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Legoo: A collection of automation modules to build analytics infrastructure


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Legoo: A collection of automation modules to build analytics infrastructure

legoo is a collection of automation modules to build analytics infrastructure consists CSV, MySQL, Hive and HBase (incubating). It's written in Python and provides ease of programming, flexibility, transparency, and extensibility.

I refer CSV as plain text file with delimiters such as comma, tab, etc.

There are tools already such as MySQL LOAD INFILE, Apache Sqoop etc. Then why reinvent the wheel?

Let me start with MySQL LOAD INFILE limitations that load CSV into MySQL. First, target table must be pre defined. This would be a challenge if there were a lot of fields in CSV. For instance, we have CSV from salesforce having 200+ columns. Creating MySQL DDL with appropriate column length is frustrating to say the least; second, user need to memorize the load infile syntax with variious opitons, i.e. local, ignore lines, optionally enclosed by etc; Third, lacking of verification on CSV line count to table row count;

To transfer data between Hive and MySQL, Apache Sqoop from Cloudera is the best tool available. However, as of 4/1/2013, the performance did not meet my expectations; It crashed when there is carriage return or hive keywords (i.e. location) in MySQL source data; User can not set the Hive cluster dynamically; It can not create MySQL table dynamically when export Hive table to MySQL; Nor support CSV to Hive; only connect to Hive DB default; can not specify mapred job priority; the list goes on and on and on and on.

Out of frustration and desperation, legoo created! Overtime, more modules added, such as MySQL and Hive client, dependency handling, QA, etc.

for ease of programming, I created modules, which are wrapper scripts with python function call.

Here is the high level view of ETL architecture and modules. More details covered in Legoo modules.

diagram diagram


  • Install Python module MySQLdb.
  • Create /data/tmp to store temporary files.
  • Hive configuration
    • find path for Hive Python client and add to sys.path if different than default location: /usr/lib/hive/lib/py
    • To avoid hdfs file permission conflict especially for Hive partition tables, start thrift server HiveServer on Hive cluster using the same user as legoo user.
    • Set up SSH login without password from server legoo modules being run to Hive cluster. Typical setup: run legoo modules from command center server which reference remote MySQL servers and remote Hive cluster.

modules have been tested on Python 2.6, Python 2.7, , MySQL 5.1, Hive 0.7, and Hive 0.10. This document assumes you are using a Linux or Linux-like environment.

Unit Test

Run unit test test/ for functional testing. Sample csv census_population.csv was used to load into MySQL and Hive table. User need to supply Hive and MySQL enviroment variables under section setUp

Legoo Modules

To use legoo modules, you specify the module you want to use and the options that control the module. All modules ship with a help module. If error encountered or internal test failed, exception thrown, return_code set to 1, then control returned back to calling process. To display help with all avaialble options and sample usages, enter: module_name -h or module_name --help I will go over each of those modules briefly in turn.


csv_dump is a CSV viewer with options for --delimiter and --line_number. It maps each field value to field name defined in header; print them out vertically with line number and column number. csv_dump allows user to dig into the middle of file with --line_number option. It is extremely handy to investigate data issues in a large CSV file having tons of fields.

man page:
$ csv_dump -h
Usage: csv_dump [options]
  -h, --help                                          show this help message and exit
  -d CSV_DELIMITER, --csv_delimiter=CSV_DELIMITE      csv file delimiter, default: [tab]
  -l LINES, --lines=LINES                             number of lines to dump out, default: [2]
  -n LINE_NUMBER, --line_number=LINE_NUMBER           starting line number to dump out, default: [2]
example: pretty print for line 505 in tab delimited file: /data/tmp/dim_listing_delta.csv
$ csv_dump -d 'tab' -n 505 /data/tmp/dim_listing_delta.csv

Line number                         <<<<    [505]
[c001]  legacy_listing_id           ==>>    [987654321]
[c002]  legacy_property_id          ==>>    [123456789]
[c003]  legacy_address_hash         ==>>    [NULL]
[c004]  agent_id                    ==>>    [NULL]
[c005]  agent_name                  ==>>    [John Doe]
[c006]  agent_email                 ==>>    [[email protected]]
[c007]  agent_alternate_email       ==>>    [NULL]
[c008]  agent_phone                 ==>>    [435-123-4567]
[c010]  feed_id                     ==>>    [3799]
[c011]  broker_id                   ==>>    [NULL]
[c012]  broker_name                 ==>>    [D&B Real Estate Cedar City]
[c013]  status                      ==>>    [For Sale]
[c014]  mls_id                      ==>>    [41773]
[c015]  mls_name                    ==>>    [Online Office]
[c016]  listing_price               ==>>    [1800]
[c017]  start_date_key              ==>>    [20110826]
[c018]  end_date_key                ==>>    [99999999]
[c019]  md5_checksum                ==>>    [e9182549fb921ce935acd2d80a1f7a7d]
[c020]  hive_date_key               ==>>    [20130530]
... [more columns here] ...


csv_to_mysql load CSV to target MySQL table with options --mysql_create_table, --mysql_truncate_table, --csv_delimiter, --csv_header, --csv_optionally_enclosed_by etc. when --mysql_create_table set to 'Y', DDL generated from CSV header, column length calculated by scanning the file, and finally run the DDL on target MySQL server to create table. Non zero RC returned and exception raised for errors like CSV count not match table count

man page:
$ csv_to_mysql -h
Usage: csv_to_mysql [options] sample.csv

  -h, --help                                    show this help message and exit
  --mysql_ini=MYSQL_INI                         mysql initial file for user, password and default db,default: [mysql.ini]
  --mysql_host=MYSQL_HOST                       target mysql host. default: [bidbs]
  --mysql_user=MYSQL_USER                       OPTIONAL: mysql user, if not specified, get user from mysql_ini
  --mysql_password=MYSQL_PASSWORD               OPTIONAL: mysql password, if not specified, get password from mysql_ini
  --mysql_db=MYSQL_DB                           target mysql database. default: [bi_staging]
  --mysql_table=MYSQL_TABLE                     target mysql table name
  --mysql_create_table=MYSQL_CREATE_TABLE       mysql create table flag [Y|N]. default: [N]
  --mysql_truncate_table=MYSQL_TRUNCATE_TABLE   mysql truncate table flag [Y|N]. default: [N]
  --csv_delimiter=CSV_DELIMITER                 delimiter for csv file. default: [tab]
  --csv_header=CSV_HEADER                       header flag for csv file. default: [Y]
  --csv_optionally_enclosed_by                  csv_optionally enclosed_by for csv file
  --max_rows=MAX_ROWS                           number of rows in csv file scanned to find column length
  -q --quiet --silent                           OPTIONAL: suppress messages to stdout. default: [N]
  -d --debug                                    OPTIONAL: debug flag [Y|N], default: [N]
example: generate MySQL DDL from CSV header, create table based on DDL, then load data. note: omitted options take on default value. there are ~250 fields in CSV. Imagine creating DDL yourself.
$ csv_to_mysql --mysql_create_table='y' --mysql_table='tmp_opp' test/opportunity2.csv
[INFO] [test/opportunity2.csv] line count ==>> [999] lines
[INFO] running mysql query on [bidbs]:[bi_staging] ==>> [CREATE TABLE tmp_opp (
AccountId                                         VARCHAR(18),
Accounting_Approval__c                            VARCHAR(0),
Ad_History__c                                     VARCHAR(53),
Ad_Server__c                                      VARCHAR(0),
Agent_Contract_Length__c                          VARCHAR(6),
Agent_Name_formula__c                             VARCHAR(37),
Agent_Opportunity_Ranking__c                      VARCHAR(0),
AGENT_PHI_Score__c                                VARCHAR(6),
Agent_Phone__c                                    VARCHAR(25),
AGENT_primary_target_Id_c__c                      VARCHAR(5),
Agent_Product_Type__c                             VARCHAR(4),
Agent_Referral__c                                 VARCHAR(0),
AGENT_target_Id_csv_c__c                          VARCHAR(0),
AGENT_Target_Locations__c                         VARCHAR(1641),
Agent_ZiP__c                                      VARCHAR(0),
Allocation_Type__c                                VARCHAR(11),
AM_Notes__c                                       VARCHAR(0),
AM_Urgency__c                                     VARCHAR(0),
Amount                                            VARCHAR(9),
...  [250 columns here] ...
ZSO_Type__c                                       VARCHAR(15)
[INFO] running mysql query on [bidbs]:[bi_staging] ==>> [LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'test/opportunity2.csv'
  INTO TABLE tmp_opp
[INFO] running mysql query on [bidbs]:[bi_staging] ==>> [select count(*) from bi_staging.tmp_opp;]
[INFO] mysql table [bidbs]:[bi_staging].[tmp_opp] row count ==>> [999]
[INFO] file [test/opportunity2.csv] successfully loaded to mysql table [bidbs]:[bi_staging].[tmp_opp]


csv_to_hive load CSV into remote Hive cluster. When option --hive_create_table set to 'Y', DDL generated from CSV header to create Hive table.

man page:
$ csv_to_hive -h
Usage: csv_to_hive [options]

  -h, --help                                 show this help message and exit
  --hive_node=HIVE_NODE                      OPTIONAL: target hive node. default: [namenode1]
  --hive_port=HIVE_PORT                      OPTIONAL: target hive port number. default: 10000
  --hive_db=HIVE_DB                          OPTIONAL: target hive db. default: [staging]
  --hive_table=HIVE_TABLE                    OPTIONAL: hive table name. default: created from csv file name
  --hive_partition=HIVE_PARTITION            partition name i.e. date_int=20130428
  --hive_create_table=HIVE_CREATE_TABLE      OPTIONAL: CREATE_TABLE flag for hive table DDL. default: [Y]
  --hive_overwrite=HIVE_OVERWRITE            OPTIONAL: OVERWRITE flag for hive table loading.default: [Y]
  --csv_header=CSV_HEADER                    OPTIONAL: csv_header flag csv file default: [Y]
  --remove_carriage_return                   OPTIONAL: remove carriage return from mysql source table. default: [N]
  --csv_delimiter=CSV_DELIMITER              delimiter for csv file, default: [tab]
  -q --quiet --silent                        OPTIONAL: suppress messages to stdout. default: [N]
  -d --debug                                 OPTIONAL: debug flag [Y|N], default: [N]
example: generate Hive DDL from CSV header, create table based on DDL, then load data to table in staging db on Hive cluster . note: omitted options take on default value. For CSV haveing ~250 fields, imagine creating MySQL DDL yourself.
$ csv_to_hive --hive_create_table='Y' --hive_table='tmp_opp' test/opportunity2.csv
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[staging] ==>> [DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_opportunity2]
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[staging] ==>> [CREATE TABLE tmp_opportunity2 (
AccountId                                     string,
Accounting_Approval__c                        string,
Ad_History__c                                 string,
Ad_Server__c                                  string,
Agent_Contract_Length__c                      string,
Agent_Name_formula__c                         string,
Agent_Opportunity_Ranking__c                  string,
AGENT_PHI_Score__c                            string,
Agent_Phone__c                                string,
AGENT_primary_target_Id_c__c                  string,
Agent_Product_Type__c                         string,
Agent_Referral__c                             string,
AGENT_target_Id_csv_c__c                      string,
AGENT_Target_Locations__c                     string,
Agent_ZiP__c                                  string,
Allocation_Type__c                            string,
AM_Notes__c                                   string,
AM_Urgency__c                                 string,
Amount                                        string,
... [ 250 columns here ] ...
ZSO_Type__c                                   string
[INFO] running hdfs clean up ==>> [ssh namenode1 '. .bash_profile; hadoop fs -rm /tmp/tmp_opportunity2 2>/dev/null']
[INFO] running csv upload to hdfs ==>> [tail -n +2 test/opportunity2.csv | ssh namenode1 'hadoop fs -put - /tmp/tmp_opportunity2']
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[staging] ==>> [load data inpath '/tmp/tmp_opportunity2' overwrite into table tmp_opportunity2]
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[staging] ==>> [SELECT count(*) from tmp_opportunity2]
[INFO] [tmp_opportunity2] row count ==>> [999] rows
[INFO] [test/opportunity2.csv] line count ==>> [999] lines
[INFO] file [test/opportunity2.csv] successfully loaded to hive table [namenode1]:[staging].[tmp_opportunity2]
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[staging] ==>> [ALTER TABLE tmp_opportunity2 RENAME TO tmp_opp]
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[staging] ==>> [DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_opportunity2]
[INFO] hive table [namenode1]:[staging].[tmp_opp]  successfully built


mysql_to_hive transfer data from MySQL table or query result to Hive table with options: --mysql_quick, --mysql_table, --mysql_query, --hive_db, --hive_create_table, --hive_overwrite, --hive_table, --hive_partition, --remove_carriage_return etc. When --hive_create_table set to 'Y', Hive table created based on MySQL DDL. For large data transfer with millions rows, set option --mysql_quick to 'Y' to avoid buffering on MySQL server. option --hive_partition allows user to transfer data directly to Hive partition. --remove_carriage_return removes carriage return from the MySQL source. For column name key word clashes, column name postfix with _new automatically. Non zero RC returned and exception raised if validation failed such as row count not match from MySQL to Hive.

man page:
$ mysql_to_hive -h
Usage: mysql_to_hive [options]

  -h, --help                                        show this help message and exit
  --mysql_ini=MYSQL_INI                             mysql initial file for user, password and default db, default: [mysql.ini]
  --mysql_host=MYSQL_HOST                           mysql host for source data, default: [bidbs]
  --mysql_db=MYSQL_DB         	       	      	    mysql database for source data, default: [bi]
  --mysql_user=MYSQL_USER                           OPTIONAL: mysql user, if not specified, get user from mysql_ini
  --mysql_password=MYSQL_PASSWORD                   OPTIONAL: mysql password, if not specified, get password from mysql_ini
  --mysql_quick=MYSQL_QUICK                         OPTIONAL: --quick option for mysql client, default:[N]
  --mysql_table=MYSQL_TABLE                         mysql table to be exported
  --mysql_query=MYSQL_QUERY                         query results to be exported
  --hive_node=HIVE_NODE                             OPTIONAL: target hive node. default: [namenode1]
  --hive_port=HIVE_PORT                             OPTIONAL: target hive port. default: 10000
  --hive_db=HIVE_DB                                 OPTIONAL: target hive db. default: [staging]
  --hive_ddl=HIVE_DDL                               OPTIONAL: hive DDL for target hive table. default created from source mysql table
  --hive_create_table=HIVE_CREATE_TABLE             OPTIONAL: CREATE_TABLE flag for hive table DDL. default: [N]
  --hive_overwrite=HIVE_OVERWRITE                   OPTIONAL: OVERWRITE flag for hive table loading. default: [Y]
  --hive_table=HIVE_TABLE                           OPTIONAL: hive table name. default: created from csv file name
  --hive_partition=HIVE_PARTITION                   partition name i.e. date_int=20130428
  --remove_carriage_return=REMOVE_CARRIAGE_RETURN   OPTIONAL: remove carriage return from mysql source table. default: [N]
  -q --quiet --silent                               OPTIONAL: suppress messages to stdout. default: [N]
  -d --debug                                        OPTIONAL: debug flag [Y|N], default: [N]
example: transfer query results from MySQL to Hive table email_archive.fe_emailrecord_archive partition (date_key=20130710) on Hive cluster. remove carriage return from the source data before transfer.
$ mysql_to_hive --mysql_host='maildb-slave' --mysql_db='Email' --mysql_table='FE_EmailRecord' --mysql_query="select f.* from Email.FE_EmailRecord f where time_stamp > '2013-05-01' and time_stamp < '2013-05-02'" --hive_table='fe_emailrecord_archive' --hive_db='email_archive'  --remove_carriage_return='Y' --hive_partition="date_key=20130710"
[INFO]  [mysql_to_csv][2013-11-18 10:06:08,580]:Running mysql export to csv ==>> [mysql -hmaildb-slave -uroot  Email  -e "select f.* from Email.FE_EmailRecord f where time_stamp > '2013-11-17' and time_stamp <= '2013-11-18'" > /data/tmp//FE_EmailRecord.csv]
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[email_archive] ==>> [desc fe_emailrecord_archive]
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[email_archive] ==>> [DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_FE_EmailRecord]
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[email_archive] ==>> [CREATE TABLE tmp_FE_EmailRecord (
id                string,
email_type_id     string,
user_id_from      string,
user_id_to        string,
email_from        string,
email_to          string,
user_message      string,
user_copied       string,
create_date       string,
frequency         string,
account_source    string,
emailSource       string,
guid              string,
payload_id        string,
time_stamp        string
[INFO] remove special chracter \ with # ==>> [tr -d '\r'  < /data/tmp/FE_EmailRecord.csv > /data/tmp/FE_EmailRecord.csv2]
[INFO] running hdfs clean up ==>> [ssh namenode1 '. .bash_profile; hadoop fs -rm /tmp/tmp_FE_EmailRecord 2>/dev/null']
[INFO] running csv upload to hdfs ==>> [tail -n +2 /data/tmp/FE_EmailRecord.csv2 | ssh namenode1 'hadoop fs -put - /tmp/tmp_FE_EmailRecord']
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[email_archive] ==>> [load data inpath '/tmp/tmp_FE_EmailRecord' overwrite into table tmp_FE_EmailRecord]
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[email_archive] ==>> [SELECT count(*) from tmp_FE_EmailRecord]
[INFO] [tmp_FE_EmailRecord] row count ==>> [3735742] rows
[INFO] [/data/tmp/FE_EmailRecord.csv2] line count ==>> [3735742] lines
[INFO] file [/data/tmp/FE_EmailRecord.csv2] successfully loaded to hive table [namenode1]:[email_archive].[tmp_FE_EmailRecord].
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[email_archive] ==>> [ALTER TABLE fe_emailrecord_archive DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (date_key=20130710)]
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[email_archive] ==>> [ALTER TABLE fe_emailrecord_archive ADD PARTITION (date_key=20130710)]
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[email_archive] ==>> [INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE fe_emailrecord_archive partition (date_key=20130710) select * from tmp_FE_EmailRecord]
[INFO] running hive query on [namenode1]:[email_archive] ==>> [DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_FE_EmailRecord]
[INFO] hive table [namenode1]:[email_archive].[fe_emailrecord_archive] PARTITION (date_key=20130710) successfully built
[INFO] file [/data/tmp/FE_EmailRecord.csv] removed
[INFO] file [/data/tmp/FE_EmailRecord.csv2] removed


hive_to_mysql transfer data from Hive table or Hive query result to MySQL table. When --mysql_create_table set to 'Y', MySQL table created based on Hive table DDL. option --mysql_truncate_table allows user to truncate MySQL table first before loading. Non zero RC returned and exception raised if validation failed such as row count not match from MySQL to Hive.

man page
$ hive_to_mysql -h
Usage: hive_to_mysql [options]

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  --hive_node=HIVE_NODE                 source hive node. default: [namenode1]
  --hive_db=HIVE_DB                     source hive database. default: [staging]
  --hive_table=HIVE_TABLE               source hive table name
  --hive_query=HIVE_QUERY               Free form query results to be exported
  --debug=DEBUG                         set the debug flag [Y|N], default: [N]
  --mysql_ini=MYSQL_INI                 mysql initial file for user, password and default db, default: [mysql.ini]
  --mysql_host=MYSQL_HOST               target mysql host, default: [bidbs]
  --mysql_user=MYSQL_USER               OPTIONAL: mysql user, if not specified, get user from mysql_ini
  --mysql_password=MYSQL_PASSWORD       OPTIONAL: mysql password, if not specified, get password from mysql_ini
  --mysql_db=MYSQL_DB                   target mysql database, default: [bi_staging]
  --mysql_table=MYSQL_TABLE             target mysql table name
  --mysql_create_table                  mysql create table flag [Y|N], default: [N]
  --mysql_truncate_table                mysql truncate table flag [Y|N], default: [N]
  --csv_optionally_enclosed_by          optionally enclosed_by for csv file
  --max_rows=MAX_ROWS                   number of rows scanned to create mysql ddl
  -q --quiet --silent                   OPTIONAL: suppress messages to stdout. default: [N]
  -d --debug                            OPTIONAL: debug flag [Y|N], default: [N]
example: truncate mysql table first then export data from hive table to mysql table
$ hive_to_mysql --hive_table='tmp_fpv' --mysql_table='tmp_fpv' --mysql_truncate_table='Y'
[INFO] running hive export ...
[ssh namenode1 hive -e "use staging; set hive.cli.print.header=true; select * from staging.tmp_fpv;" > /data/tmp/tmp_fpv.csv]

Hive history file=/tmp/dataproc/hive_job_log_dataproc_201307111627_1487785603.txt
Time taken: 1.616 seconds
Time taken: 3.42 seconds
[INFO] hive table namenode1:("use staging; set hive.cli.print.header=true; select * from staging.tmp_fpv;") exported to /data/tmp/tmp_fpv.csv ...
[INFO] [/data/tmp/tmp_fpv.csv] line count ==>> [689364] lines
[INFO] running mysql query on [bidbs]:[bi_staging] ==>> [TRUNCATE TABLE bi_staging.tmp_fpv]
[INFO] running mysql query on [bidbs]:[bi_staging] ==>> [LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/data/tmp/tmp_fpv.csv'
  INTO TABLE tmp_fpv
[INFO] running mysql query on [bidbs]:[bi_staging] ==>> [select count(*) from bi_staging.tmp_fpv;]
[INFO] mysql table [bidbs]:[bi_staging].[tmp_fpv] row count ==>> [689364]
[INFO] file [/data/tmp/tmp_fpv.csv] successfully loaded to mysql table [bidbs]:[bi_staging].[tmp_fpv]
[INFO] file [/data/tmp/tmp_fpv.csv] removed


mysql_to_csv export MySQL table or MySQL query result to TSV.

man page:
$ mysql_to_csv -h
Usage: mysql_to_csv [options]

  -h, --help                           show this help message and exit
  --mysql_ini=MYSQL_INI                mysql initial file for user, password and default db, default: [mysql.ini]
  --mysql_host=MYSQL_HOST              mysql host for source data, default: [bidbs]
  --mysql_db=MYSQL_DB                  mysql database for source data, default: [bi]
  --mysql_user=MYSQL_USER              OPTIONAL: mysql user, if not specified, get user from mysql_ini
  --mysql_password=MYSQL_PASSWORD      OPTIONAL: mysql password, if not specified, get password from mysql_ini
  --mysql_quick=MYSQL_QUICK            mysql quick for large volume data
  --mysql_table=MYSQL_TABLE            mysql table to be exported
  --mysql_query=MYSQL_QUERY            query results to be exported
  --csv_dir=CSV_DIR                    dir for csv file to be exported, default: [/data/tmp]
  --csv_file=CSV_FILE                  the csv file to be exported, default: [table_name.csv]
  -q --quiet --silent                  OPTIONAL: suppress messages to stdout. default: [N]
  -d --debug                           OPTIONAL: debug flag [Y|N], default: [N]
example: export MySQL query result to TSV
mysql_to_csv --mysql_host='bidbs' --mysql_db='salesforce' --mysql_table='opportunity' --mysql_quick='Y' --mysql_query='select * from opportunity limit 10000' --csv_dir='/data/tmp'
example: export MySQL table to TSV
mysql_to_csv --mysql_host='bidbs' --mysql_db='bi' --mysql_table='dim_time' --csv_dir='/data/tmp'


hive_to_csv export Hive table or Hive query result to TSV.

man page:
$ hive_to_csv -h
Usage: hive_to_csv [options]

  -h, --help                      show this help message and exit
  --hive_node=HIVE_NODE           source hive node. default: [namenode1]
  --hive_db=HIVE_DB               source hive database. default: [staging]
  --hive_table=HIVE_TABLE         source hive table name
  --hive_query=HIVE_QUERY         Free form query results to be exported
  --csv_dir=CSV_DIR               dir for tsv
  --csv_file=CSV_FILE             export hive [table | query results] to tsv
  -q --quiet --silent             OPTIONAL: suppress messages to stdout. default: [N]
  -d --debug                      OPTIONAL: debug flag [Y|N], default: [N]
example: export Hive query result to TSV: /data/tmp/dim_time.csv
hive_to_csv --hive_node='namenode1' --hive_db='bi' --hive_table='dim_time' --hive_query='select * from dim_time limit 1000' --csv_dir='/data/tmp/'
example: export Hive table to TSV: /data/tmp/dim_time2.csv
hive_to_csv --hive_node='namenode1' --hive_db='bi' --hive_table='dim_time' --csv_dir='/tmp/' --csv_file='dim_time2.csv'


execute_mysql_query run mysql query on remote MySQL server and return the results.

man page:
$ execute_mysql_query -h
Usage: execute_mysql_query [options]

  -h, --help                           show this help message and exit
  --mysql_host                         mysql host. default: [namehost1]
  --mysql_db                           mysql db. default: [staging]
  --mysql_user                         mysql user, if not specified, get user from mysql_ini
  --mysql_password                     mysql password, if not specified, get password from mysql_ini
  --mysql_query=MYSQL_QUERY            mysql query
  --row_count=ROW_COUNT                OPTIONAL: row_count default: [N]
  -q --quiet --silent                  OPTIONAL: suppress messages to stdout. default: [N]
  -d --debug                           OPTIONAL: debug flag [Y|N], default: [N]
example: describe table [tmp_visit] on [bidbs].[bi_staging]
execute_mysql_query --mysql_host='bidbs' --mysql_db='bi_staging' --mysql_user='root' --mysql_query='desc  tmp_visit'
INFO      :[legoo][execute_mysql_query][2013-10-29 10:51:42,850]:running mysql query on [bidbs]:[bi_staging] ==>> [desc  tmp_visit]

(('date_key', 'varchar(8)', 'YES', 'MUL', None, ''),
 ('email_type_id', 'int(11)', 'NO', '', '0', ''),
 ('visit_www', 'decimal(33,0)', 'YES', '', None, ''),
 ('visit_mobile', 'decimal(33,0)', 'YES', '', None, ''),
 ('visit_total', 'decimal(33,0)', 'YES', '', None, ''))
example: run table count [select count(*) from tmp_visit] on [bidbs].[bi_staging] and return tuple (rows_affected, number_of_rows)
execute_mysql_query --mysql_host='bidbs' --mysql_db='bi_staging' --mysql_user='root' --mysql_query='select count(*) from tmp_visit' --row_count='Y'
INFO      :[legoo][execute_mysql_query][2013-10-29 10:55:00,346]:running mysql query on [bidbs]:[bi_staging] ==>> [select count(*) from  tmp_visit]
example: drop table [tmp_visit] on [bidbs].[bi_staging]
execute_mysql_query --mysql_host='bidbs' --mysql_db='bi_staging' --mysql_user='root' --mysql_query='drop table if exists tmp_visit'


execute_hive_query run hive query on remote Hive server and return the results.

man page:
$ execute_hive_query -h
Usage: execute_hive_query [options]

  -h, --help                           show this help message and exit
  --hive_node                          hive node. default: [namenode2s]
  --hive_port                          hive port number. default: 10000
  --hive_db                            hive db. default: [staging]
  --hive_query                         hive query
  --mapred_job_priority                OPTIONAL: map reduce job priority [VERY_HIGH, HIGH, NORMAL, LOW, VERY_LOW]. default: [NORMAL]
  -q --quiet --silent                  OPTIONAL: suppress messages to stdout. default: [N]
  -d --debug                           OPTIONAL: debug flag [Y|N], default: [N]
example: describe hive table [top50_ip] on [namenode2s]:[staging]:
execute_hive_query --hive_node='namenode2s' --hive_db='staging' --hive_query='desc top50_ip'
INFO:[legoo][execute_remote_hive_query][2013-10-29 11:35:02,448]:running hive query on [namenode2s]:[staging] ==>> [desc top50_ip]

date_key		string	
hour		    string	
site		    string	
ip_addr		    string	
domain_info		string	
url_part		string	
cnt_over_2500	string	
example: sample hive table [top50_ip] on [namenode2s]:[staging]:
execute_hive_query --hive_node='namenode2s' --hive_db='staging' --hive_query='select * from top50_ip limit 10'
INFO      :[legoo][execute_remote_hive_query][2013-10-29 11:35:31,117]:running hive query on [namenode2s]:[staging] ==>> [select * from top50_ip limit 10]

20131029	4	api	-	unable to determine	NULL	5712
20131029	5	api	-	unable to determine	NULL	5750
20131029	6	api	-	unable to determine	NULL	5709
20131029	7	api	-	unable to determine	NULL	5748
20131029	8	api	-	unable to determine	NULL	5726
20131029	8	api	tma	2516
20131029	4	www	NetRange: -	blog	3839
20131029	5	www	NetRange: -	blog	3150
20131029	6	www	NetRange: -	blog	3819
20131029	7	www	NetRange: -	blog	3808


wait_for_file check if file exists and modified time after mtime_after. if not, retry based on sleep_interval, num_retry, stop_at

man page:
$ ./wait_for_file -h
  check if file exists and mtime after [mtime_after].
  if not, retry based on [sleep_interval], [num_retry], [stop_at]
  wait_for_file -s 10 -a '2013-10-10 13:44' -n 20 -f test.txt -m '2013-10-10 13:51'

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s --sleep_interval   OPTIONAL: sleep for approximately s seconds between iterations. default: [60]
  -n --num_retry        OPTIONAL: number of retry
  -m --mtime_after      OPTIONAL: file modified after datetime [yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm]. i.e. [2013-10-08 14:30]
  -a --stop_at          OPTIONAL: stop checking file at datetime [yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm]. i.e. [2013-10-08 15:30]
  -f --file             file name
  -q --quiet --silent   OPTIONAL: suppress messages to stdout. default: [N]
  -d --debug            OPTIONAL: debug flag [Y|N], default: [N]


wait_for_table check if table exists and has updated after update_after. otherwise, retry based on sleep_interval, num_retry and/or stop_at

man page:
$ ./wait_for_table -h
  check if table exists and has updated after [update_after]
  if not, retry based on [sleep_interval], [num_retry] and/or [stop_at]
  1. need access to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES to retrieve update_time
  2. option [stop_at] i.e. [2013-10-08 15:30], together with [update_after]
     i.e. [2013-10-09 14:25], define the table wait window
  3. option [ETL_TABLE] and [ETL_JOB] are trulia specific which retrive table last update
     from proprietary [AUDIT_JOB] database
  ./wait_for_table --mysql_table='tmp_dim_property' --update_after='2013-10-10 16:07' --sleep_interval=10 --num_retry=20 --stop_at='2013-10-10 16:12' --debug='Y'

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mysql_host          target mysql host. default: [bidbs]
  --mysql_db            target mysql database. default: [bi_staging]
  --mysql_user          mysql user
  --mysql_password      mysql password
  --mysql_table         mysql table name
  --update_after        mysql table modified after datetime [yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm] i.e. [2013-10-09 14:25]
  --etl_table           mysql table name. WARNING: TRULIA proprietary
  --etl_job             job name. WARNING: TRULIA proprietary
  -s --sleep_interval   OPTIONAL: sleep for approximately s seconds between iterations. default: [60]
  -n --num_retry        OPTIONAL: number of retry
  -a --stop_at          OPTIONAL: stop checking file at datetime [yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm]. i.e. [2013-10-08 15:30]
  -q --quiet --silent   OPTIONAL: suppress messages to stdout. default: [N]
  -d --debug            OPTIONAL: debug flag [Y|N], default: [N]


Instead of expensive and unwieldy profiling, qa_mysql_table takes lightweight approach to check MySQL table after etl.

man page:
$ ./qa_mysql_table -h

  Instead of expensive and unwieldy profiling, qa_mysql_table takes super lightweight approach 
  to check mysql table after etl:
  compare mysql query result counts to threshhold_value using comparison_operator
  # check if:  1) one row created 2) interest_rate > 0 for 20131027 build
  qa_mysql_table --mysql_db='bi' --mysql_host='bidbs' --mysql_user='root'
  --mysql_query='select count(*) from fact_mortgage_rate where interest_rate > 0 and date_key = 20131027'
  --comparison_operator='=' --threshhold_value=1

  # check if each colunm populated which has different source for 20131027 build.
  # expand the where clause if necessary
  qa_mysql_table --mysql_db='bi' --mysql_host='bidbs' --mysql_user='root'
  --mysql_query='select count(*) from agg_zip_stat_daily where date_key=20131027 and zip=94103
  and for_sale_median_price > 0 and num_listing >0 and pdp_android_property_view_cnt 
  --comparison_operator='>' --threshhold_value=1

  # for monster table, check if partition populated with expected rows
  # fact_property_view_anonymous has 3 billions rows partitioned on date_key
  # check if partition 20131027 populated with more than 2 million rows
  qa_mysql_table --mysql_db='bi' --mysql_host='bidbs' --mysql_user='root'
  --mysql_query='select count(*) from fact_property_view_anonymous where date_key = 20131027
  --comparison_operator='>' --threshhold_value=2000000
  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
  --mysql_host                  mysql host. default: [bidbs]
  --mysql_db                    mysql db. default: [staging]
  --mysql_user                  mysql user, if not specified, get user from mysql_ini
  --mysql_password              mysql password, if not specified, get password from mysql_ini
  --mysql_query                 mysql query for QA
  --comparison_operator         comparison_operator [=, ==, >, >=, <, <=, <>, !=] to compare [query result] to [threshhold_value]
  --threshhold_value            threshhold_value
  -q --quiet --silent           OPTIONAL: suppress messages to stdout. default: [N]
  -d -debug                     OPTIONAL: debug flag [Y|N], default: [N]
example: check if partition 20131027 populated with 2+ millon rows in 3 billion rows table fact_property_view_anonymous.
time qa_mysql_table --mysql_db='bi' --mysql_host='bidbs' --mysql_user='root'   --mysql_query='select count(*) from fact_property_view_anonymous where date_key = 20131027' --comparison_operator='>' --threshhold_value=2000000 
INFO      :[legoo][execute_mysql_query][2013-10-29 14:30:54,776]:running mysql query on [bidbs]:[bi] ==>> [select count(*) from fact_property_view_anonymous where date_key = 20131027]
INFO      :[legoo][qa_mysql_table][2013-10-29 14:30:55,361]:[INFO] [select count(*) from fact_property_view_anonymous where date_key = 20131027] passed test: {[2882881] [>] [2000000]}

real      0m0.639s
user      0m0.057s
sys	      0m0.010s

Future Release

  • option dry_run
  • option escape_hive_keyword to escape hive keywords
  • option config_file for unit testing
  • module csv_to_graph, mysql_to_graph, hive_to_graph to generate graph
  • module email for notification
  • Apache HBase client
  • Apache Kafka client
  • more ...



Legoo is licensed under the MIT License


Legoo: A collection of automation modules to build analytics infrastructure







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