New practice menu, no more free roam mode, and a fresh coat of paint!
The practice menu has been redesigned so you can practice any level in career mode! Click the top button to select your level and drag the slider to pick your speed. The old training and rank levels are still available too -- just page over to the left and you'll see them!
Free roam has been removed from the main menu -- it's that tiny question mark button you probably never clicked! But if you clicked it, it is not there anymore.
There are some new scene transitions where the screen gets eaten by blocks with a little 'taka-taka-taka' sound. It's much cooler than fading in and out! I think it's super fun.
During puzzles, keep an eye out for the new spin move and squish move notifications that pop up! And if you're skilled or lucky enough, you might see an all clear notification too. They don't get you any points but gosh they sure are cool!
There are fancier popup messages during puzzles -- those little popups which say things like 'Ready?' and 'You win!' are a lot more colorful and decorated. Just little things!