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A utility for notifying customers about lifecycle events in the analysis and QC of sequencing data.

porch service is used to queue and process (send) notifications. The notification producer can repeatedly send to porch the same notification. porch guarantees that the repeated notifications are not kept and therefore not processed.

The consumer of the notifications is responsible for sending the message to the customer. For a fully automated system the consumer should implement the correct protocol for dealing with failed attempts to notify the customer.

If different types of notification (for example, an e-mail and a MQ message) have to be sent for the same event, it is advised either to use a separate porch pipeline for each type of notification or to include additional information about the notification protocol and format into the payload that is sent to porch.


The current version implements notifications for PacBio and ONT sequencing platform customers.


Running the scripts

To register recently QC-ed entities as tasks with porch

npg_qc_state_notification register --conf_file_path path/to/qc_state_app_config.ini

To process one porch task

npg_qc_state_notification process --conf_file_path path/to/qc_state_app_config.ini

Processing includes claiming one task, sending per-study emails and updating the status of the porch task to DONE.

The test data directory has an example of a configuration file.



Configuration requires an INI-format file with the following sections:

dbhost = <MySQL host>
dbport = <MySQL port>
dbuser = <MySQL user>
dbpassword = <MySQL password>
dbschema = <MySQL schema>

url = <Porch server http URL>
admin_token = <Porch server admin authentication token>
pipeline_token = <Porch server pipeline authentication token>

domain = <email FQDN>

The first time a new pipeline is created on a particular porch service, the following two steps are requiredL

  • Register the pipeline with porch:
 npg_ont_event_notification --verbose --colour --conf-file path/to/config.ini register

This creates a new record of the pipeline and its version in the porch database. This step requires an admin token for the porch service to be in the configuration file. The --verbose and --colour flags are optional, but help to see the progress of the script.

  • Obtain a new pipelne authentication token:
 npg_ont_event_notification --verbose --colour --conf-file path/to/config.ini token

This creates a new token and prints it to STDOUT. Once the token is obtained, it should be added to the configuration file. The token cannot be retrieved again. This token is used to authenticate with the porch service when submitting and running tasks.

Running the script

There are two parts to the notification process:

  1. Finding new ONT runs of interest and adding them to the notification pipeline as tasks.
  2. Processing the tasks and sending the notifications.

Each of these steps is typically run as a separate cron job. Adding the same task multiple times is safe, as porch will process is only once.

  • Find new ONT runs and add tasks:
<run disocvery script> | npg_ont_event_notification --verbose --colour --conf-file path/to/config.ini --log-config path/to/logging.ini add

The discovery script can be anything that writes baton format JSON to STDOUT, one JSON object per line e.g. the locate-data-objects script from . The JSON must include the metadata associated with the path it represents.

  • Process tasks:
npg_ont_event_notification --conf-file path/to/config.ini --log-config path/to/logging.ini run

This will claim up to 100 tasks from the porch service, process them and mark them as done if they are successful, or retry them if they fail. The claim size is fixed and should be sufficient to clear all tasks each time the script is run.