Add caching to a Perl::Critic subclass
package MyCritic {
use Role::Tiny::With;
with 'Perl::Critic::Role::Cacheable';
This Role::Tiny role modifies a subclass of Perl::Critic so that source files that are already known to have no violations will not be critiqued again. The cache uses a MD5 of the configuration and the Perl source, so if either change then the critique will be run again.
my $critic = MyCritic->new( -cacheable-filename => $filename, %options );
The constructor will work as normal except a new option -cacheable-filename
will be added
which allows you to set an alternate location to store the cache in.
The name of the file to store the cache in. Defaults to
my $filename = $critic->cacheable_filename;
The name of the file where the cache will be stored.
Save the cache.
$critic->critique( $source_code );
The critique method will work as normal, except source files that have already been critiqued and had no violations will not be checked again.
This role will only cache when filenames are provided to the "critique" method. If you provide Perl source as a scalar reference or as a Perl::Critic::Document, then no caching will be done.
Graham Ollis [email protected]
This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Graham Ollis.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.