This project is a complete responsive dynamic weather website which tells about latest weather conditions of any city in India by fetching data with REAL-TIME API. Along with it, it also fetches and stores the data of the user in MongoDB database. Register and login form in Node.js and MongoDB. Info of user is authenticated and password is hashed into a secure language.
Project is created with:
- Express version: 4.18.1
- Mongoose version: 6.4.0
- Node version: v14.17.0
- BcryptJs version: 2.4.3
- hbs version: 4.2.0
- JWT token vversion: 8.5.1
To run this project, install it locally using npm:
$ cd ../mernbackend
$ npm install
$ npm start
$ npm run dev
👤 tanishq-agarwal
- Website:
- Github: tanishq-agarwal
- LinkedIn: Tanishq Agarwal
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Copyright © 2022 tanishq-agarwal.
This project is [Copyright © 2022 Tanishq Agarwal] licensed.