This is an implementation of FROST in a 3-round aggregatorless scheme. It does not rely on a central signature aggregator, but assumes there is some reliable broadcast mechanism. All parties involved play some part of the aggregator role.
Of note, this implemtation is specifically designed to produce BIP340 sigs, for use in Taproot, which is what Bitcoin uses for schnorr signature. This comes with a few benefits, mainly in producing round 32 byte pubkeys and 64 byte signatures.
This is based on the implemetation Coinbase's kryptology has in Go, but refactored to be more Rustic and generate signatures in the correct way we want.
It can be used in a preprocessing 2-round FROST scheme, although I haven't specifically designed any of the APIs for this use-case.
- This has not been audited in any way, use at your own risk.
- For technical reasons, we only support up to 254 parties at once.
to print out group debugging information when doing signing operatioins