BART is Bay Area Rapid Transit. This webste is to implement the Bart, a mashup that allows users to visualize routes on a Google Map and also click stations to see when the next trains depart. This is projetc2 of Harvard summer class cs-75: buiding dynamic websites.
What can it do?
- user can visualize all routes of BART on Google Maps
- user can visualize all stations of a specific route
- user can see all next train departure time of a specific station by clicking the pushpin icon
- route and station infomation that doesn't change are cached locally (MySQL database) for later queries to reduce loading time
- route and station information that changes (eg.departure time) is acquired from BART API
Tools used in this project:
- CSS/Bootstrap
- MySQL/phpMyAdmin
- Javascript/JQuery/Ajax
- BART API/Google Map Javascript API
Try it out here: BART