs and store them.
I'm not ready yet to deal with a project modified by other people.
Thanks for your understanding.
Credit :
The illustration of Hound was made by @wingedwolf94, this guy does insane animations and I encourage you to see his work! ^^
I hope you don't like this project too much, because the source code got corrupted when changing my computer ^^'
So I won't be able to release other versions with patches or corrections...
I'll maybe rewrite the code and the software, but more clean.
After all, what is 400 lines of code? T w T