Single Transferable Vote web application
An email sending, AD authed, very much over-engineered STV system that Liam made because he could!
All public and template files are included in the executable/container so no need for copying files over.
Use the command make
in order to make the executable file for your system.
If you need to change the OS or Architecture of the executable for another system then use,
e.g. GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make
, change the GOOS and GOARCH as needed for your desired system.
For docker there is a docker file so use this command to make the container
docker run -p 6691:6691 --name ystv-stv-web -v <location of db folder>:/db -v <location of toml folder>:/toml --restart=always ystv-stv-web:latest
The DB folder can be left empty as there will be a db file created, for the TOML folder then use the example config.toml for reference.