If you see my code and data useful and use it, please cite us as follows
Nguyen, T., Tran, N., Nguyen, B. M., & Nguyen, G. (2018, November). A Resource Usage Prediction System Using Functional-Link and Genetic Algorithm Neural Network for Multivariate Cloud Metrics. In 2018 IEEE 11th Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA) (pp. 49-56). IEEE.
Nguyen, T., Nguyen, B. M., & Nguyen, G. (2019, April). Building Resource Auto-scaler with Functional-Link Neural Network and Adaptive Bacterial Foraging Optimization. In International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (pp. 501-517). Springer, Cham.
If you want to know more about code, or want a pdf of both above paper, contact me: [email protected]
Take a look at this repos, the simplify code using python (numpy) for all algorithms above. (without neural networks)
- data: include raw and formatted data
- envs: include conda environment and how to install conda environment
- utils: Helped functions such as IO, Draw, Math, Settings (for all model and parameters), Preprocessing...
- paper: include 2 main folders:
- results: forecasting results of all models (3 folders inside)
- final: final forecasting results (runs on server)
- test: testing forecasting results (runs on personal computer, just for test)
- temp: nothing (just for copy of test folder)
- scaling: scaling results
- results: forecasting results of all models (3 folders inside)
- model: (4 folders)
- root: (want to understand the code, read this classes first)
- root_base.py: root for all models (traditional, hybrid and variants...)
- root_algo.py: root for all optimization algorithms
- traditional: root for all traditional models (inherit: root_base)
- hybrid: root for all hybrid models (inherit: root_base)
- optimizer: (this classes inherit: root_algo.py)
- evolutionary: include algorithms related to evolution algorithm such as GA, DE,..
- swarm: include algorithms related to swarm optimization such as PSO, CSO, BFO, ...
- main: (final models)
- this classes will use those optimizer above and those root (traditional, hybrid) above
- the running files (outside with the orginial folder: prediction_flnn) will call this classes
- the traditional models will use single file such as: traditional_ffnn, traditional_flnn,...
- the hybrid models will use 2 files, example: hybrid_flnn.py and GA.py (optimizer files)
- root: (want to understand the code, read this classes first)
- special files
- vms_real_used_CPU_RAM.csv (the real amount of CPU and RAM used in cloud): calculated by get_real_Vms_usages.py file
- _scipt.py: running files (: represent model) such as flgann_script.py => FLNN + GA
- ANN (1 HL) => mlnn1hl_script.py
- FLNN => flnn_script.py
- FL-GANN => flgann_script.py
- FL-DENN => fldenn_script.py
- FL-PSONN => flpsonn_script.py
- FL-ABCNN => flabcnn_script.py
- FL-BFONN => flbfonn_script.py
- FL-ABFOLSNN => flabfonn_script.py
- FL-CSONN => flcsonn_script.py
To improve the speed of Pycharm when opening (because Pycharm will indexing when opening), you should right click to paper and data folder => Mark Directory As => Excluded
When runs models, you should copy the running files to the original folder (prediction_flnn folder)
Make sure you active the environment before run the running files
- For terminal on linux
source activate environment_name
python running_file.py
- In paper/results/final model includes folder's name represent the data such as
cpu: input model would be cpu, output model would be cpu
ram: same as cpu
multi_cpu : input model would be cpu and ram, output model would be cpu
multi_ram : input model would be cpu and ram, output model would be ram
multi : input model would be cpu and ram, output model would be cpu and ram