AspectAutoLog is a library for implementing automatic tracking in iOS projects, making tracking simpler and more efficient.(aka "ios auto log", "ios auto tracking". ) This library supports page display tracking and button click tracking.
- Supports Swift and Objective-C languages
- Automatic tracking of UIViewController's appearance/disappearance/returning to the foreground
- Automatic tracking of UIControl's clicks
- Automatic tracking of (UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell)'s display & hide [supports deduplication]
- Provides commonly used tracking parameters that can be directly accessed and modified via, ready to use out of the box
- Tracking parameters include an extraParams property for adding more custom parameters
- Based on runtime method swizzling
- Implemented using the aspect-oriented programming paradigm
- Step 1: Add to Podfile
pod 'AspectAutoLog'
- Step 2: Implement the AALAspectAutoLogProtocol protocol
import AspectAutoLog
public class YourCustom: NSObject, AspectAutoLogProtocol {
public static func logUIViewControllerAppear(_ viewController: UIViewController) {
// Report tracking events to your server, page appear event
public static func logUIViewControllerAppearing(whenAppEnterForeground viewController: UIViewController) {
// Report tracking events to your server, app returning to the foreground causing the page to be displayed to the user again
public static func logUIViewControllerDisAppear(_ viewController: UIViewController) {
let pageName = // Page ID
let pageChain = viewController.aal.pageNode.nodeChain(containSelf: false) // Page access chain
let appearDuration = viewController.aal.appearDurationWhenDisappear // Page display time
let extraParams = viewController.aal.extraParams // Other parameters of the page
// Then use this data to report tracking events to your server, page removal event
public static func logUIControlWillTouchUpInside(control: UIControl, inViewController viewController: UIViewController?) {
let buttonName = // Button ID
let params = control.aal.extraParams // Other parameters of the button
let page = viewController // Page where the button is located
// Then use this data to report tracking events to your server
public static func logStartDisplayViewCell(_ cell: AspectAutoLogCell,
inTableOrCollectionView view: UIScrollView,
in viewController: UIViewController?) {
let pageName = viewController? // Page ID
let pageExtraParams = viewController?.aal.extraParams // Page parameters
let containerExtraParams = view.aal.extraParams // Extra parameters for the container [UITableView/UICollectionView]
let cellClass = cell.cellClass // Class of cell
let cellName = // Custom name of the cell
let cellExtraParams = cell.extraPrams // Extra parameters of the cell
// Then use this data to log events to your server, indicating the start of cell display
public static func logEndDisplayViewCell(_ cell: AspectAutoLogCell,
inTableOrCollectionView view: UIScrollView,
in viewController: UIViewController?) {
let pageName = viewController? // Page ID
let pageExtraParams = viewController?.aal.extraParams // Page parameters
let containerExtraParams = view.aal.extraParams // Extra parameters for the container [UITableView/UICollectionView]
let cellClass = cell.cellClass // Class of cell
let cellName = // Custom name of the cell
let cellExtraParams = cell.extraPrams // Extra parameters of the cell
let cellDisplayDuration = cell.displayDuration // Duration for which the cell was displayed
// Then use this data to log events to your server, indicating the end of cell display
// .h file
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AspectAutoLog/AALAspectAutoLogProtocol.h>
@interface YourCustom : NSObject <AALAspectAutoLogProtocol>
// .m file
#import "YourCustom.h"
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@import AspectAutoLog;
@implementation YourCustom
+ (void)logUIViewControllerAppear:(UIViewController *)viewController {
// Report tracking events to your server, page appear event
+ (void)logUIViewControllerAppearingWhenAppEnterForeground:(UIViewController *)viewController {
// Report tracking events to your server, app returning to the foreground causing the page to be displayed to the user again
+ (void)logUIViewControllerDisAppear:(UIViewController *)viewController {
NSString *pageName =; // Page ID
NSArray<AALPageNode *> *pageChain = [viewController.aal_pageNode nodeChainWithContainSelf:NO]; // Page access chain
NSTimeInterval appearDuration = viewController.aal_appearDurationWhenDisappear; // Page display time
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *extraParams = viewController.aal_extraParams; // Other parameters of the page
// Then use this data to report tracking events to your server, page removal event
+ (void)logUIControlWillTouchUpInside:(UIControl *)control
inViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController {
NSString *buttonName = control.aal_name; // Button ID
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *extraParams = control.aal_extraParams; // Other parameters of the button
UIViewController *page = viewController // Page where the button is located
// Then use this data to report tracking events to your server
+ (void)logStartDisplayViewCell:(AspectAutoLogCell *)cell
inTableOrCollectionView:(UIScrollView *)view
inViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController {
NSString* pageName =; // Page ID
NSDictionary<NSString*, id>* pageExtraParams = viewController.aal_extraParams; // Page parameters
NSDictionary<NSString*, id>* containerExtraParams = view.aal_extraParams; // Extra parameters for the container [UITableView/UICollectionView]
Class cellClass = cell.cellClass; // Class of cell
NSString *cellName =; // Custom name of the cell
NSDictionary<NSString*, id>* cellExtraParams = cell.extraPrams; // Extra parameters of the cell
// Then use this data to log events to your server, indicating the start of cell display
+ (void)logEndDisplayViewCell:(AspectAutoLogCell *)cell
inTableOrCollectionView:(UIScrollView *)view
inViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController {
NSString* pageName =; // Page ID
NSDictionary<NSString*, id>* pageExtraParams = viewController.aal_extraParams; // Page parameters
NSDictionary<NSString*, id>* containerExtraParams = view.aal_extraParams; // Extra parameters for the container [UITableView/UICollectionView]
Class cellClass = cell.cellClass; // Class of cell
NSString *cellName =; // Custom name of the cell
NSDictionary<NSString*, id>* cellExtraParams = cell.extraPrams; // Extra parameters of the cell
NSTimeInterval cellDisplayDuration = cell.displayDuration; // Duration for which the cell was displayed
// Then use this data to log events to your server, indicating the end of cell display
- Step 3: Set up AALAspectAutoFrogExecutor
// NSObject+YourCustom.h
@interface NSObject (YourCustom)
// NSObject+YourCustom.m
#import "NSObject+YourCustom.h"
@import AspectAutoLog;
@implementation NSObject (YourCustom)
+ (void)load {
[AALAspectAutoLogExecutor registerWithLogger: [YourCustom class]];
class SomeViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
super.viewDidLoad() = "DemoPage" // Set the page name
self.aal.extraParams = [
"status": "hasGoNextButton"
] // Set and modify additional parameters at any time
let button = UIButton() = "DemoDetailButton" // Name the button
button.aal.extraParams = [
"gender": "male"
] // Set and modify additional parameters at any time
button.setTitle("Detail", for: .normal)
button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(handleGoNextPageButtonPressed), for: .touchUpInside)
button.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 300, height: 40)
private func handleGoNextPageButtonPressed() {
let page = UIViewController() = "DemoDetailPage"
page.aal.pageNode.prevNode = self.aal.pageNode // When navigating to a new page, set the page chain data
// Show other page
// self.navigationController?.pushViewController(page, animated: true)
// self.present(page, animated: true)
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell: UITableViewCell = ....
// Set a unique ID for the cell, which can be used to deduplicate Display/EndDisplay events, achieving more advanced and accurate tracking effects
// For example, if you are displaying a list of orders using a UITableView, where each UITableViewCell represents an order and they all have an orderId property that is unique
// You can simply set the value of aal_cellId using `cell.aal.cellId = "\(orderId)"`, making it simple and effective!
let orderId = 0
cell.aal.cellId = "\(orderId)"
return cell
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome.
AspectAutoLog is released under the MIT license.