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ArthurHlt edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 3 revisions


Provides a resource for managing shared or private domains in Cloud Foundry.

Example Usage

The following is an example of a shared domain for a sub-domain of the default application domain retrieved via a domain data source.

resource "cloudfoundry_domain" "shared" {
  sub_domain = "dev"
  domain = data.cloudfoundry_domain.apps.domain
  internal = false

The following example creates a private domain owned by the Org referenced by

resource "cloudfoundry_domain" "private" {
  name = ""
  org =

~> NOTE: To control sharing of a private domain, use the cloudfoundry_private_domain resource.

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Optional, String) Full name of domain. If specified then the sub_domain and domain attributes will be computed from the name
  • sub_domain - (Optional, String) Sub-domain part of full domain name. If specified the domain argument needs to be provided and the name will be computed.
  • domain - (Optional, String) Domain part of full domain name. If specified the sub_domain argument needs to be provided and the name will be computed.

The following argument applies only to shared domains.

  • router_group - (Optional, String) The router group GUID, which can be retrieved via the cloudfoundry_router_group data resource. You would need to provide this when creating a shared domain for TCP routes.

The following argument applies only to private domains.

  • org - (Optional, String) The ID of the Org that owns this domain. If specified, this resource will provision a private domain. By default, the provisioned domain is a public (shared) domain.

  • internal - (Optional, bool) Flag that sets the domain as an internal domain. Internal domains are used for internal app to app networking only. Defaults to "false". Only works on shared domain.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The GUID of the domain.


An existing Domain can be imported using its Domain Guid, e.g.

$ terraform import cloudfoundry_domain.private a-guid
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