Please be informed that all scripts here are only for reproducing the results based on our 8 thaliana genomes. You may have to modify the scripts if you would like to apply them to your projects
These scripts are used for the project of seven Arabidopsis thaliana genomes, including
Protein-coding gene annotation
Pan-genome construction
Structural variation calling
Synteny diversity analysis
All related raw reads, assembly, annotation results can be freely accessed in 1001 Genomes Project website
Jiao, W., Schneeberger, K. Chromosome-level assemblies of multiple Arabidopsis genomes reveal hotspots of rearrangements with altered evolutionary dynamics. Nat Commun 11, 989 (2020).
The scripts have been tested on Linux (4.4.0-97-generic #120-Ubuntu)
Perl (5.22.2)
Python (2.7.15)
R (3.5.2)
git clone
All scripts can be run directly.
working directory stucture (e.g: Cvi genome:
python ../scripts/ -f ./annotation.config
This script will do
1) protein sequence alignment using exonerate
2) RNAseq reads mapping using hisat2
3) ab initio prediction using AUGUSTUS, GlimmerHMM, SNAP
4) merge results from 1),2) and 3)
5) run EVM to integrate the results to get consensus gene models
6) get the gene, protein, CDS sequences based on the gene model gff3 file and reference fasta file
The results will be included in the file evm.all.gff3
RepeatMasker -species arabidopsis -gff -dir ./ -pa 20 ../../reference/chr.all.v2.0.fasta
perl ../../../scripts/ ./chr.all.v2.0.fasta.out.gff ./chr.all.v2.0.fasta.out ./chr.all.v2.0.fasta.repeats.ann.gff3 repeat.ann.stats &
egrep -v 'Low|Simple|RNA|other|Satellite' chr.all.v2.0.fasta.repeats.ann.gff3 |cut -f 1,4,5,9 >chr.all.v2.0.TE.bed
perl ../../../scripts/ ../../EVM_PASA/evm.annotation.protein.fasta ../../EVM_PASA/evm.annotation.gene.fasta ../RepeatMasker/chr.all.v2.0.TE.bed ../../EVM_PASA/evm.all.gff3 ./
get the first version
nohup python ./scripts/ -i ./ -v 2.0 >log/ &
awk '{if ($3!="miRNA_primary_transcript" && $3!="pseudogenic_exon" && $3!="pseudogenic_transcript" && $3!="pseudogenic_tRNA" && $3!="transposon_fragment" && $3!="mRNA" && $3!="protein" && $3 !="CDS" && $3!="exon" && $3!="five_prime_UTR" && $3!="three_prime_UTR" && $3!="lnc_RNA") print}' Araport11_GFF3_genes_transposons.201606.gff |grep -v '^#' |cut -f 1,4,5,9 |grep -vP '\.\d+\;Parent' |grep -v 'ChrC|ChrM' >Araport11_gene.TE.chr1-5.bed
cd /AMPRIL/annotation/Cvi/evaluation
mkdir blastnCol misannotation update
cd blastnCol
ln -s ../../version/Sha.v2.0.gene.fasta ./gene.fasta
blastn -query ./gene.fasta -db TAIR10_chr_all.fas -num_threads 20 -evalue 1e-5 -out gene.blastn.Col.out &
perl ./gene.blastn.Col.out
awk '{print $2"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$1"\t"$9"\t"$10}' ../blastnCol/gene.blastn.besthit.out |sed 's/chloroplast/ChrC/g' |sed 's/mitochondria/ChrM/g' |awk '{if (!/Chr/) print "Chr"$0;else print}' |sed 's/ChrNone/None/g' >query.gene.blastn.besthit.out
blastn -query Araport11.prot.genomic.seq.fasta -db chr.all.v2.0.fasta -out arap11.prot-gene.blastn.out -evalue 1e-5 &
perl ../../../scripts/ ./arap11.prot-gene.blastn.out ../../../../tair10/Araport11/Araport11.prot.genomic.seq.fasta ./araport11.gene.blastn.assembly.out &
cd /AMPRIL/genefamily/blastpAraport11/Cvi
mkdir prot orthomcl; awk '{if (/>/) print $1;else print}' ../../../annotation/Cvi/version/Cvi.1.0.protein.fasta |sed 's/>/>Cvi|/g' > prot/Sha.fasta
cd prot/; ln -s ../../Col.fasta ./ ; cd ../ ; cat prot/*.fasta > Col-Cvi.fasta ; makeblastdb -in ./Col-Cvi.fasta -dbtype prot ;sed 's/Kyo/Sha/g' ../Kyo/orthomcl/orthomcl.config >orthomcl/orthomcl.config;
###run orthomcl clustering
blastp -query Col-Cvi.fasta -db Col-Cvi.fasta -num_threads 40 -evalue 1e-10 -outfmt 6 -out blastout
orthomclInstallSchema ./orthomcl/orthomcl.config install.sql.log
grep -P "^[^#]" blastout > blastresult; orthomclBlastParser blastresult prot > orthomcl/similarSequences.txt
perl -p -i -e 's/\t(\w+)(\|.*)orthomcl/\t$1$2$1/' orthomcl/similarSequences.txt; perl -p -i -e 's/0\t0/1\t-181/' orthomcl/similarSequences.txt; cd orthomcl
orthomclLoadBlast ./orthomcl.config similarSequences.txt ; orthomclPairs ./orthomcl.config orthomcl_pairs.log cleanup=all ; orthomclPairs ./orthomcl.config orthomcl_pairs.log cleanup=no; orthomclDumpPairsFiles ./orthomcl.config ; mcl mclInput --abc -I 1.5 -o mclOutput -te 20; orthomclMclToGroups group 1 < mclOutput > groups.txt &
cd /AMPRILdenovo/annotation/Cvi/evaluation/misannotation
ln -s ../../../../tair10/Araport11/Araport11_gene.bed Araport11.protein.bed
ln -s ../../../../genefamily/blastpAraport11/Col.fasta Araport11.protein.fasta
cd ../../version/ ; awk '{if ($3=="gene") print}' Cvi.protein-coding.genes.v2.0.gff |cut -f 1,4,5,7,9 >Cvi.protein-coding.genes.v2.0.bed ;
ln -s ../../version/Cvi.protein-coding.genes.v2.0.bed query.protein.bed
ln -s ../../../../genefamily/blastpAraport11/Cvi/prot/Cvi.fasta query.protein.fasta
ln -s ../../../../genefamily/blastpAraport11/Cvi/blastresult
ln -s ../../../../genefamily/blastpAraport11/Cvi/orthomcl/groups.txt ./
awk '{print $2"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$1"\t"$9"\t"$10}' ../../../../assembly/ShaNew/evaluation/Araport11blastn/araport11.gene.besthit.out >Araport11.gene.blastn.besthit.out
awk '{print $2"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$1"\t"$9"\t"$10}' ../blastnCol/gene.blastn.besthit.out >query.gene.blastn.besthit.out
input files:
Araport11 and accession protein region bed files and sequences files.
grep gene ../../repeat/TErelated/annotation.genes.gff|cut -f 1,4,5,9 |sed 's/TU/model/g' >query.prot.gene.bed
Blastp result of accession proteins against Araport11 proteins
OrthoMCL clustering result between accession and Araport11 proteins
grep AT ../../../../genefamily/AssV2tmp/An-1/prot/Results_Aug11/Orthogroups.txt |grep evm >groups.txt
Blastn result of Araport11 gene sequences against the accession assembly (Blastn result 1)
awk '{print $2"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$1"\t"$9"\t"$10}' Col.prot.besthit.out |grep -P 'AT\d' >Col.prot.besthit.out2
Blastn result of accession gene sequences against Col-0 genome sequences. (Blastn result 2)
awk '{print $2"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$1"\t"$9"\t"$10}' query.prot.besthit.out >query.prot.besthit.out2
output files:
potential.mis-merged.gene.txt (function: findMisMer, based on the result of blastp between Col and the Accession)
potential.mis-spliting.gene.txt (function: findMisSplit. based on the result of blastp between Col and the Accession)
potential.query.un-assembled.gene.txt (findMissingMisann. based on the result of Col gene blastn against the accession's assembly)
potential.missing.gene.txt (findMissingMisann. based on the result of Col gene blastn against the accession's assembly)
query.ungrouped.gene.analysis.txt (based on the from blastn-based analysis)
##to find genes:
mis-merged (Blastp result, blastn)
mis-split (Blastp result, blastn)
wrong exon-intron structure (blastn)
false protein-coding genes (not annotated in Araport 11 but actually they were assembled in the Col-0 genome) (Blastn result 2)
missing genes (not annotated in accession, but actually they were assembled) (Blastn result 1)
nohup python -u ../../../scripts/ -g ./groups.txt -o ./run2 -n Col.prot.besthit.out2 -c query.prot.besthit.out2 -p blastp.result -s Col.prot.gene.bed -q query.prot.gene.bed -x Col.prot.fasta -y query.prot.fasta -a Col.gene.LoF.txt -b query.gene.LoF.txt -r ../../RNAseq/hisat2/rnaseq.4evm.gff >np.run2&
python ../../../scripts/ -i ../../../data/protein/Araport11-split -o ./ -r ./reference/chr.all.v2.0.fasta >run.log &
ln -s ../misannotation/ ./
grep chr >
grep -v chr >>
ln -s ../../abinitio/abinitio.4evm.gff
cp ../../../Cvi/evaluation/update2/ ./
perl ./ ./abinitio.4evm.gff SNAP SNAP.ann.gff
perl ./abinitio.4evm.gff GlimmerHMM GlimmerHMM.ann.gff
cat ../../augustus/genome.chunk.*.gff |egrep -v '#|intron|transcription|codon' > ../../augustus/augustus.ann.gff
ln -s ../../augustus/augustus.ann.gff
ln -s ../misannotation/Araport11.gene.blastn.besthit.out2 ./
ln -s ../../../../tair10/Araport11/Araport11_genes.201606.pep.repr.fasta
ln -s ../misannotation/Araport11.protein.bed ./
ln -s ../../version/Cvi.protein-coding.genes.v1.0.gff ./
cat ../../scipio/run2/splitOut/protein.chunk.*.gff >../../scipio/run2/splitOut/scipio.gff
ln -s ../../scipio/run2/splitOut/scipio.gff ./
ln -s ../../../../wga/results/Cvi/Cvi.wga.snp.indel.gene.LOF.txt ./wga.snp.indel.gene.LoF.txt
input files:
augustus.ann.gff; SNPA.ann.gff; GlimmerHMM.ann.gff
Col gene blastn best hit out
Col Araport11 protein sequence and bed files
ChrCM.txt (a few of organella contigs were not removed in the assembly process)
output files:
1) check the LoF information resulting from WGA-based SNPs and InDel annotation, and the Col protein sequence alignment result from Scipio, add the update information :
ChrCM: ChrC or ChrM genes
LowConf: low confident genes
unchange: keep the previous annotation,
ChangeSci: annotate based on Scipio result (checkScipio: start codon, stop codon, splice sites, frame-shift, premature stop-codon gain; check AugGenes snapGenes glimGene, check AugGenes2[ab initio], check GeneWise)
ChangeAug: annotate based on Augustus ( check AugGenes snapGenes glimGene, check AugGenes2[ab initio], check GeneWise)
ChangeSciAug: annotate based on scipio and augustus (checkScipio, check AugGenes snapGenes glimGene, check AugGenes2[ab initio], check GeneWise)
not-add: not annotated
2) prepare the other annotation result from Augustus-evidence-based method, SNAP ab initio and GlimmerHMM ab initio result
cat ../../abinitio/augustus/augustus.hint.chunk.*.gff |egrep -v '#|intron|transcription|codon' > ../../augustus/augustus.ann.gff
3) update
nohup python -u ../../../scripts/ -u -g annotation.genes.gff -o ./run2 -s scipio.gff -x Col.gene.LoF.txt -y query.gene.LoF.txt -c ChrCM.txt -a augustus.ann.gff -n SNAP.4evm.gff -l glimmerhmm.4evm.gff -b ./Col.gene.blastn.besthit.bed -f ../../reference/chr.all.v2.0.fasta -p Col.prot.fasta -i ./Col.prot.gene.bed >update.run2.log &
python ../../scripts/ -i update2/updated.highConf.gff -n ../version/Cvi.genes.annotation.v2.0.gff -o ../version -v v2.5 -a Cvi -g ../reference/chr.all.v2.0.fasta &
pangenome can be built based on the whole genome sequence alignment or protein-coding genes ortholog clustering
## Pan-genome: genome sequence alignment
do all pairwise whole genome comparisons using MUMmer
prepare all chromosome length information in a file for each genome; e.g:
Chr1 30401407
Chr2 19417579
Chr3 23034411
Chr4 18785460
Chr5 26733864
python -u -w ./pairwiseAssV2 -o ./ -g ../chrBed_v2/ &
## Pan-genome: protein-coding genes ortholog clustering
python -g AMPRIL.Alyrata.ortholog.groups.csv -o ./
All assemblies were aligned to the reference sequence (TAIR10) using nucmer from the MUMmer4 toolbox with parameter setting “-max -l 40 -g 90 -b 100 -c 200”. The resulting alignments were further filtered for alignment length (>100) and identity (>90). Structural rearrangements and local variations were identified using SyRI (
For details of the file format, please check
Example of commands used:
nucmer --maxmatch -l 40 -g 90 -c 100 -b 200 -t 20 Col.fasta An-1.fasta
delta-filter -m -i 90 -l 100 >
show-coords -THrd > out_m_i90_l100.coords
syri -c out.chrom.coords -d -r Col.fasta -q An-1.fasta --nc 5 --all -k
## step 1:
Before caculate synteny diversity, please run all pairwise whole genome comparison using MUMmer and run SyRi to identify the syntenic and rearranged regions for each comparison.
Let's assume all the alignments in a folder like below:
## step 2: get coordinates of syntenic regions in all genomes
bedtools multiinter -i ../../results/pairwiseAssV2/Col/*/*.wga.syn.block.txt -names An-1 C24 Cvi Eri Kyo Ler Sha >Col.syn.txt
for k in {1..5};do show-aligns -r Chr$k chr$k >out_m_i90_l100.chr$k.aligns ;done &
for k in {An-1,C24,Cvi,Eri,Kyo,Ler,Sha};do cat $k/out_m_i90_l100.chr*.aligns >$k/$k.aligns ;done &
bedtools multiinter -i ../../results/pairwiseAssV2/Col/*/*.wga.syn.block.txt -names An-1 C24 Cvi Eri Kyo Ler Sha >Col.syn.txt
perl ../../scripts/ ./Col.syn.all.txt ../../results/pairwiseAssV2/Col/ ./Col.syn.all.coords.txt &
## step 3: caculate synteny diversity for every postion of the genome
perl ../../scripts/ ./Col.syn.all.coords.txt2 ../../results/pairwiseAssV2/ ../../chrBed_v2 ./syn.diversity.position.Col.txt
## caculate synteny diversity in a sliding window
for k in {1..5}; do perl ../../scripts/ ./splitChr/Chr$k.syn.div.pos.txt 5000 1000 splitChr/Chr$k.syn.div.win50kb.step5kb.txt & done &
## find HOR (HDR)
awk '{if ($5>0.5)print}' syn.div.win5kb.step1kb.txt |bedtools merge -i - -d 2002 |bedtools intersect -a - -b ../../../tair10/centromere_Giraut2011.bed -wao |awk '{if ($7==0) print $0"\tA";else print $0"\tC"}' |cut -f 1-3,8 >syn.div.win5kb.step1kb.HDR.bed
## gene arrangment in the HOR(HDR)
nohup perl ../../scripts/syndiv/ ../00_synDiv/Col.syn.all.coords.txt2 ./HDR.clu.bed ../../01_syri/pairwiseAssV2/ ../../../genefamily/AMPRIL/ver3/AMPRIL.ortholog.groups.csv ../../../genefamily/AMPRIL/ver3/geneBed2/ ../../../genefamily/AMPRIL/ver3/Rgenes/ann/ 50000 ./cluWin50kb2 > np.log2 &
## R gene arrangment in the HOR (HDR)
nohup perl ../../../scripts/Rgenes/ ../../../../wga/07_synDiversity/00_synDiv/Col.syn.all.coords.txt2 ./R.gene.cluster.bed ../../../../wga/01_syri/pairwiseAssV2/ ../AMPRIL.ortholog.groups.csv ../geneBed2/ ./ann/ 20000 ./tmp >tmp.log&