aka: Salt KL/CQ KLiCQ Kitty Litter IceBreaker MeetR
Currently at Milestone 2 - MVP complete. UX/UI are very rough, but usable. Many things left to be done, among them are:
UX/UI changes:
- Implement slide drawer fragment for navigation on top panel instead of tabbed activity.
- App begins in Meeting List
- Better use of action bar
- Modify Profile Settings / ACLs should be an action bar item, and not in the meeting detail fragment
- Add indefinite wait indicators when working with network requests
- Logout button
- Implement size restrictions on profile pictures
- Create color theme and styling
- Custom button looks
- Set background image for meeting detail view
- Insert event/profile pic into action bar when appropriate
Milestone 3 Goals:
- Use a map fragment in meeting detail view
- Implement push notifications when a user arrives to the event
- BLE radar function that allows users to locate each other
- User can set profile photo via gallery or camera
- QR code to add a user to an event
- Add more fields to user profiles (hobbies, sports, music, movies, books, interests, etc)