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Feat: tela de registro #1553

Feat: tela de registro

Feat: tela de registro #1553

Re-run triggered September 2, 2024 19:36
Status Failure
Total duration 1m 3s


on: pull_request
e2e  /  playwright-tests
e2e / playwright-tests
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4 errors and 1 warning
src/pages/register/components/DesktopHeader/DesktopHeader.spec.tsx > DesktopHeader component > show the content on screen > renders its content: src/pages/register/components/DesktopHeader/DesktopHeader.spec.tsx#L18
TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find an element with the text: /Already have an account/. This could be because the text is broken up by multiple elements. In this case, you can provide a function for your text matcher to make your matcher more flexible. Ignored nodes: comments, script, style <body> <div> <header class="header" > <a aria-label="octopost logo" href="/" > <svg fill="none" height="20" viewBox="0 0 151 20" width="151" xmlns="" > <path d="M19.7361 10.0168C19.7361 12.8973 18.8022 15.228 16.9344 17.0089C15.0666 18.7897 12.7016 19.6791 9.83926 19.6771C6.97895 19.6771 4.624 18.7877 2.7744 17.0089C0.9248 15.23 0 12.8993 0 10.0168C0 7.14029 0.919745 4.80555 2.75924 3.01255C4.59873 1.21955 6.97086 0.325072 9.87564 0.329115C12.7784 0.329115 15.1475 1.22359 16.983 3.01255C18.8184 4.8015 19.7361 7.13625 19.7361 10.0168ZM13.1928 6.55407C12.7739 6.09858 12.2605 5.74016 11.6886 5.50394C11.1166 5.26772 10.4999 5.15941 9.88171 5.18659C9.25938 5.15969 8.63866 5.26862 8.06268 5.50582C7.4867 5.74302 6.96927 6.1028 6.54636 6.56014C5.6964 7.51012 5.24661 8.75192 5.29106 10.0259C5.24367 11.293 5.69426 12.5283 6.54636 13.4673C6.97128 13.9191 7.48871 14.2737 8.06329 14.5071C8.63788 14.7405 9.25607 14.8471 9.87564 14.8197C10.4934 14.845 11.1092 14.7361 11.6808 14.5005C12.2524 14.265 12.7662 13.9084 13.1867 13.4552C13.9921 12.4857 14.4329 11.265 14.4329 10.0046C14.4329 8.74427 13.9921 7.52359 13.1867 6.55407H13.1928Z" fill="#894DF6" /> <path d="M39.1963 16.1659C39.1963 16.833 38.6667 17.5849 37.6075 18.4218C36.5482 19.2587 34.5885 19.6751 31.7282 19.671C28.8699 19.671 26.5149 18.7816 24.6633 17.0027C22.8117 15.2239 21.8869 12.8932 21.8889 10.0107C21.8889 7.13418 22.8087 4.79944 24.6482 3.00644C26.4876 1.21345 28.8598 0.318969 31.7646 0.323012C34.6673 0.323012 36.6311 0.741445 37.656 1.57831C38.6808 2.41518 39.1943 3.16715 39.1963 3.83421C39.2007 4.48977 38.9644 5.12415 38.5323 5.61711C38.3636 5.84773 38.1452 6.03749 37.8932 6.17237C37.6413 6.30725 37.3623 6.3838 37.0768 6.39636C36.5493 6.39636 35.7094 6.19321 34.5662 5.78994C33.4231 5.38667 32.562 5.18351 31.992 5.18351C28.8992 5.18351 27.3528 6.78953 27.3528 10.0016C27.3528 13.2136 28.8992 14.8196 31.992 14.8196C32.8762 14.7514 33.7445 14.5468 34.5662 14.2132C35.7094 13.8069 36.5493 13.6068 37.0768 13.6068C37.3625 13.6187 37.6417 13.6949 37.8937 13.8299C38.1457 13.9648 38.364 14.1549 38.5323 14.386C38.9647 14.8776 39.2011 15.5112 39.1963 16.1659Z" fill="#894DF6" /> <path d="M51.9889 5.27145V17.1392C51.9889 18.7402 51.0793 19.5406 49.26 19.5406C47.4407 19.5406 46.5311 18.7402 46.5311 17.1392V5.27145H43.7718C42.2982 5.27145 41.5614 4.53969 41.5614 3.07618C41.5614 1.61268 42.2962 0.87789 43.7658 0.871826H54.7784C56.248 0.871826 56.9838 1.60358 56.9858 3.06709C56.9879 4.53059 56.2521 5.26235 54.7784 5.26235L51.9889 5.27145Z" fill="#894DF6" /> <path d="M78.8748 10.0168C78.8748 12.8973 77.9409 15.228 76.0731 17.0089C74.2053 18.7897 71.8402 19.6791 68.9779 19.6771C66.1196 19.6771 63.7647 18.7877 61.9131 17.0089C60.0614 15.23 59.1326 12.8993 59.1265 10.0168C59.1265 7.14029 60.0463 4.80555 61.8858 3.01255C63.7253 1.21955 66.0974 0.325072 69.0022 0.329115C71.9049 0.329115 74.274 1.22359 76.1095 3.01255C77.9449 4.8015 78.8667 7.13625 78.8748 10.0168ZM72.3314 6.55407C71.45 5.67624 70.2568 5.18337 69.0128 5.18337C67.7688 5.18337 66.5755 5.67624 65.6941 6.55407C64.8442 7.50406 64.3944 8.74586 64.4388 10.0198C64.3914 11.2869 64.842 12.5222 65.6941 13.4613C66.5783 14.3314 67.7692 14.8191 69.0097 14.8191C70.2503 14.8191 71.4412 14.3314 72.3254 13.4613C73.1307 12.4917 73.5716 11.2711 73.5716 10.0107C73.5716 8.75033 73.1307 7.52966 72.3254 6.56014L72.3314 6.55407Z" fill="#894DF6" /> <path d="M86.7007 13.3037V17.112C86.7007 18.713 85.7911 19.5135 83.9718 19.5135C82.15
src/pages/register/components/DesktopHeader/DesktopHeader.spec.tsx > DesktopHeader component > show the content on screen > push generate link to sign in page: src/pages/register/components/DesktopHeader/DesktopHeader.spec.tsx#L27
AssertionError: expected "spy" to be called with arguments: [ Array(2) ] Received: Number of calls: 0 ❯ src/pages/register/components/DesktopHeader/DesktopHeader.spec.tsx:27:29
src/pages/register/components/DesktopHero/Hero.spec.tsx > Hero component > show the content on screen > renders its content: src/pages/register/components/DesktopHero/Hero.spec.tsx#L21
TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find a label with the text of: octopost logo Ignored nodes: comments, script, style <body> <div> <div class="desktopHeroWrapper" > <section class="hero" > <h1 class="title" > Welcome back </h1> <h2 class="description" > To keep connected to yourself please login with your personal info </h2> <button class="signInButton" > Sign in </button> </section> <div class="octoWrapper" data-testid="octopost-icon" > <svg class="desktopOcto" fill="none" viewBox="-54.28 0.73 211.27 249.52" xmlns="" > <path d="M148.515 123.182C145.793 134.48 139.53 142.866 131.573 149.935C128.148 150.726 125.252 152.747 123.027 155.791C122.654 156.336 122.331 156.914 122.062 157.518C120.399 158.688 118.667 159.888 116.941 161.058C116.804 161.159 116.646 161.227 116.479 161.257C116.312 161.288 116.14 161.281 115.976 161.236C99.9024 156.639 100.058 147.77 103.452 141.067C103.545 140.918 103.666 140.79 103.809 140.69C103.952 140.589 104.113 140.519 104.284 140.482C138.976 134.305 143.656 93.0025 124.287 69.4099C124.134 69.2146 124.048 68.9746 124.043 68.7263C124.038 68.4779 124.114 68.2346 124.259 68.0331C124.404 67.8315 124.611 67.6827 124.848 67.609C125.085 67.5353 125.34 67.5407 125.573 67.6245C148.573 75.5922 153.899 100.995 148.515 123.182Z" fill="url(#paint0_linear_58479_11553)" /> <path d="M150.884 159.714C144.535 152.042 131.601 147.596 124.814 157.08C122.91 159.741 122.237 164.426 123.057 167.939C123.525 170.016 123.994 172.269 126.042 173.85C130.021 176.982 134.88 173.911 131.632 171.188C123.087 164.105 131.338 155.76 138.36 160.005C143.54 162.699 144.477 173.237 139.53 176.397C126.505 182.807 111.88 171.773 103.48 162.611C100.936 159.86 92.0983 146.101 92.9491 139.398C96.3163 135.827 99.4174 131.993 102.46 128.186C107.551 121.893 113.579 115.711 117.852 108.838C121.245 103.366 121.245 98.0676 119.9 91.949C116.799 77.519 110.508 64.5222 102.718 52.0273C94.4706 38.7921 84.8679 26.1169 73.6356 15.2576C68.6305 10.4559 63.0712 5.30489 56.7304 2.40779C54.491 1.42672 52.0914 0.863007 49.6496 0.744385C47.2078 0.863007 44.8082 1.42672 42.5688 2.40779C36.2197 5.30489 30.652 10.4476 25.6636 15.2576C20.3175 20.4444 15.3314 25.9899 10.7399 31.8557C12.0314 32.6391 13.0983 33.7435 13.8369 35.0614C14.5756 36.3794 14.9608 37.8661 14.9551 39.377C14.9551 41.7246 14.025 43.9765 12.3684 45.6394C10.7119 47.3022 8.46402 48.2405 6.11729 48.2485C4.01033 48.2567 1.97233 47.498 0.383373 46.1138C-0.905304 48.0739 -2.19397 50.0339 -3.42168 52.0245C-11.2036 64.525 -17.4669 77.5301 -20.604 91.9463C-21.9481 98.0648 -21.9204 103.363 -18.5255 108.835C-14.2826 115.714 -8.25491 121.89 -3.16394 128.184C0.641113 132.897 4.50159 137.726 8.86369 141.97C-12.9357 141.18 -36.6972 151.455 -48.1678 168.347C-67.0712 196.153 -38.7757 227.533 -9.19163 216.555C-7.49556 215.942 -7.49556 213.627 -9.10294 212.837C-30.5532 202.302 -30.3481 175.372 -5.30065 167.468C-3.56968 166.967 -1.74599 166.877 0.0258675 167.204C-4.59674 170.808 -8.08031 175.546 -9.04475 181.665C-10.1283 188.396 -8.25491 196.184 -3.66002 201.277C1.05127 206.544 8.10158 209.18 14.7445 211.024C29.5795 215.183 46.5512 215.063 60.2749 222.585C66.0393 225.748 70.019 230.577 70.9834 237.162C71.4823 240.616 71.8314 241.963 69.4619 244.539C67.0924 247.115 67.8241 249.105 70.1049 250.247C74.406 248.226 78.358 245.828 81.1653 242.579C84.1525 239.157 85.8503 234.798 85.9653 230.256C86.1399 225.718 85.2919 221.035 83.7122 216.497C82.6119 213.353 81.1223 210.36 79.2781 207.586C78.4604 206.369 77.5691 205.202 76.6093 204.093L75.6171 202.965C75.4619 202.799 75.3012 202.638 75.1404 202.471L74.0319 201.443C73.8545 201.282 73.6855 201.124 73.5137 200.963C70.8393 198.745 67.8823 196.777 64.8781 194.825C60.6186 192.006 56.3091 189.184 52.2214 186.042C49.4162 183.94
Process completed with exit code 1.
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