jotter is a note taking app made with bun and elysiajs. it is super responsive and has a friendly ui (i hope 👽). made with lots of 🖤 by thuvasooriya
- migrating to fly for deployment cause it's awesome
the migration was super easy
click here to get 50 credits for free, thanks to xe
fly auth login fly launch fly secrets import < .env # one disadvantage is fly doesn't support # static egress ip addresses so you have to # allow access from anywhere in mongodb atlas # make changes and fly deploy
- migrating to fly for deployment cause it's awesome
the migration was super easy
click here to get 50 credits for free, thanks to xe
- migrating to bun and elysiajs
- moved to typescript cause why not
- adding users schema
- adding jwt
- adding logging
- migrated from heroku to render
- migrated from npm to pnpm
- i don't remember what i did here
- html, css, js, ajax, bootstrap, fa icons
- ts, jquery and some minor plugins.
- bun bun bun
- elysiajs
- mongodb - mongoose
- jwt, jose, picocolors
- docker
- flyctl
- fix swagger
- migrate to svelte
- simplify logic
- use shadecn components
- make and set a fucking darkmode as default
- add user auth and jwt
- optimize docker with nix if possible
- integrate google keep
- tests
- helpful console logs
host in some domainjust have it in your subdomain
install community edition to test locally
mac specific:
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew update
brew install [email protected]
brew services start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community
brew services stop [email protected]
bun crud with elysiajs and mongodb