Releases: tomwongs/Hound
Hound v2.2.0
Please, only use Hound on your own unwanted datas!
Hound is compatible for any Linux distro!
What Hound have :
- Destroy the file.s content, by overwriting it with random datas
- Choose the number of iterations, to increase the safety!
- Comfy Terminal use!
Install Hound :
Install :
sudo wget '' -O '/usr/bin/hound'; sudo chmod +x '/usr/bin/hound'
note that you need to move the file to a path that is referenced in the '$PATH' variable!
How can I use it? :
Common usage :
hound [<switches>..] <folder/file>
Switches :
-a (--angry) [number]
: number of iteration done (default: 1).
-c (--chomp)
: leave the file unreadable and unrecoverable.
-h (--help)
: display help.
I hope this program will be helpful to you and that you'll use Hound on your own datas! ^^
Contributions :
This github is more a place for me to share my programs and store them.
I'm not ready yet to deal with a project modified by other people.
Thanks for your understanding.
Changelogs :
This new version of Hound (v2.2.0) bring:
- Bug fixes for the progress bar
- Compatibility for all distros
- Removed the un-necessary bytes ( 9.4MB all rust packages and debugs )
I hope you'll enjoy it! ^^
Credit :
The illustration of Hound was made by @wingedwolf94, this guy does insane animations and I encourage you to see his work! ^^
Hound v2.1.0
Please, only use Hound on your own unwanted datas!
This package was made to work only on Debian distros!
What Hound have :
- Destroy the file.s content, by overwriting it with random datas
- Choose the number of iterations, to increase the safety!
- Comfy Terminal use!
Install Hound :
wget ''
sudo apt install ./hound.deb
Or you can copy and paste this command, for a clean installation :
wget '' hound.deb; sudo apt install ./hound.deb; rm --force ./hound.deb
How can I use it? :
Common usage :
hound [<switches>..] <folder/file>
Switches :
-a (--angry) [number]
: number of iteration done (default: 1).
-c (--chomp)
: leave the file unreadable and unrecoverable.
-h (--help)
: display help.
I hope this program will be helpful to you and that you'll use Hound on your own datas! ^^
Contributions :
This github is more a place for me to share my programs and store them.
I'm not ready yet to deal with a project modified by other people.
Thanks for your understanding.
Changelogs :
This new version of Hound (v2.1.0) bring:
- Bug fixes
- A progress bar
- Reworked how the argument angry works ( now it's --angry=[x] )
I hope you'll enjoy it! ^^
Credit :
The illustration of Hound was made by @wingedwolf94, this guy does insane animations and I encourage you to see his work! ^^
Hound v2.0.0
Please, only use Hound on your own unwanted datas!
This package was made to work only on Debian distros!
What Hound have :
- Destroy the file.s content, by overwriting it with random datas
- Choose the number of iterations, to increase the safety!
- Comfy Terminal use!
Install Hound :
wget ''
sudo apt install ./hound.deb
Or you can copy and paste this command, for a clean installation :
wget '' hound.deb; sudo apt install ./hound.deb; rm --force ./hound.deb
How can I use it? :
Common usage :
hound [<switches>..] <folder/file>
Switches :
-a (--angry) [number]
: number of iteration done (default: 1).
-c (--chomp)
: leave the file unreadable and unrecoverable.
-h (--help)
: display help.
I hope this program will be helpful to you and that you'll use Hound on your own datas! ^^
Contributions :
This github is more a place for me to share my programs and store them.
I'm not ready yet to deal with a project modified by other people.
Thanks for your understanding.
About Hound :
After loosing the source code of Hound v1.0.0, I've decided to rewrite Hound from scratch.
This unfortunate event gave me the opportunity of bettering my code, I've written it with less line, it's now less consuming and more easy to the eyes!
I'm quite proud of this new Hound and I don't regret the old source-code! ^^
Credit :
The illustration of Hound was made by @wingedwolf94, this guy does insane animations and I encourage you to see his work! ^^
Hound v1.0.0
Please, only use Hound on your own unwanted datas!
This package was made to work only on Debian distros!
What Hound have :
- Destroy the file.s content, by overwriting it with random datas
- Choose the number of iterations, to increase the safety!
- Comfy Terminal use!
Install Hound :
wget ''
sudo apt install ./hound.deb
Or you can copy and paste this command, for a clean installation :
wget '' hound.deb; sudo apt install ./hound.deb; rm --force ./hound.deb
How can I use it? :
Common usage :
hound [<switches>..] <folder/file>
Switches :
-a (--angry) [number]
: number of iteration done (default: 1).
-c (--chomp)
: leave the file unreadable and unrecoverable.
-h (--help)
: display help.
I hope this program will be helpful to you and that you'll use Hound on your own datas! ^^
Contributions :
This github is more a place for me to share my programs and store them.
I'm not ready yet to deal with a project modified by other people.
Thanks for your understanding.
Credit :
The illustration of Hound was made by @wingedwolf94, this guy does insane animations and I encourage you to see his work! ^^
I hope you don't like this project too much, because the source code got corrupted when changing my computer ^^'
So I won't be able to release other versions with patches or corrections...
I'll maybe rewrite the code and the software, but more clean.
After all, what is 400 lines of code? T w T