Unlike all the other sql query builder tools that I have encountered out there in the golang ecosystem, this tool does not introduce a new custom designed fluent set of methods. Instead the goal is to provide golang structs which can be then built into custom queries. It's almost like writing the queries by hand except that you construct them using golang structs.
To get the latest version of the library simply run:
go get -u github.com/trivigy/squl
For a whole lot more examples please make sure to explore the unittest files.
INSERT INTO contacts (last_name,first_name) SELECT last_name,first_name FROM customers WHERE customer_id > 4000
package main
import (
func main() {
query, args, err := squl.Build(&squl.Insert{
Relation: &squl.RangeVar{
Name: "contacts",
Columns: &squl.List{
Value: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: "last_name"},
Value: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: "first_name"},
Select: &squl.Select{
Targets: &squl.List{
Value: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: "last_name"},
Value: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: "first_name"},
From: &squl.RangeVar{
Name: "customers",
Where: &squl.Expr{
Type: squl.ExprTypeOp,
Name: ">",
LHS: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: "customer_id"},
RHS: &squl.Const{Value: 4000},
SELECT a.id,first_name,last_name FROM customer AS a,laptops AS l INNER JOIN payment ON payment.id = a.id LEFT JOIN people ON people.id = a.id RIGHT JOIN cars ON cars.id = a.id
package main
import (
func main() {
query, args, err := squl.Build(&squl.Select{
Targets: &squl.List{
Value: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: []string{"a", "id"}},
Value: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: "first_name"},
Value: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: "last_name"},
From: &squl.List{
Name: "customer",
Alias: "a",
Type: squl.JoinTypeRight,
LHS: &squl.JoinExpr{
Type: squl.JoinTypeLeft,
LHS: &squl.JoinExpr{
Type: squl.JoinTypeInner,
LHS: &squl.RangeVar{
Name: "laptops",
Alias: "l",
RHS: &squl.RangeVar{Name: "payment"},
Qualifiers: &squl.Expr{
Type: squl.ExprTypeOp,
Name: "=",
LHS: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: []string{"payment", "id"}},
RHS: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: []string{"a", "id"}},
RHS: &squl.RangeVar{Name: "people"},
Qualifiers: &squl.Expr{
Type: squl.ExprTypeOp,
Name: "=",
LHS: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: []string{"people", "id"}},
RHS: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: []string{"a", "id"}},
RHS: &squl.RangeVar{Name: "cars"},
Qualifiers: &squl.Expr{
Type: squl.ExprTypeOp,
Name: "=",
LHS: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: []string{"cars", "id"}},
RHS: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: []string{"a", "id"}},
UPDATE stock SET retail = stock_backup.retail FROM stock_backup WHERE stock.isbn = stock_backup.isbn
package main
import (
func main() {
query, args, err := squl.Build(&squl.Update{
Relation: &squl.RangeVar{
Name: "stock",
Targets: &squl.ResTarget{
Name: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: "retail"},
Value: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: []string{"stock_backup", "retail"}},
From: &squl.RangeVar{
Name: "stock_backup",
Where: &squl.Expr{
Type: squl.ExprTypeOp,
Name: "=",
LHS: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: []string{"stock", "isbn"}},
RHS: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: []string{"stock_backup", "isbn"}},
DELETE FROM products WHERE obsoletion_date = 'today' RETURNING *
package main
import (
func main() {
query, args, err := squl.Build(&squl.Delete{
Relation: &squl.RangeVar{
Name: "products",
Where: &squl.Expr{
Type: squl.ExprTypeOp,
Name: "=",
LHS: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: "obsoletion_date"},
RHS: &squl.Const{Value: "today"},
Returning: &squl.ResTarget{
Value: &squl.ColumnRef{Fields: "*"},