To test the new configgen: Copy:
- to /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/configgen/generators/vpinball/
- es_features.cfg to /usr/share/emulationstation/es_features.cfg
- ssh to your batocera machine, then restart emulationstation: batocera-es-swissknife --restart
- if you want to keep the modifications (until the next upgade): batocera-save-overlay
Now, when launching a table, the VPinballX.ini is copied to VPinballX-configgen.ini, which is then modified. So your precious VPinballX.ini should never be overwritten by this damn configgen;-) Also note, that the table.ini file will always override the settings from the configgen.
Tested tables:
- avatar for the pinmame window
- Bad cats with the fulldmd b2s from for b2s
- Cyberrace with fulldmd from for flexdmd (and b2s)