Toy OS for i686 arch
make # builds .iso and runs qemu
make clean build # builds .iso
make clean build run_debug # builds .iso and runs qemu with gdb stub
- Multiboot 2 compliant
- Graphics mode (VESA)
- Flat memory model
- Should support graphics mode and linear framebuffer
objdump -D kernel.o -M intel
objdump -s kernel.o -M intel
readelf -W -s kernel.o // -W tells not to truncate names
g++ -O0
g++ -S -masm=intel -o kernel.asm
- QEMU framebuffer address 0xFD000000 (
- Writing to a USB flash drive
sudo dd if=myos.iso of=/dev/sdx && sync
- documentation for
- Change #define to const where appropriate