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Stefan Vigerske edited this page Mar 9, 2019 · 2 revisions

Contributor and Maintainer: Francisco Barahona

This is an implementation of a separation algorithm for Residual Capacity Inequalities. They have been introduced in Magnanti, Mirchandani, and Vachani (1993). The separation algorithm was given in Atamturk and Rajan (2002).

These inequalities are particularly useful for Network Design and Capacity Planning models. See the documentation for a description of them.


  • T. L. Magnanti, P. Mirchandani, and R. Vachani, The convex hull of two core capacitated network design problems, Math. Programming, 60 (1993), pp. 233-250.
  • A. Atamturk and D. Rajan, On splittable and unsplittable flow capacitated network design arc-set polyhedra, Math. Program., 92 (2002), pp. 315-333.
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