# Audio Player App
Albums and Playlists for mp3 & m4a files within a nice, animated cover art navigation.
One-Click-Play from the file browser or shared link.
A pure player. No backends or other overhead...
- Animated Album view
- Genre view (! Currently Genres are stored per Album - not Song; will be fixed soon!)
- Playlist view
- Scanning & Resetting Library & Playlist editing in UI
- Editing ID3 Tags (incl. picture)
- Mobile view support
- One-Click-Play from file browser
- Play shared audiofiles directly
- mp3, m4a, ogg, wav
##Changelog 1.0.3
- fix: Genre not always shown #35
- fix: Album not rearranged on navigation show/hide #36
- fix: display issues on small (phone) screens #36
- fix: cover art on sharing screen #37
- fix: various display improvements
- fix: one-click-play #22
- fix: special characters in filenames #26
- fix: library reset does not remove playlists #30
- enhancement: fix soundbar when scrolling #25
- enhancement: add file option dropdown entry
- enhancement: use reduced soundmanager-js for one-click-play
history: https://github.com/Rello/audioplayer/releases
##Installation via App Store => Multimedia => Experimental Apps
Marcel Scherello
This is the rework of the former "MP3 Player" app which is not maintained anymore.
Thanks to Sebastian Döll for the awesome initial work