J.A.P. (Just Another Printer) is a tiny firmware for DIY DLP and LCD 3D-printer. Designed to work on Arduino Uno + CNC shild hardware and Creation Workshop software.
- Z-axis smooth movement
- Z-axis manual control buttons
- Z motor manual on/off button
- Cooler control
- Servo control
List of Supported G-Codes
- Motion: G1
- Pause: G4
- Motor on/off: M17, M18
- Cooler on/off: M7(M245), M9(M246)
- Servo control: M3 Sxxx
- UV LED on/off: M107/M106
CNC shild v.3 pinout for DLP:
CNC shild v.3 pinout for LCD:
- #define STP_PER_MM - number of steps per millimeter for your Z-axis
- #define ACCEL_STP - acceleration in steps per second per second
- #define ZBUTTON_STEP - minimum number of steps when Z-axis control button is pressed