Summon/adventure multiple adventures at once!
Deploy instructions:
npm i
cp .env.template .env
# Edit .env
npm run compile
npm run test
# !!! Edit scripts/deploy.ts file to choose which class IDs you want !!! The default is one of each class.
# Test the deploy tx
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts
# Actually deploy
npx hardhat run --network fantom scripts/deploy.ts
once deployed make sure to copy the created contract address in .env
Afterwards navigate to your deployed contract on ftmscan and use adventureAll() to adventure your entire party!
You can run party using npm run run-party
You can display adventurers stats using npm run display-status
you can schedule parties to run on predefined schedule using nohup npm run schdule-party &
The schedule is controlled using CRON
config through .env
file. By default it'll try run party
every 30min (it'll trigger transactions only when needed)