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ArthurHlt edited this page Dec 11, 2019 · 2 revisions


Provides a Cloud Foundry resource for registering users. This resource provides extended functionality to attach additional UAA roles to the user.

~> NOTE: This resource requires the provider to be authenticated with an account granted admin permissions and UAA admin client. See related uaa documentation ~> NOTE: Create an existing user will not trigger any errors and will lead to retrieve id of existing user and update it.

Example Usage

The following example creates a user and attaches additional UAA roles to grant administrator rights to that user.

resource "cloudfoundry_user" "admin-service-user" {
    name = "cf-admin"
    password = "Passw0rd"
    given_name = "John"
    family_name = "Doe"

    groups = [ "cloud_controller.admin", "", "scim.write" ]

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the user. This will also be the users login name
  • password - (Optional) The user's password
  • origin - (Optional) The user authentcation origin. By default this will be UAA. For users authenticated by LDAP this should be ldap
  • given_name - (Optional) The given name of the user
  • family_name - (Optional) The family name of the user
  • email - (Optional) The email address of the user. When not provided, name is used as email.
  • groups - (Optional) Any UAA groups / roles to associated the user with

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The GUID of the User
  • email - If not provided this attributed will be assigned the same value as the name, assuming that the username is the user's email address


An existing User can be imported using its guid, e.g.

$ terraform import cloudfoundry_user.admin-service-user a-guid
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