Install Tasmota software on a WEMOS D1 mini (pro) with PlatformIO.
I assume you are familiar with the Sonoff-Tasmota software by Theo Arends. To get started do read the Sonoff-Tasmota wiki pages. This page is merely to help those who are trying to get the Sonoff-Tasmota software running on a WeMos D1 mini or WeMos D1 mini pro board.
- Serial drivers installed for your WeMos board.
- PlatformIO installed.
- Latest version of Sonoff-Tasmota "Source code (zip)" downloaded and extracted.
- Sonoff-Tasmota v5.1.3
- PlatformIO IDE v2.0.0-beta3 | Core 3.4.0b3
- WeMos D1 mini v2.1.0
- WeMos D1 mini Pro v1.0.0
- WeMos DHT11 Shield
- WeMos Relay Shield
- WeMos 1-Button Shield v2.0.0
I tested the Tasmota software with the DHT11-, Relay- and Button-shield but these are optional.
Load the Sonoff-Tasmota base folder, including platformio.ini in PlatformIO.
- Platforms: Install the platform "Espressif 8266".
In platformio.ini we are going to add a new environment section and set the default environment to the newly created section.
First we create the new environment section.
- Copy the first environment section named "sonoff".
- Paste the section at the bottom of the file.
- Name the new section "wemos-d1-mini".
- Change the board type from esp01_1m to d1_mini.
The section should look like the following:
; WeMos (ESP8266 based)
platform = espressif8266
framework = arduino
board = d1_mini
board_flash_mode = qio
build_flags = -Wl,-Tesp8266.flash.1m0.ld -DMQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE=512
lib_deps = PubSubClient, NeoPixelBus, IRremoteESP8266, ArduinoJSON
The next step is to set the default environment to our newly created environment. In the [platformio] add the following line:
env_default = wemos-d1-mini
Your platformio.ini should look like this:
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter, extra scripting
; Upload options: custom port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
src_dir = sonoff
env_default = wemos-d1-mini
; Sonoff et al (ESP8266 based)
platform = espressif8266
framework = arduino
board = esp01_1m
board_flash_mode = qio
build_flags = -Wl,-Tesp8266.flash.1m0.ld -DMQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE=512
lib_deps = PubSubClient, NeoPixelBus, IRremoteESP8266, ArduinoJSON
; Sonoff Touch and Sonoff 4CH (ESP8285 based)
platform = espressif8266
framework = arduino
board = esp01_1m
board_flash_mode = dout
build_flags = -Wl,-Tesp8266.flash.1m0.ld -DMQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE=512
lib_deps = PubSubClient, NeoPixelBus, IRremoteESP8266, ArduinoJSON
; WeMos (ESP8266 based)
platform = espressif8266
framework = arduino
board = d1_mini
board_flash_mode = qio
build_flags = -Wl,-Tesp8266.flash.1m0.ld -DMQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE=512
lib_deps = PubSubClient, NeoPixelBus, IRremoteESP8266, ArduinoJSON
Change the user_config.h to match your situation:
- Set the WiFi SSID and WiFi password
- Set the MQTT Username and MQTT password or disable MQTT
Build and run the software. Make sure there are no errors in compiling and uploading.
You can use a tool like fing or your wireless router to find the IP-address of your WeMos device.
The MAC-address starts with:
- 5C:CF:7F for the WeMos D1 mini and
- 60:01:94 for the WeMos D1 mini Pro
Open a browser and go to the IP-address of your WeMos device. You should be greeted with the familiar Tasmota configuration screen.
Set the device to "WeMos D1 mini" in the Configuration and save the configuration. The device will reset, just wait for it to return.
The WeMos boards have a different pin layout than the ESP8266 layout used in the Tasmota software. The table below shows the correlation:
WeMos Pin | Function | ESP-8266 Pin |
TX | TXD | TXD |
RX | RXD | RXD |
A0 | Analog input, max 3.3V input | A0 |
D0 | IO | GPIO16 |
D1 | IO, SCL | GPIO5 |
D2 | IO, SDA | GPIO4 |
D3 | IO, 10k Pull-up | GPIO0 |
D4 | IO, 10k Pull-up, BUILTIN_LED | GPIO2 |
D5 | IO, SCK | GPIO14 |
D6 | IO, MISO | GPIO12 |
D7 | IO, MOSI | GPIO13 |
D8 | IO, 10k Pull-down, SS | GPIO15 |
G | Ground | GND |
5V | 5V | - |
3V3 | 3.3V | 3.3V |
RST | Reset | RST |
To configure the DHT11 shield we return to the Configuration screen. The DHT11 uses D4 on the WeMos and therefore GPIO2 on the ESP8266.
Set GPIO2 to DHT11 like below:
After saving the configuration and the required reset we should see the following screen:
To configure the Relay and Button shield go to the Configuration screen. The Relay uses D1 on the WeMos and therefore GPIO5 on the ESP8266. The Button uses D3 on the WeMos, GPIO0 on the ESP8266.
Set GPIO5 to Relay and the GPIO0 to the Button:
Both the webinterface and the button can now be used to toggle the relais on and off.