The Xioami Mi A1 (codenamed "tissot") is a smartphone from Xioami. It was released in September 2017.
First download omni-10.0 tree:
repo init -u git:// -b twrp-10.0
Then add this project to a new local manifest (.repo/local_manifests/<your-file-name.xml>:
<project name="android_device_xiaomi_tissot" path="device/xiaomi/tissot" remote="TeamWin" revision="android-10.0" />
Now you can sync your source:
repo sync
To automatically make the twrp installer, you need to import this commit in the build/make path:
and add @osm0sis' standard twrp_abtemplate repo to a local manifest as indicated below (followed by another repo sync
to download the repo):
<project name="osm0sis/twrp_abtemplate" path="bootable/recovery/installer" remote="github" revision="master"/>
Finally execute these:
. build/
lunch omni_tissot-eng
mka bootimage
To test it:
fastboot boot out/target/product/tissot/boot.img