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This library allows implementing charts into mobile apps


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Mobile Analytics Chart

PlatformCocoaPods compatibleSPM compatibleLicense: MIT


Animation redrawing

Animation redrawing



Loading state

Loading state

An intermediate value

An intermediate value


  • Multiple chart
  • Dragging and panning
  • Single point display
  • Animation redrawing
  • Customization
  • Dark Theme

Chart configuration

  • Quantity and currency units
  • Linear, quadratic and horizontalQuadratic path type
  • Gradient

Render configuration

  • Customize range label, XAxis, YAxis, zero line, definition view
  • Toggle gesture (Swipe, pinch and handle)
  • Setup redraw animation duration
  • Configure insets and margins

Calculator configuration

  • Setup minimum and maximum like custom value or these values will be recalculated automatically
  • Customize automatically recalculated line width


Link to Changelog

Connecting dependencies

Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "")
targets: [
    name: "MyProject",
    dependencies: [..., "MobileAnalyticsChartSwift"]


  1. Install CocoaPods
gem install cocoapods
  1. Create file Podfile\

CocoaPods provides pod init command to create a Podfile with default settings.

  1. Add dependencie in Podfile.
    Example Podfilefrom demo-app.
source ''
platform :ios, '11.0'

target 'Your Target Name' do
pod 'MobileAnalyticsChartSwift',
  :git => '',
  :tag => 'tag'

Your Target Name - the target name in Xcode for your application.
tag - SDK version. The current version can be found on github in the releases.

  1. Run the command pod install


Carthage is not currently supported.

Fast integration

  1. Create AnalyticsChartSpriteKitModuleInputData.

To work with MobileAnalyticsChartSwift entities, import the dependencies into the source file

import MobileAnalyticsChartSwift

An example of creating a AnalyticsChartSpriteKitModuleInputData:

// Creating a fade animation configuration
let fadeAnimation = ChartFadeAnimation(
  fadeOutColor: UIColor(white: 219 / 255, alpha: 1),
  fadeInColor: UIColor(white: 236 / 255, alpha: 1),
  startDuration: 0.2,
  fadeOutDuration: 0.6,
  fadeInDuration: 0.6

// Creating date formatters
let dmmmyyyyDateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dmmmyyyyDateFormatter.dateFormat = "d MMM yyyy"
let dmmmDateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dmmmDateFormatter.dateFormat = "d MMM"

// Creating a chart data
let calendar = Calendar.current
let dates = (0 ..< 6).compactMap { DateComponents(day: $0), to: Date())
let values: [CGFloat] = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]
let chartData = ChartData(
  values: values,
  dates: dates
let path = ChartPath(
  type: .horizontalQuadratic,
  color: UIColor(red: 51 / 255, green: 102 / 255, blue: 1, alpha: 1),
  minWidth: 1.0,
  maxWidth: 5.0,
  fadeAnimation: fadeAnimation
let chartRenderConfiguration = ChartRenderConfiguration(
  unit: .quantity,
  path: path,
  gradient: nil
let analyticsChartSpriteKitViewModel = AnalyticsChartSpriteKitViewModel(
  data: chartData,
  configuration: chartRenderConfiguration

// Creating a range label configuration
let rangeLabel = ChartRangeLabel(
  color: UIColor(white: 102 / 255, alpha: 1),
  font: .systemFont(ofSize: 13, weight: .regular),
  dateFormatter: dmmmyyyyDateFormatter,
  insets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 16, left: 0, bottom: 16, right: 0)

// Creating a xAxis configuration
let xAxis = ChartXAxis(
  labelColor: UIColor(white: 179 / 255, alpha: 1),
  labelFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 11, weight: .regular),
  dateFormatter: dmmmDateFormatter,
  insets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 8, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0),
  margins: UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 16, bottom: 0, right: 16),
  zoomFactorLabels: 1.5

// Creating a yAxis configuration
let yAxis = ChartYAxis(
  labelColor: UIColor(white: 179 / 255, alpha: 1),
  labelFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 11, weight: .regular),
  labelInsets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 8, left: 16, bottom: 8, right: 0),
  lineColor: UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.12),
  lineWidth: 1

// Creating a zero line
let zeroLine = ChartZeroLine(
    color: UIColor(white: 236 / 255, alpha: 1),
    width: 1

// Creating a gesture state configuration
let gestureState = ChartGestureState(
  swipeIsActive: true,
  pinchIsActive: true,
  handleIsActive: true

// Creating a animation configuration
let animation = ChartAnimation(
  redrawDuration: 0.2

// Creating a definition configuration
let definitionView = ChartDefinitionView(
  backgroundColor: UIColor(red: 0.043, green: 0.09, blue: 0.204, alpha: 1),
  valueLabelFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 13),
  valueLabelColor: UIColor(white: 0.95, alpha: 1.0),
  dateLabelFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 11),
  dateLabelColor: UIColor(white: 0.7, alpha: 1.0),
  dateFormatter: dmmmyyyyDateFormatter
let definition = ChartDefinition(
  line: ChartDefinitionLine(color: UIColor(white: 236 / 255, alpha: 1), width: 1),
  point: ChartDefinitionPoint(minRadius: 4, maxRadius: 8),
  view: definitionView,
  fadeAnimation: fadeAnimation

// Creating a chart sprite kit module input data
let chartViewModel = AnalyticsChartSpriteKitModuleInputData(
  viewModels: [analyticsChartSpriteKitViewModel],
  renderConfiguration: RenderConfiguration(
    rangeLabel: rangeLabel,
    xAxis: xAxis,
    yAxis: yAxis,
    zeroLine: zeroLine,
    gestureState: gestureState,
    animation: animation,
    definition: definition,
    backgroundColor: UIColor(white: 247 / 255, alpha: 1),
    chartInsets: .zero,
    chartMargins: UIEdgeInsets(top: 64, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0),
    fadeInDuration: 0.3,
    fadeOutDuration: 0.3
  calculatorConfiguration: CalculatorConfiguration(
    minStaticValue: nil,
    maxStaticValue: nil
  1. Create ChartView and AnalyticsChartSpriteKitModuleInput using AnalyticsChartSpriteKitAssembly.

An example of creating:

let (chartView, moduleInput) = AnalyticsChartSpriteKitAssembly.makeModule(
  inputData: chartViewModel
  1. ChartView is a UIView and you can use it wherever you want.
  2. With AnalyticsChartSpriteKitModuleInput you can set charts, set visibility range and enable or disable charts loading state.

Run Example

To run the Example application, you need to:

  1. Make a git clone of the repository.
git clone
  1. Go to the project folder in the console and execute the following commands:
gem install bundler
pod install
  1. Open MobileAnalyticsChartSwift.xcworkspace.
  2. Select and run a scheme MobileAnalyticsChartSwiftExamplePods.


Mobile Analytics Chart Swift available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.