SPMCIIP: Severity Prediction Model for COVID-19 by Immune-inflammatory Parameters (https://spmciip.deepomics.org/)
- R3.6
- caret
- e1071
- gbm
- randomForest
To clone the repository and install manually, run the following from a terminal:
git clone https://github.com/paprikachan/SPMCIIP.git
In command line:
Usage: predict_SPMCIIP.R [options]
Path of X input file
Path of Y output file
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
The following code runs an example of SPMCIIP.
predict_SPMCIIP.R -i test_X.csv -o pred_y.csv
Input file is a csv file, stores the measurements of six immune-inflammatory markers for each patient:
- Th/Ts
- T+B+NK count (per μl)
- IL-2R (U/mL)
- IL-6 (pg/mL)
- CRP (mg/L)
- PCT (ng/mL)
Note: Th/Ts,CD4+/CD8+. T+B+NK,CD3+CD19-;CD3-CD19+;CD3-CD16+CD56+. IL-2R, interleukin 2R. IL-6, interleukin 6. CRP, C reactive protein. PCT,Procalcitonin.
Out file is a csv file, stores the predicted results from CIRPMC:
- LR: The predicted critical illness probablity from logistic regression
- SVM: The predicted critical illness probablity from supported vector machine
- GBDT: The predicted critical illness probablity from gradient boosted decision tree
- KNN: The predicted critical illness probablity from k-nearest neighbor
- NN: The predicted critical illness probablity from neural network
- Probability: The predicted critical illness probablity from our ensemble model SPMCIIP
- Cluster: The predicted critical illness status, 0 or 1.
- Risk group: The stratified risk group, Non-critical or Critical.
If you have any questions or require assistance using SPMCIIP, please open an issue.