Sept 2020 Edition
Resources & code snippets used for the Arduino Workshop Series
The workshop would be held over the course of 4 weeks, whereby the following topics would be covered:
- Basics of electronics
- Programming (Arduino & a sprinkle of C++): Syntax, Variables, and more
- Digital & Analog I/O
- Component interfacing (Passive/Active)
- Using pre-written libraries
- Timers & Interrupts
The repository would contain the code snippets that are used in conjunction with the workshop, where the directory would be labeled as Week 1, etc.
The code snippets used in week 1 to 4 are found in the respective directories.
- WK1: LEDs (digitalWrite, analogWrite via PWM), Arduino Syntax
- WK2: Electronics Basics + Breadboarding, Serial Monitor (Output), Button (digitalRead), Button Debouncing, AnalogRead (Potentiometer, LDR)
- WK3: Serial Monitor (Input), Piezo Speaker, Ultrasonic Sensor
- WK4: Servos, EEPROM Read/Write, Interrupt & Timer
This week session serves as a practice and revision for arduino. The solutions are also located int this directory.