YouPrefer is a small game that I made when learning Android Development. It's a "would you rather" game in Hebrew: in each step you need to choose one of 2 options; both of them has a part of moral dilemma or such. After the selection, the you'll able to see how many users chose the different possibilities.
This is the web version of that game, which I refined a bit before making available as open-source.
as the view layer of the app;Redux
for managing the app's state;styled-components
as a CSS-in-JS solution;Firebase
as the main backend of the app;Webpack
as the main build tool for this app;Jest
as the test runner;
... and some more stuff.
I made another webapp called youprefer-admin
, for managing the questions database. It uses the
same technologies mentioned above, and firebase-admin
in order to gain admin access to the
database. Currently this app is not open-sourced, but maybe in the future?
This project is using html-webpack-plugin
generate a HTML file in build time. It also uses partials to separate some parts of the final HTML
into chunks (check the templates folder).
The splash screen is generated in the app's HTML file. It disappears when the app has been fully loaded.
This is my attempt at creating the material design ripple effect. It's implemented as an HOC
), and reponds very smoothly to mouse and touch events. Check it
Clone the repository and run the following:
$ npm install
Then, you'll need to copy the file
and fill the appropriate details.
You can leave the config for Adsense and Analytics as-is if you don't mind. Follow the instructions in the Firebase docs to retreive the details.
You'll need to set up Firebase's Realtime Database properly in order to make this app work. You can find a sample database to import here.
Running the following will start the dev server and will automatically open the webapp in your default browser:
$ npm start
Webpack Dev Server can ganarates https certs for us to use. However, we need to add them to our system's keychain. On macOS, run the following:
# Start the dev server in https mode, then abort it
$ npm run start:https
# This requires openssl to be installed
$ cp ./node_modules/.cache/webpack-dev-server/server.pem ssl
$ openssl x509 -outform der \
-in ./node_modules/.cache/webpack-dev-server/server.pem \
-out ./ssl/server.crt
# Then add it to the system's keychain
$ sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot \
-k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain \
After that, run the dev server in https mode:
$ npm run start:https
Make sure to have the Firebase CLI installed globally:
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
Then, login to the CLI and configure it to deploy to your instance (you'll only need to do this once):
$ firebase login
# Use the alias `default` when you're asked to choose one
$ firebase use --add
From now on, when you're ready to deploy, run the following:
$ npm run build
$ firebase deploy
Configure dokku on your remote server. When you're ready to push, run the following:
$ npm run build
$ git subtree push --prefix=dist dokku master
MIT © Yarden Sod-Moriah