PyVerDetector is a Chrome extension for Stack Overflow that detects whether a given code snippet can be interpreted with the selected Python version.
In order to build PyVerDetector, flex, bison version 3.0 or higher and emscripten are required as dependencies.
Note that these are build-time dependencies only, and are not required for the extension to run.
In addition, to run the version checker locally, decoupled from the extension, a compiler like gcc
or clang
is also required.
Additionally, on macOS, the default bison version is too old and must be upgraded, and GNU sed is required instead of the BSD one. These two tools must be in PATH instead of their default counterpart.
To build the extension, run make
from the project root. This will generate additional files in the unpacked/
folder and finalize the extension code.
This will generate also a standalone version checked in the folder backend/build
called pyverdetector
that can be run as pyverdetector <file to detect>
This project is inspired by the research work of Malloy and Power in MalloyPower/python-compliance