Users of ADMIXTOOLS should know that an alternate version in R (native mode -- reimplementation)
written by Robert Maier is also available on Github.
See https://github.com/uqrmaie1/admixtools
Executables run fast, and it has features not available in this C version, such as interactive
exploration of graph phylogenies -
Version 7.0 has numerous upgrades.
a) Two new executables --qpfstats qpfmv allow precomputation of f-statistic basis.
This can greatly reduce computation costs.
b) qpAdm, qpWave, qpGraph support qpfstats output as input.
*** This is a much improved way of running with allsnps: YES. ***
c) A new experimental feature of qpGraph (halfscore: YES) allows
comparison of 2 phylogenies + a (weak) goodness of fit score. Be careful
if running with a large nnumber of populations and consider reducing block size say
blgsize: .005