This tool is compatible with secrets kv v1 and v2.
Export or prepend command with VAULT_ADDR and your VAULT_TOKEN
> export VAULT_ADDR=https://vaultserver:8200 > export VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat ~/.vault-token)
Search values for the substring '':
> vault-kv-search secret/
Search keys for substring '':
> vault-kv-search --search=key secret/
Search keys and values for substring '':
> vault-kv-search --search=value --search=key secret/
Search keys and values for substring starting with '':
> vault-kv-search --search=value --search=key --regex secret/ '^'
Search secret name containing substring 'sshkeys':
> vault-kv-search --search=path secret/ sshkeys
Search all mounted KV secret engines. Since this requires listing all mounts, the operator must have proper permissions to do so.
> vault-kv-search
To display the secrets, and not only the vault path, use the