π¦ Author: Wadeed Madni
I am making this Repo as a guide for newbies who wants to stand out by having a cool github profile readme.
ββ Here I am taking my own profile as a reference and you can find some other developer's profile at the end of this repo for some creative ideas.
You can start from the heading of your profile, introducing your self
<h1 align="center">Hi π, I'm Wadeed Madni</h1>
You can use any emoji as per your prefrence
Go to https://readme-typing-svg.herokuapp.com and generate the text however you want to and copy the code after you are finished.
Made by
Jonah Lawrence
Code for 2 line animation will look somthing like this:
<h3 align="center">
<a href="https://git.io/typing-svg"><img src="https://readme-typing-svg.herokuapp.com?font=Fira+Code&pause=1000&color=F7F7F7¢er=true&multiline=true&width=435&lines=An+Aspiring+Data+Scientist;+%26+Data+Enthusiast" alt="Typing SVG" /></a>
You can have your own personalzied activity graph.
β Github's greenboxes will still be there but below the README π
![Wadeed's github activity graph](https://github-readme-activity-graph.vercel.app/graph?username=wadeedmadni&theme=react)
Just replace my username with yours and choose the theme by visiting the repo and reading the README
Made by
Ashutosh Dwivedi
It does not count the unique profile view but how many times your profile is viewed
![Profile Views](https://komarev.com/ghpvc/?username=wadeedmadni&color=blueviolet&label=Profile+Views)
Just replace my username with yours and choose the color from below by visiting the repo
Made by
Anton Komarev
You can use any valid HEX color or pick from a predefined set of named colors where blue
is the default color
Color | Demo |
brightgreen |
green |
yellow |
yellowgreen |
orange |
red |
blue |
grey |
lightgrey |
blueviolet |
ff69b4 |
You can use diffenret badges to show your skills, links etc
β You need to understand the links in order to change them.
[![Linkedin Badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/-LinkedIn-blue?style=flat&logo=Linkedin&logoColor=white&link=https://www.linkedin.com/in/wadeedmadni)](https://www.linkedin.com/in/wadeedmadni)
# In the link " https://img.shields.io/badge/-LinkedIn-blue? "
# {Linkedin} is the name of the badge and {blue} is the color of the badge.
# After the above link, in the next line " style=flat&logo=Linkedin&logoColor=white&link=https://www.linkedin.com/in/wadeedmadni "
# {style} is for the shape of badge, {logo=Linkedin} is for the shape of the logo so when you will change it, the logo will change, {logoColor} is for the color of the LOGO INSIDE the badge and {link} is for your link to which you want to redirect when clicked
β You can also use logo's HEX code to make the badge color accurate. Notice the HEX code below:
[![Instagram Badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/-Instagram-E4405F?style=flat&logo=Instagram&logoColor=white&link=https://www.instagram.com/wadeed.madni)](https://www.instagram.com/wadeed.madni)
You can visit Simple Icons, type the name of icon you are making and copy its HEX code and paste it in the link.
- https://github.com/DiptoChakrabarty
- https://github.com/kaiwalyakoparkar
- https://github.com/RemcoHalman
- https://github.com/JoykishanSharma