Clom is a Python Command Line Object Mapper. It's intended to make generating commands and escaping arguments
easier for command line interaction. It's particularly useful when used with Fabric or subprocess
Install with pip
or easy_install
pip install clom
>>> from clom import clom
Build a command:
>>> clom.echo("Don't test me") "echo 'Don'\\''t test me'"
Augment with arguments:
>>>'-a', '-t', l=True).with_args('~/') "ls -a -t -l '~/'" >>> clom.curl('', X='POST', data='message=hello') 'curl -X POST --data=message=hello'
Use sub commands:
>>> clom.git.checkout('mybranch') 'git checkout mybranch'
Execute with ease:
>>> clom.seq(5).shell.all() ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] >>>'5').first() '1'
Iterate over results:
>>> for i in clom.seq(3).shell(): ... print(i) ... 1 2 3
Handle errors:
>>> clom.touch('/not/a/thing').shell() # doctest:+IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... CommandError: Error while executing "touch /not/a/thing" (1): touch: cannot touch ‘/not/a/thing’: No such file or directory
Group commands:
>>> from clom import AND, OR >>> OR(clom.vagrant.up, clom.echo('Vagrant up failed')) "( vagrant up || echo 'Vagrant up failed' )" >>> OR(clom.vagrant.up, clom.echo('Vagrant up failed')).shell() <CommandResult return_code=0, stdout=18 bytes, stderr=... bytes> >>> print(OR(clom.false, clom.echo('Vagrant up failed')).shell()) Vagrant up failed
Re-use commands:
>>> echo = clom.echo >>> 'echo one two' >>> ['three four'] >>> ['foo bar']
Background tasks:
>>> clom.VBoxHeadless.with_opts(startvm="Windows Base").background() "nohup VBoxHeadless --startvm='Windows Base' &> /dev/null &" >>> clom.VBoxHeadless.with_opts(startvm="Windows Base").background().shell() <CommandResult return_code=0, stdout=0 bytes, stderr=0 bytes>
Works great with fabric:
>>> from fabric.api import run, local # doctest: +SKIP >>> local( # doctest: +SKIP [localhost] local: ls clom clom.egg-info docs nohup.out tests ''
Can even create fab commands:
>>> clom.fab.test('doctest', 'unit').deploy('dev') 'fab test:doctest,unit deploy:dev' >>> clom.fab.with_opts('-a', hosts='').deploy.with_args('dev','test') 'fab -a deploy:dev,test'
See more examples and the API in the Clom Documentation
Test are run using pytest:
pip install pytest
./runtests -v