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$ make build-all

Docker images


  • This Docker image is used for the WAX blockchain and includes the following tools: cleos, nodeos, and keosd. It provides a complete environment for running and managing a WAX blockchain node.
  • This one image was optimized for the production.
$ docker container run -it waxteam/waxnode /bin/bash
# nodeos -h


  • The waxteam/cdt Docker image provides the environment for developing smart contracts on the WAX blockchain. It includes the Smart Contract Development Toolkit (CDT), which is a collection of tools and libraries that aid in the development of WAX smart contracts.
$ docker container run -it waxteam/cdt /bin/bash
# cdt-cpp -h


  • This Docker image combines the features of the waxteam/waxnode and waxteam/cdt images. It includes the WAX blockchain tools as well as the Smart Contract Development Toolkit.
  • Inside /tmp/wax-blockchain and /tmp/wax-cdt directories, you'll find the compiled folders for the WAX blockchain and CDT. These folders contain the compiled artifacts and resources needed for running and testing your local blockchain network and WAX smart contracts.
$ docker container run -it waxteam/waxdev /bin/bash
$ cd /tmp && ls -la
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 May 22 06:38 wax-cdt
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Apr  3 15:33 wax-blockchain


Run a wax node with waxteam/waxnode docker

To run wax-node follow this document

Compile a contract with waxteam/cdt

# cd to build project
$ cd <path>/eosio.token

# start a wax-cdt container and mount current directory as a volume in folder /opt/contracts in docker
$ docker run -it -v `pwd`:/opt/contracts --name waxteam-dev -w /opt/contracts waxteam/cdt:latest bash

# use wax-cdt inside docker to compile your project
$ cdt-cpp -I ./include -w --abigen ./src/eosio.token.cpp -o ./build/eosio.token.wasm

# you now can access the build binaries file with and without docker
$ ls -la
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4452 May 18 16:40 eosio.token.abi
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15672 May 18 16:40 eosio.token.wasm
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root    96 Jun 28  2022 include
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root    96 Jun  7  2022 ricardian
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root    96 Jul  9  2022 src

# destroy a container
$ docker container rm waxteam-dev


WAX Docker images build tools







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