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How does Autorank work?

Staartvin edited this page Jan 21, 2017 · 7 revisions

As you've probably guessed, Autorank can do some cool things: but what specifically?

What is Autorank?

Well, Autorank is plugin originally written for Bukkit, but is now mainly developed for Spigot. It can transform your server into a fully-fledged, automatic ranking machine. Autorank allows you to set paths that users can choose. These paths can have prerequisites (which are basically requirement before a player is able to 'choose' this path. Every path is related to at least one requirement and one result. When a player has chosen a certain path, they will need to complete all the requirements that the admin has set up to get rewards. These rewards can be in the form of basically anything. These rewards are so-called 'results'. Here's a diagram to help you out:

How does Autorank work?

What about a few examples?

Maybe it's still not clear? I'll provide a few examples!

The marathon server:

You are running a roleplaying server where every player is part of Olympic marathon. You want players to be put into groups, depending on how far they walked and how many meters that have jumped in total. With Autorank, you would set up a path that puts people into groups depending on the meters they walked.

The dynasty server:

Let's say you are building a server where people are born (a.k.a. spawned) in a profession. They then have to traverse down their career ladder to get to the highest rank that is available in their profession tree. You can have paths based on what group you are in. You can have Bakers that need to bake 50 breads before they can rank up, or Miners that need to mine 100 gold, or Builders that need to place at least 500 blocks. The sky is the limit! Autorank can retrieve data from a lot of other plugins, click here to get a list of possible hooks for Autorank.

The Achievement server:

Autorank can also check what achievements a player already obtained. You could use this to create a server where players are rewarded on the number of achievements they have completed. An example could be a Prestige-like system.

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