Zumba Swivel is a library that allows PHP applications to manage features to multiple users via buckets. It consists with 10 buckets, allowing the same code have up to 10 different behaviors.
This package is a bridge between Laravel/Lumen and Swivel. It provides a Facade, and Entity classes to be used in your Laravel application.
If you want to make a contribution, please make sure you follow Laravel package structure.
Via Composer
$ composer require webkod3r/laravel-swivel
Rgister the new service provider in your application:
After installing the package you can copy the default configuration and replace
it with your own. In order to do that copy the file inside
into your onw project.
Calling the app IoC and making your own instance
$swivel = app()->make('swivel');
$swivel->returnValue('CoolFeature', 'Active', 'No Active');
or, using the shipped Facade
use LaravelSwivel\Facades\Swivel;
Swivel::returnValue('CoolFeature', 'Active', 'No Active');
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
$ composer test
Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please notify and open an issue.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
docker run --rm -it --volume $(pwd):/var/www/html/ php:7.4-fpm-alpine /bin/ash
docker run --rm -it --volume $(pwd):/var/www/html/ php:8.0-fpm-alpine /bin/ash