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Andrew Lygin edited this page Oct 20, 2019 · 3 revisions

Here you can find a list of known minor problems that you might encounter while working with the extension. We hope they'll be fixed some day, but at the moment, just be aware of them.

PlusCal algorithm boundaries detection

The following PlusCal algorithm declarations are totally correct:

-- algorithm Abc
-- algorithm Abc
end algorithm;

yet the extension doesn't highlight them properly.

In order to make them detected as a PlusCal algorithms, the declaration must start on the first line of the comment. The closing curly bracket or the end algorithm clause should be on the last line of the comment. This works:

(* -- algorithm Abc
} *)


(* -- algorithm Abc
end algorithm; *)

Related issue.

Poor PlusCal C-syntax support

At the moment, some extension features don't work well with PlusCal algorithms that use C-syntax. Primarily, those are features that relate to syntax highlighting and everything that relies on symbols symbols detection (outline panel, go to symbol, go to declaration etc.)