PHP, MySQL, Javascript, and CSS framework
cd path/to/your_master_repo_folder
sudo git clone --bare your_project_folder_name.git
cd your_project_folder_name.git
sudo git remote set-url --push origin no_push
sudo git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/*:refs/*
sudo git remote show origin
cd path/to/work_folder
sudo git clone path/to/your_master_repo/your_project_folder_name.git your_project_folder_name
Use .gitignore for image upload folders and other large items,
you shouldn't use git for that sort of thing back them up another way.
When you want to update your software with the latest changes to the framework,
go to your master_repository.git folder and type:
sudo git fetch
Then move to your working non-bare copies of the repository and type:
sudo git pull
Ubuntu 18.04
Nginx 1.14.0
PHP 7.2
uglifyjs AND uglifycss ( optional )
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs npm
sudo npm install uglify-js -g
sudo npm install uglifycss -g
PHP APCu ( optional )
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php7.2-apcu -y
sudo service php7.2-fpm restart
sudo systemctl restart nginx
In general your root for a dedicated server would be:
root /var/www/html/site_works/public
In a non-dedicated server your root would look something like
root /var/www/html
Then you would check with a location block for your folder
location ^~ /site_works/
Then your try files looks something like this:
try_files $uri $uri/ /site_works/public/index.php?$args;
Your server is dedicated to your project:
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
root /var/www/html/site_works/public;
index index.php;
location ~* \.(?:css|js|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|cur|gz|svg|svgz|mp4|ogg|ogv|webm|htc)$ { expires max; access_log off; log_not_found off; add_header Cache-Control "public"; }
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
location ~ \.php$ {
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.2-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_URI $request_uri;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;
} # End Nginx Server Example
Your server serves multipul projects:
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
root /var/www/html;
index index.php;
# Handle Your Other Normal Servers
location ~* \.(?:css|js|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|cur|gz|svg|svgz|mp4|ogg|ogv|webm|htc)$ { expires max; access_log off; log_not_found off; add_header Cache-Control "public"; }
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
# Handle Your Other Normal PHP Requests
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.2-fpm.sock;
# ---- This is the important part, you can try adding this to your current nginx setup.
location ^~ /site_works/ {
# try_files will rewrite the uri so we hold it
try_files $uri $uri/ /site_works/public/index.php?$args;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.2-fpm.sock;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_URI $request_uri;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;
} # End Nginx Server Example
(Optional) Websocket running through nginx example
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
upstream websocket {
server {
listen 8089;
location / {
proxy_pass http://websocket;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
proxy_read_timeout 86400;
The framework needs to be able to write to certain folders
sudo chmod -R 775 conf
sudo chown -R $USER:www-data conf
sudo chmod -R 775 private
sudo chown -R $USER:www-data private
sudo chmod -R 775 public
sudo chown -R $USER:www-data public
sudo chmod -R 775 dev
sudo chown -R $USER:www-data dev
// One Line
sudo chmod -R 775 conf && sudo chmod -R 775 private && sudo chmod -R 775 public && sudo chmod -R 775 dev && sudo chown -R $USER:www-data conf && sudo chown -R $USER:www-data private && sudo chown -R $USER:www-data public && sudo chown -R $USER:www-data dev
Once you completed the setup above, open your new site in a browser.
1) You will get a message telling you that the configuration file was created
and where to find it. Your next step is to open that file and modify it to
your needs.
2) Once your config file is loaded properly, the framework will build your
site_works database tables. You will need to give yourself write access.
3) Refresh your page, and you should be presented with the template moduals home page.
You should now be ready to write your own code.
ajaxs, iframes, and scripts are exactly like controllers except they only output what you specify.
controllers will output the overhead like html, head, and body tags.
To tell the framework you want to use ajax, iframe, or script just prefix the word before the name of that Modual
Ex Ajax:
Ex iFrame:
Ex Script:
This variable holds your root directory, ex: /var/www/html/site_works
You can put a Vendor folder for SDK's like Facebook for example, then include them:
require_once SITEWORKS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/vendor/Facebook/autoload.php';
The framework overwrites the index page, the css and js siteworks folders, but other than that you should be ok
to put your own stuff here if you want. Like your root folder, you can drop your third party Vendor folder here.
* NOTE: You might want to put SDK's in the root or public folder instead of the DEV folder because
the dev folder gets copied every page load, and you'll just waste time loading your pages to perform the copy.
All of your php/js/css work should happen in the site_works/dev folder.
js/css files are all squished together into one js and one css file
I then take the squished file and add it to a squished version of each theme.
If you enabled uglify in your config, I also minify these css and js files.
Files in the vendor folder will just be copied to the public folder as is.
- globalcssfiles.css
- themedcssfiles.css
- anycssfile.css
- globaljsfiles.js
- themedjsfiles.js
- anycssfile.js
- myfile.helper.php
- modualfoldername
- ajaxs
- template.ajax.php
- controllers
- template.controller.php
- iframes
- template.iframe.php
- models
- template.model.php
- scripts
- template.script.php
- views
- template.view.php
- all_preload.php
- ajax_preload.php
- controller_preload.php
- iframe_preload.php
- script_preload.php
- your_script.php
- your_script.php
- your_script.php
- sw_pre_boot.php
If you really want to, you can drop files in the public folder - but I overwrite the index page, assets/js/siteworks, assets/css/siteworks folders,
everything else shoudl be safe.
The preloads will be automatically included in your ajax/controller/iframe or script call. For example, if you wanted all of your controllers
to load jquery from a google CDN you could write in the controller_preload.php file:
$this->_out['js'][] = '<script src=""></script>';
Use the all_preload file for universal preloads for any type (ajax/controller/iframe/script)
Files you put in the thread_scripts will be called if you use the threading tool shown below. Files in this directory should have the .php extention.
Note: sw_pre_boot.php is in your siteworks root folder. Whatever php code you put here happens before anything else with the framework. This could be
important if you want to use things like ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 3600); and session_set_cookie_params(3600); for example.
For the framework to find your files, and for readability on your end, give your files the following extentions
dev/includes -
dev/helpers - your_file_name.helper.php
dev/modules/ajaxs - your_file_name.ajax.php
dev/modules/controller - your_file_name.controller.php
dev/modules/iframes - your_file_name.iframe.php
dev/modules/models - your_file_name.model.php
dev/modules/views - your_file_name.view.php
dev/thread_scripts - your_file_name.php
dev/queue_scripts - your_file_name.php
dev/socket_scripts - your_file_name.php
$this->dbc - Use this array to set up the connection information to your database(s).
Important: The arrays 'default' key needs to be the one you want the site_works framework to use.
$this->theme - If you want to use multipul css and js themes, you can select a default.
$this->language - This is the default language, but you can manipulate $_SESSION['language'] to handle users choices.
$this->debugMode - Enable Debugger, This allows us to send info to your debug_server app. Usage: $this->_tool->dmsg("debug_server output");
$this->debugBuild - If you want to get debug data, but you do not want to spend the time rebuilding files (on production for example) set this to false.
When true, this will allow the copying and processing of your Dev files.
$this->allowDebugColors - linux debug_server app can use colors on some systems, set to true if you want to try it.
$this->showPHPErrors - sends php errors to your web browser, like normal php error enabled scripts.
$this->showPHPErrors_debug - sends php error messages to the debug_server.
$this->printSQL - Do you like seeing what your MySQL commands are doing? Enable this.
$this->showConsoleExecutionTime - Prints SITE_WORKS & Page Execution time in console window.
$this->useUnitTests - true or false, enable unit testing, if on execution will be slower.
$this->UnitTestsFile - Default '', if set, the unit test file is saved there. Useful if you need to find a parse error. Ex: /tmp/MyUnitTest.txt
$this->UnitTestErrorsOnly - true or false, if true successful unit tests are reported to the debug_server, more to read but you may want it from time to time.
$this->css_js_minify - minifys css and js. Typically, you would turn this on just before pushing to your live server so you can serve minified files.
$this->css_js_one_file - this puts your css and js into one file to load instead of two. Faster browser loading typically.
$this->APCuTimeoutMinutes - number of minutes for the apcu cache to refresh $this->mem and $this->admin db records.
$this->sodium_key - Default false, PHP Sodium Encryption Key value, should be 32 Bytes
$this->sodium_nonce - Default false, PHP Sodium Encryptoion Nonce value, should be 24 Bytes
$this->sodium_key_file - Default false, path to your readable sodium key file.
$this->sodium_nonce_file - Default false, path to your readable sodium nonce file.
$this->SessionUseDatabase - If you make a multi-server app, you should store your php $_SESSION array on a database instead of only the current active server.
*NOTE: The next four use ini_set to set values.
$this->save_path - Some of you insane people may have a separate drive for faster small reads, the rest of us will leave this at the default
$this->gc_probability - This sets the gc_probability with ini_set (php session garbage cleanup) Set to 0 if you do your own cleanup thru cron or something
$this->gc_divisor - This creates a percentage for how often gc_probability will trigger. 1/100 = 1% chance to trigger cleanup when page loads.
$this->gc_maxlifetime - default 0 will use the php default number of seconds to recognize a sesson as old.
*NOTE: Changing the secure sesson password will break old sessions, so you'll want to delete sessions. I do this automatically, but only after they
initially load the page once. Also, this secure password is only used when you send data to the db. By secure I only mean as secure
as the default php openssl_encrypt.
$this->sess_secure_password - if you provide a password, we encrypt the session data for the database.
$this->cookie_samesite - Default '', Lax/Strict php7.3+ samesite variable for phpsess cookie.
$this->admin_level_options - Enumerated array of user permission levels. $_SESSION['admin_level'] to control user levels.
$this->allow_auto_delete_language - If db language entry is not found in the code, it is automatically removed instead of marking for deletion.
$this->log_files - An array of log files you set. ['NickName','log/file/path']
$this->log_auto_clean_size_kb - delete all but the last 10 lines if max is reached, 0 to never delete from file automatically.
$this->tail_array - Want to see tail of a file in the debugger? Add the file path and number of lines to show.
$this->default_module - This determins what dev/modual will be used if none are found in the URL.
$this->modualLocks - Disable access for unpriviledged users to visit an entire modual.
$this->controllerLocks - Disable access for unpriviledged users to visit a speific moduals controller.
$this->email - Array of emails so you do not have to remember addresses, and can change easily throughout your code.
$this->routes - Yes, you can let someone type something odd in your url, then redirect it to a good path.
You should use lower case when setting up routes.
Ex: 'dogs/like/friends' => 'template/template/about_dogs'
Note: anything following the swapped portion will fall into the proper segment - pass_var pass_vars if you provide modual/contorller/method
// Threader
$this->thread_php_path - The path to your version of php. Ex: /usr/bin/ (Only needed if you want to use the php_threader or php_q_it queue manager)
$this->thread_php_version - The version of your php. Ex: 7.2 (Only needed if you want to use the php_threader or php_q_it queue manager)
// Websocket Server
$this->websocket_server = ''; // Your websocket server address
$this->websocket_port = '8090'; // Default ws:// port 8090
$this->websocket_secure_port = '8091'; // Default wss:// port 8091
$this->websocket_allow_duplicates = 'false'; // Allow same uid/tag/uniqueid to connect more than once: true or false, default false.
$this->websocket_cert_path = ''; // If empty you will only be able to connect on the insecure port
$this->websocket_certkey_path = ''; // If empty you will only be able to connect on the insecure port
$this->websocket_keepalive = '0'; // Default 0 , 0 = off, # of Milliseconds to wait before broadcasking keepalive (pong) string. 1(s) = 1000(ms)
$this->websocket_ping = '1'; // Default 1 , The string you will send to the websocket server from the client to initiate a pong response
$this->websocket_pong = '1'; // Default 1, The string the server responds with from a ping, or the string the server broadcasts during a keepalive.
$this->websocket_no_pong = 'false'; // Default: false, If true no pong will be returned when sending a ping to the server. (Client Keepalive Method)
// Ramvar
$this->ramvar_local_server = ''; // Default, normally you wouldnt change this unless thats not your localhost.
$this->ramvar_local_port = '8092'; // Default 8092, the starting port for your ramvar server on this machine.
$this->ramvar_quarantine_seconds = '600'; // Default 600, Number of seconds to quarentine a servers IP that did not supply the app_key.
$this->ramvar_app_key = 'admin'; // Default admin, Set this for some additional security. Your key must be set the same on all servers
$this->ramvar_servers = ''; // Comma separated list of ramvar server ip:ports.,
$this->debug_server - The IP of the server running your debug_server app.
$this->debug_server_port - the default port I use is 9200, whatever you set make sure you port forward.
$this->cPaths - tell the system some basics about your server and asset server paths.
- Be sure and change /site_works/ to your project name when reading URL's in this ReadMe file.
The framework looks for framework css and js under:
* NOTE: If you are using a development server and a production server for example you may want to add an if statement to your config file
to build $this->cPaths properly before you git commit and pull on your production server. Something like this:
$this->cPaths = array(
// Your development server paths
$this->cPaths = array(
// Your production server paths
Then you just change it to 1==2 and reload your page to build with the proper URL's for your produciton server. git add / git commit / git pull
then switch it back to 1==1 so you can develop again.
You can type echo like usual to output data, but you need more. You need some control over your output right?
*Note: favicon, HTML, HEAD and BODY tags are also set here but have defaults, change them as you wish.
These defaults are only applied to normal controllers, ajax and scripts will not be autofilled.
$this->_out['favicon'][0] = '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="' . $this->_uri->base_url . '/siteworks_favicon.ico"/>';
$this->_out['html_tag'][0] = '<!DOCTYPE html><html>';
$this->_out['html_tag'][1] = '</html>';
$this->_out['head_tag'][0] = '<head>';
$this->_out['head_tag'][1] = '</head>';
$this->_out['body_tag'][0] = '<body>';
$this->_out['body_tag'][1] = '</body>';
The html & favicon are a special part of the header output, you can set it like this:
$this->_out['header']['html'] = '<!DOCTYPE html>'; // Default is <!DOCTYPE html> which is the HTML5 Doctype - anything you put in here goes above <head>
$this->_out['header']['favicon'] = '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="https://path_to/favicon.ico"/>';
I listed the above in the order they will print out. Each is an array of it's own so you can append to any of them
during the setup of your code like this:
$this->_out['body'][] = 'Some new text to be appended to the array';
You may want to provide some keys of your own if you want to manipulate the order later.
$this->_out['body'][20] = '20';
$this->_out['body'][30] = '30';
$this->_out['body'][10] = '10';
Not enough? You want to write to the browser console too? Ok.
$this->_console[] = 'This will print to the browsers console window.';
You can set a log file in the config and assign it a friendly name to write a log file.
$this->_log['PRETTY_NAME'][] = 'You can do this to write to a log file of your choosing in the config.'
// If you want to use gd or something you may want to fully control output.
$this->_s->clean_output = false; If you set this to true, your output will only include what you put in the output array, like a script.
The framework uses a few session variables to handle routing. If you use a multipul server setup, you should set
the frameworks session database useage to true in the config. That way each app server can see the value of a
users session. If you choose not to use session, handle your own verification for letting users access moduals
and controllers.
$_SESSION['is_loggedin'] - (booleen) this is used to decide if I should even bother looking at your admin_level.
Set it to true if your user is logged in, and false if not
$_SESSION['admin_level'] - (int) This is the level we test against to see if your user has access to moduals and controllers.
You can set a number directly, or you can use the config files enumerated array: admin_level_options
Ex: $_SESSION['admin_level'] = $this->_admin_level_options['admin'];
$_SESSION['theme'] - (string) You can use this if you want to switch between multipul themes, site_works needs at least one theme you set as the default.
$_SESSION['language'] - (string) When your user selects a language, you set this and pow, we start using the correct language for that user.
dbtables are the class represention of your database tables
To see an example of what a dbtable file should look like, check this path:
Your database tables should follow the this class template, and be placed in the /dev/dbtables folder
If you want to access one of my frameworks dbtables be sure and use the namespace
Ex: $r = new SiteWorks\t_site_works_lang(null,$this->_odb);
To access yours:
Pass the ID if you want to pull a specific one, or null, and the database connection you want to use.
Ex: $r = new t_mytable();
That will load the mytable object using the $this->_odb connection. ( the default )
Ex: $r = new t_mytable(5,$this->_odb);
That will autofill your object with mytables infromation where the id = 5
Ex: $r = new t_mytable(null,$this->_dbo['DB_SERVER_2']);
That will load the empty object table using your specified database connection
Note: The autoloader checks if your file starts with t_site_works_. If it does we load it from /includes,
so for your personal table files in /dev/dbtables do not start filenames with t_site_works_
$this->tableName = 'site_works_admin'; // Give us the name of your database table
$this->keyField = 'sw_admin_key'; // Give us the key field or '' if you do not have one.
$this->autoInc = false; // Are you using autoincremnt for your keyfield?
$this->f = Array( // Your field array. Each table field should be represented here.
'sw_admin_key' => array( 'value' => 0 , 'error' => null) // Set value to either 0 or null based on field type
,'sw_version' => array( 'value' => null , 'error' => null) // Set value to either 0 or null based on field type
If your field type is a number, 0, if not use null. Do not set this to a default value, 0 or null only.
I have not done anything with the 'error' element of the array, but it may be useful to you.
At the bottom of your table object class you will notice the bulidQueryArray
case 'pullByVersion': // This is the name you will use to refer to the query
// set the $sqlFn to the query you want to run.
$sqlFn = 'SELECT * FROM `'. $this->tableName . '` WHERE `sw_version` = "' . $this->odb->clean( $this->f['sw_version']['value'] ) . '"';
// NOTE: $sqlFn can be used as an array if you want to send multipul queries. $sqlFn[] = 'SELECT...'
You can use this area to write SQL scripts, so they are easy to find and change later as you'll see below
Database Objects provide the following Methods:
# Using insertData insertUpdateData and updateData method will automatically database clean your data if stored in the object. ( $r->c() ) It does not auto clean values you pass directly.
Special Conditions For: new tables, fillData, updateData, selectOne, selectAll and deleteData
When passing your ID or WHERE clause you can modify how it works.
Case: $r = new t_mytable($id, $this->_odb) and $this->$r->filldata($id) methods
If ID is numeric or a litteral it will create 'WHERE key_field = ' . $id
If it finds an equal, less than, or greater than in the string it will create 'WHERE ' . $id ( meaning you suplly the key field and value match )
Use an = as the first character to force a compairson WHERE if your WHERE doesn't contain one. The beginning = will be removed.
$r=new t_mytable('=id IS NOT NULL',$this->_odb) becomes 'WHERE id IS NOT NULL'
Case: ALL Special Condition methods
Use a < as the first character to remove the default 'WHERE' syntax so you can add your own.
Ex: $r->selectOne('<ORDER BY myfield'); Translates to 'select * from table ORDER BY myfield' instead of default 'WHERE ORDER BY myfield'
Ex: $row = $r->selectOne('`field`=100','COUNT(`field`) as c'); echo( $row->c ); // Count rows where field = 100 example.
$r = new t_mytable($id,$this->_odb);
Send an ID to automatically pull a record, or null for a blank table.
* NOTE $this->_odb is also the default table, so you don't have to send it. new t_mytable(null) will create a new empty table object from the default database.
$r = new t_mytable(5,$this->_odb);
New table where ID field = 5
$r = new t_mytable('dog',$this->_odb);
New table where ID field = 'dog'
$r = new t_mytable('field > 6',$this->_odb);
New table where field > 6
$r = new t_mytable('=field IS NOT NULL',$this->_odb);
New table where field IS NOT NULL
$r = new t_mytable('<ORDER BY field',$this->_odb);
< removes preceeding WHERE so you can build your own statement end clause.
NOTE: Only one record is filled with filldata or new table so excluding the where will just result in the last record.
* SPECIAL, you can send an array for $id.
[$id, $what] if you send an array the first element is your id( 5, 'dog', whatever), the second element is what you want to pull '`field_name1`,`field_name2`'
This can be dangerous if you run $r->updateData() because the empty fields in the record would overwrite your database. You would use this if you want to pull
less data from your database when you make a new table. Ex: you just want your user id, email, and password to match for a login, but you don't need the rest
of the database user record.
This will set your field array [counted] fields to zero. Meaning fset fsset counts will be zero so updateData(id,true) will not see any changes to your field array.
$r->fillData(overloaded, $force=false)
If for some reason you want to pull a record with an id of 0, or '' you can set force to true.
This will pull the last record data, you would only use this typically if you had no key field and just one record.
Fill the object where the key filed id = 1
Fill the object where the id field = 'dog'
Fill the object where the myfield field = 'dog'
* SPECIAL, you can send an array for $id.
[$id, $what] if you send an array the first element is your id( 5, 'dog', whatever), the second element is what you want to pull '`field_name1`,`field_name2`'
This can be dangerous if you run $r->updateData() because the empty fields in the record would overwrite your database. You would use this if you want to pull
less data from your database when you make a new table. Ex: you just want your user id, email, and password to match for a login, but you don't need the rest
of the database user record.
Use this to set a field value, same as $r->f['field']['value'] = 'value';
fset & fsset will record the count of times this field changed in $r->f['field']['changed'] if > 0 updateData(key,true) will only update values that changed for supplied key
Use to get a field value from a field name.
Use this to set a sodium encrypted field value, same as $r->f['field']['value'] = 'value'; - must set sodium key and nonce or sodium files config to use
fset & fsset will record the count of times this field changed in $r->f['field']['changed'] if > 0 updateData(key,true) will only update values that changed for supplied key
Use to get a sodium decrypted field value from a field name. - must set sodium key and nonce or sodium files config to use
This will load the SQL you set above in the buildQueryArray, and run that array of queries.
$r->query('SELECT * FROM site_works_admin')
This will just run the query you send it.
$r->getFieldNames($is_insert) - This is garbage to you, I use it to build INSERT and UPDATE queries from your database table object.
$r->getRow($result,$returnArray=false) - This is an alias for getRows, but it may make it easier when debugging and reading your code when you are selecting 1 row only.
$r->getRows($result,$returnArray=false) - This gets your rows from your result, you get an object for false (default), associative array for true.
$r->cse(string) - this cleans your sodium encrypted string to make it ready for insertion to the database blob field. (clean sodium encrypt)
Normally you'll just use fsset for this, but in case you want to $r->f['thing']['value'] = $r->cse('my binary data');
If you put this in SQL use single quotes as double quotes won't be cleaned.
$r->c(string) - this cleans your string to make it ready for insertion to the database.
$r->clean(string) - this cleans your string to make it ready for insertion to the database.
$r->cleanAll() - This will traverse your table object fields and clean each value.
$r->clearFields() - This will set your field values in the object back to your defaults.
$r->selectOne($where = false, $values_to_return = '*', array(true)object(false) ) - Return an object or array of values for one row. Automatically adds LIMIT 1 to end of statement.
$r->selectAll($where = false, $values_to_return = '*') - Send your WHERE clause and Value list, this returns a result set.
Ex: $r->selectAll('x=y AND z=q ORDER BY x desc', '`x`,`y`')
If you do not specify return values, you'll get the entire record for each row.
Note: When you use selectAll, the result gets stored in the object as well
This means you can use $r->getRows() or $r->getRows($result) in the following example.
Ex: Loop through results
$r = new t_my_table(null,$this->_odb);
$result = $r->selectAll('`u_id`='.$r->c($_POST['key']));
while($row = $r->getRows()){ $output .= $row->MyField . ' - ' . $row->MyField2; }
$r->insertData(insertFielNames, insertFieldValues) - This will take the field values in your object and attempt to insert it as a new record in your database.
insertFielNames - null (pulls from object) or your field name list. Ex: `field_1`,`field_2`
insertFieldValues - null (pulls from object) or your filed value list. Ex: 'one',1
$r->insertUpdateData(insertFielNames, insertFieldValues, updateFieldValues) - This will insert the data, unless a keyfield is matched in which case it should update it.
If any paramaters are null, they are built fromm the database class. Example:
insertFielNames - null or `field_name1`,`field_name2`,`field_name3`
insertFieldValues - null or 'val1',2,'val3'
updateFieldValues - null or `field_name1`='val1',`field_name2`=2,`field_name3`='val3'
$r->updateData($where = false,$values=false) - To update your data, multipul ways to use it.
$r->updateData(); - This will simply update whatever data you have in the field array of your table object.
$r->updateData(false); - Putting false in the where clause will update your data without a where clause.
$r->updateData('x=y'); This will update using your field list, and apply the where clause x=y
$r->updateData('x=y','x'); This will only update the x field where x=y
$r->updateData(4,'x') This will only update the x field where the id = 4
$r->updateData('bob','x') This will only update the x field where the id = 'bob'
$r->updateData(4,'`x`=7') Update x to 7 where id = 4
$r->updateData(4,'`x`="seven"') Update x to seven where id = 4
$r->updateData(4,true) Update only fields that have been changed with fset or fsset where id = 4
$r->updateData('=IN()') Adding an = sign as the first character will keep the WHERE clause but allow you to use things like user_id IN(1,2) statements if you don't have need of = > or < comparaison in your WHERE.
$r->updateData('<ORDER BY xfield') Adding an < sign as the first character will remove the WHERE clause and you can put what you want in place of it, like ORDER BY
# These examples should work anywhere there is a $where option, like selectAll, updateData, deleteData and fillData
$r->deleteData($where = '') - To delete data from the database
$r->deleteData(); - Delete your currently loaded table object.
$r->deleteData(false); - Delete your data with no where clause.
$r->deleteData('x=y'); - Delete all rows where x = y.
$r->deleteData(4); - Delete where id = 4
$r->deleteData('bob') - Delete where id = 'bob'
Need to access a field value?
- Less writing shortcut - get and set - no return
// Set a field value - sets field value
// Get a field value - returns field value
Need to access a field error?
$r->f['sw_admin_key']['error'] - site_works doesn't use this so far.
Need to access the number of times you changed a value with fset or fsset since your last action like updateData()? (Only works after you instantiate the object or call fillData)
Need to access the origional 0 or null setting for $r->f['sw_admin_key']['value']? (Only works after you instantiate the object or call fillData)
$this->_s This is the entire site_works object. You can access everything in it from here.
Well, everything except your database credentials, I remove them after connections are made for added security.
Ex: $this->_s->tool->dmsg("This will print something to the debug_server");
Aliases of _s
$this->_tool This is an alias for $this->_s->tool for faster typing
Look Away, you should not need this, the framework uses it to help handle error reporting in the debug_server app
$this->_tool->dmsg(string, showArray(bool)(int), showline(bool))
Ok, this part is fun :)
This will print the string you send to the debug_server app you have running.
showArray - (default true) This adds a trace to your output so you know where in the code it was enacted.
showArray - (1) If you put a 1 instead of true, it will print the entire debug trace.
showline - (default true) Adds a __________________________________ after the output for readablity
If you enabled colors in your config, and your terminal supports it:
$this->_tool->dmsg('Hello, [c_red] this will be in red, and [c_clear] this will be back to normal',false,false);
Use the [c_COLOR] text in your string when you want to change colors. We automatically clear the color choice at the end of yoru line for you.
Color Options:
[c_clear] [c_black] [c_red]
[c_green] [c_orange] [c_blue]
[c_purple] [c_cyan] [c_light_gray]
[c_gray] [c_light_red] [c_light_green]
[c_yellow] [c_light_blue] [c_light_purple]
[c_light_cyan] [c_white]
Dir is your path to the folder you want to start listing files from.
ftype 0 returns an array of files and folders
ftype 1 returns an array of files only
ftype 2 returns an array of folders only
recursive means it will dig down into subfolders if true
- ignore the last array if you look at the code, that's to handle the recursion bit.
Delete an entire folder ( that we have permission to )
You can choose to leave the root folder of your path by setting the second parameter to false
Send it a path to a file, and it will remove it if possible.
$this->_tool->buildText($match, $replace, $is_javascript)
Look Away, nothign to see here. Yes, you have access to it, but I can't see you would ever use it.
$this->_tool->getText(index, $language)
Returns the text for the provided language from the siteworks_lang database.
This is supposed to remove XSS injecton from a html string. You probably won't use it in your code.
*NOTE: No return, this just modifies the values you send.
$this->_tool->noHTML( string|array|object, $ops = ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, $encoding = 'UTF-8')
Use this, or your own version when printing user data out to your document to help prevent XSS.
*NOTE: No return, this just modifies the values you send.
Wrapper for cleanHTML, and provides a return variable so you can apply directly in code.
$this->_tool->noH( string|array|object, $ops = ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, $encoding = 'UTF-8')
Wrapper for noHTML, and provides a return variable so you can apply directly in code.
This lets you pretty print your arrays to the browser by encapsulating your array in 'pre' tags.
$this->_tool->iRnd( $lenght, $keyspace )
This will return a string of length $length using the characters you define in $keyspace. Default keyspace is US letters and numbers
// PHP Basic Encryption
$this->_tool->iEncrypt($string, $secret_key, $secret_iv, $encryption_method )
Send your plain text string along with a secret key (salt), and a secret_iv (salt2), method default 'AES-256-CBC'
Your secret key is probably reused and set in your config. the secret_iv is generally unique per thing being encrypted. You can store it in plain text to use for decryption.
$this->_tool->iDecrypt($string, $secret_key, $secret_iv, $encryption_method)
This decrypts your encryption. You use the same key and iv and method you did when you encrpted.
$this->_tool->sodium_encrypt($string, $nonce=false, $key=false)
This will use sodium to encrypt your string. Leave $nonce or $key false to automaically use config value.
NOTE: I suggest you use Blob/medblob/tinyblob type field to store sodium in a DB. Binary & VarBinary field types can report incorrect data.
$this->_tool->sodium_decrypt($string, $nonce=false, $key=false)
This will use sodium to decrypt your string. Leave $nonce or $key false to automaically use config value.
$this->_tool->sodium_check($encryted_string, $string, $nonce=false, $key=false)
Compare an encrypted string with a plain string. Leave $nonce or $key false to automaically use config value.
Return a randomized sodium key value.
Return a randomized sodium nonce value.
Ex: $this->_tool->sodium_create_files('/tmp/sodium_key', '/tmp/sodium_nonce');
You must send a key path and a nonce path for writing the files. These files will store the sodium key and sodium nonce value.
The files will not be written if they already exist, or the path is unwriteable.
You should not use the paht you provide here for your sodium reads, because if you accidently overwrite a key or nonce you can not decrypt again.
You should copy the files created and then paste them in another location you wish to read from, then set the read paths in your config.
Read sodium key value from file, return it and store it in config value $this->_s->sodium_key
Read sodium key value from file, return it and store it in config value $this->_s->sodium_nonce
A single call to load sodium key and nonce into the config values. Leave paths false if you want to use config path values.
$this->_tool->get_c($element_name, $value_compare, $array) - wrapper for vc() to test $_GET variables as not null or blank.
$this->_tool->post_c($element_name, $value_compare, $array) - wrapper for vc() to test $_POST variables as not null or blank.
$this->_tool->request_c($element_name, $value_compare, $array) - wrapper for vc() to test $_REQUEST variables as not null or blank.
$this->_tool->vc($element_name, $value_compare, $array)
This will return true if $element_name is not null, not blank and matches $value_compare.
If you do not send $value_compare it will return true if $element_name is not null and not blank.
If you do not send $array it will return true if the $element_name variable is not null and not blank.
$this->_tool->chr_c($string, $replacement_string="*")
Use this in combination with dmsg if you are printing fsset() binary data if you are using the debug_server. It will replace
a lot of control and unprintable characters for you.
$this->_tool->chr_control_noprint - An array of chr() values that chr_c will remove.
// Some simple CURL functionality - Must have CURL installed to use
$this->_tool->curl($url=null,$postvars=array(),$headers=false,$sendtype=null,$fp=null) - Returns curl response
- $url: The endpoint url
- $postvars: An array of post variables array('key1'=>'val1','key2','val2');
- $headers: An array of headers, array('header1: value2','header2: value2');
- $sendtype: POST | PUT | GET | DELETE | PATCH
- $fp: File URL, passing this in a POST will overwrite your postdata, you can send in your postvars array instead array('myfile'=>'@/file/path')
$this->_tool->curl_post($u=null,$p=array(),$h=false,$fp=null) - curl wrapper for POST
$this->_tool->curl_put($u=null,$p=array(),$h=false,$fp=null) - curl wrapper for PUT
$this->_tool->curl_get($u=null,$p=array()) - curl wrapper for GET
$this->_tool->curl_delete($u=null,$p=array(),$h=false) - curl wrapper for DELETE
$this->_tool->curl_patch($u=null,$p=array(),$h=false) - curl wrapper for PATCH
Return: response['body','header'];
To set only POST method, 'OPTIONS,POST' - you still need to check if they used POST in your code (Shown in Example)
- $allow_headers DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range
I default to some typical ones, but just send a string for what you want 'User-Agent,X-Requested-With'
PHP Read an incoming header: $User-Agent = getallheaders()['User-Agent'];
- $origin * if HTTP_ORIGIN not set.
Set this to the origin you want to allow ''
- $content_type application/json; charset=UTF-8
Set this to your desired content type string 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
- $max_age 3600
Send the number of seconds to cache in a string. '3600'
Example Usage:
I would put your script in a script controller.
// In your general.script.php
public function my_method(){
$this->_tool->enable_cors(); // This will enable CORS with all default values, probably all you ever need.
if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST'){ $this->_tool->respond(405, ['SWStatus: Bad Method'], {"status":"405","Error":"Must use POST"}); return; }
// Your code here
$this->_tool->respond($code=404, $output='', $headers=array())
Use this to respond to RESTful connections with less mess.
HTTP Status Code: 1xx (Info Response), 2xx (Successful), 3xx (Redirection), 4xx (Client Error), 5xx (Server Errors)
Send your output to echo, maybe some JSON. '{"key":"val","key2":"val2"}'
Add an array of your own headers if you want: ['Header1: Value1','Header2: Value2']
Note: sw_error_permission is returned from the framework to the default controller as a pass_var if a permission lock for a modual or a controller was tripped.
$this->_uri->calltype & $this->_uri->calltypes - The URI call type - ajax/ajaxs iframe/iframes script/scripts controller/controllers respectivly
Your URI will have this structure:
If modual is not found, we supply the default modual you gave us in your config file.
If the controller is not found, we supply the name of the modual provided.
If the method is not provided, we supply the name of the controller.
pass_var gives you the first URI segment that didn't match one of the above
pass_vars is an array of every segment past the pass_var segment
This means URL's like the following will all get you to
$this->_uri->module - This is the modual segment of the URI
$this->_uri->controller - This is the controller segment of the URI
$this->_uri->method - This is the method segment of the URI
$this->_uri->pass_var - This is the pass_var segment of the URI
$this->_uri->pass_vars - This is the pass_vars segment of the URI
$this->_uri->pass_varz - This is an array of the unajusted pass_var + pass_vars. Example: Capitoliation is preserved.
$this->_uri->count_pass - This is the totoal number of passed URI segment variralbes (does not include ?param=value)
$this->_uri->root_url - http(s)://subdomain.your_site.tld
$this->_uri->base_url - http(s)://subdomain.your_site.tld/site_works
For root and base you can add a _n or a _s to the property to pull the secure or non_secure versions
Example: $this->_uri->base_url_s will force the secure https version of the domain.
$this->_uri->asset_url is built from the asset parts you gave us in the config. You can use the _s and _n to force secureness
This just gives you a quick way to plug in your asset path to images, documents and so on:
$this->_uri->asset->images - http(s)://asset_subdomain.MyAssetSite.asset_tld/project_name_a/assets/images
** Special Notice: Your assets will be served from your asset server,
** but you still need to keep anything generated by siteworks on the site servers for framework operations.
$this->_uri->asset->images - asset_url + /assets/images
$this->_uri->asset->documents - asset_url + /assets/documents
$this->_uri->asset->js - asset_url + /assets/js
$this->_uri->asset->css - asset_url + /assets/css
$this->_uri->asset->js_vendor - asset_url + /assets/js/vendor
$this->_uri->asset->css_vendor - asset_url + /assets/css/vendor
The vendor folder is just a fancy way to say third party stuff. Helping you stay organized.
js/siteworks and css/siteworks are the files we build with the framework
js and css you put in _js/vendor _css/vendor wont be touched by the framework
js and css files you directly put in the public folder under js/ or css/ won't be touched
We only overwrite the siteworks folder in the js and css directories.
$this->_uri->fixeduri - this removes the project_name from the actual url so we can pull just the usable segments. Garbage to you.
$this->_uri->sw_module_path - the path to your modual /var/www/html/site_works/private/moduals/tempalte;
$this->_uri->load_the_model - This tells the framework if it needs to autoload a model. Garbage to you
** Special Notice - You won't usually use direct calls to _odb, you'll usually use - #The Database Table Object Class - found below
$this->_odb - This is the 'default' key in the config files database array. It's the connection we use for the siteworks databases.
Generally you won't directly use the _odb or _dbo, you'll create a new object table shown below.
$this->_odb->freeResult($result) - Basic Free result to save memory.
$this->_odb->close() - Close the database connection.
$this->_odb->cse(string) - Clean your mysql sodium encrypted string, General escaping
You might use this to match an encrypted field when filling a table with $this->_odb or $this->_dbo['databaseid']
$r = new t_my_table('`email`=\'' . $this->_odb->cse($_POST['email']) . '\'');
If you put this in SQL use single quotes as double quotes won't be cleaned.
$this->_odb->c(string) - Clean your mysql string, General escaping
$this->_odb->p($sql, $values) - prepaired statments - (SQL,Value Array) like this: ('INSERT INTO table (first_name) VALUES (?)', ['Frost'])
$this->_odb->query($sql=false) - wrapper for $this->_odb->q($sql), note you can use $this->_dbo['default']->query($sql) too
$this->_odb->q($sql=false) - Run a query from the database obejct ('DELETE FROM table WHERE id=5')
$this->_odb->getInsertID($result) - Gets the last insert id from a result.
$this->_odb->getAffectedRows($result) - Return the number of effected rows for the result
$this->_odb->numRows($result) - Number of rows in the result
$this->_odb->getRow($result, $retrun_array) - wrapper for fetch_assoc [ $return_array = true ] / fetch_object [ $return_array = false Default ] single row
$this->_odb->getRows($result, $retrun_array) - wrapper for fetch_assoc [ $return_array = true ] / fetch_object [ $return_array = false Default ] all rows
$this->_odb->fetch_assoc($result) - Return an associative array of rows for the result
$this->_odb->fetch_object($result) - Return a row object for the result
$this->_dbo - This is an array of _odb's, so it does exactly the same thing but you call it differntly.
Ex: $this->_dbo['default'] is the same thing as $this->_odb
This exists because some of us are dumb enough to use multipul databases on different servers :(
Your database server array is set in your configuration file.
$this->_dbo['server_1']->q('DELETE FROM table WHERE x = y');
$this->_dbo['server_2']->q('DELETE FROM table WHERE x = y');
$this->_admin - This is an array bulit from the siteworks admin database site_works_admin
If you installed APCu, then we cache this every $this->APCuTimeoutMinutes minutes. Otherwize we load it from the database every time.
Before you touch it, you have access to the following fields:
$this->_admin['apcu_start_time'] - The time of the last cacheing of the database table.
$this->_admin['sw_admin_key'] - Just the database key: should always be 1.
$this->_admin['sw_version'] - Version of the current siteworks build.
If the sw_version does not match the number set on the built siteworks javascripts file, it will try to update itself.
That means when you git push to your live server, and the build number has changed, you'll need to re-load the site page to have it renew.
$this->_mem - Same as _admin but it's a volitile memory table, site_works_mem. Garbage to most.
$this->_mem['apcu_start_time'] - The time of the last cacheing of the database table.
$this->_mem['sw_mem_key'] - Database key - should always be 1.
$this->_mem['sw_site_visits'] - Volitile as a memory table, but you can use it if you want.
** Special Notice - Updating the $this->_admin or $this->_mem arrays does NOT change your database and will be refreshed every $this->APCuTimeoutMinutes minutes.
If you want to really change a value you need to write the information to the database, not the array.
Genearlly you'll treat the array as read only, but you can write if you want, like for +1 per visit for sw_site_visits since last refresh.
$this->_m - When you are in your controller and want to quickly access the model with the same name as yoru controller you use $this->_m->YourModelsMethod();
$this->_m is the auto-loaded model, selected only if it has the same name as the contorller and is under the same Modual as the controller.
$this->_m_modelname - when you load a model load_model('modelname'); You access it by using $this->_m_ followed by the name of the loaded model.
$this->_m_modelname must be within the controllers Modual
$this->_p - This is an array of parameters you want to pass around between your controller, modual, and view pages
$this->_csrf - Every time you load a page a new csrf token is generated and stored here.
The load functions use the PHP require_once language construct. The following loaded files by default come from your current loaded controller.
If you want to load a view or model from another modual, just provide the modual name in the modual variable.
filename should be just the start of the file name, so myfile.view.php should be sent as load_view('myfile'); only.
$this->load_view(filename,modual) - Loads modual/views/name.view.php - if left empty, it loads the view with the same name as the current controller.
$this->load_model(filename,modual) - Loads modual/views/name.model.php - if empty, loads model with the same name as modual; However, it should already be loaded.
To load something that you want available to multipul controller, try using a helper, or include.
$this->load_helper(filename) - This will load a file from the helper folder, accessable from all your controllers.
$this->load_path(full_path) - You should never need this, but you could use it to require_once on a path. return false if fail, nothing if success.
Do not start your includes in this folder with siteworks_ as that tells the autoloader to pull from /includes instead of /dev/includes.
To use the include folder, just drop a file in it and it will be automatically called php autoloader.
Include files should end in .inc.php Example:,
You load them like this:
$mytools = new mytools();
Your database table classes are special, they go in the dev/dbtables directory and have the following format:
the t_ tells the php Autoloader to look in the dbtables directory for the table ojbect, I also use this directory for framework purposes.
Do not start database tables in /dev/dbtables with t_site_works_
I provided this template modual for you to copy and paste to quickly set up a new modual.
It gives some basic usage examples, go ahead and explore the files.
You can remove this modual if you want to handle language yourself, or fix it up a bit.
Make sure you revoke access to this folder so your users can not manipulate your langauge files.
You can also pick a database table and get some quick sample code to help you set up your
HTML, CSS, JS, and AJAX quicker.
Notice: When you choose to get sample code, at the bottom I provided a bit of a framework cheat sheet for you.
You would not generally use the MVC this way, but I wanted to keep it all contained within the Modual in case
you want to remove it completely without hanving to hunt down javascript files and css files.
If you write the word root_asset_url, base_asset_url, asset_url, base_url, or root_url in your parsable CSS code in the dev folder,
the system will swap those with the url with the proper http or https.
root_url = https://subdomain.domain.tld/
base_url = https://subdomain.domain.tld/project_folder
// assets use the asset subdomain / domain / tld set in your config
root_asset_url = https://subdomain.domain.tld
base_asset_url = https://subdomain.domain.tld/project_folder
asset_url = https://subdomain_a.domain_a.tld_a/project_folder_a/assetfolder
If you plan to bounce between an Nginx setup with and without a project_folder, its best to just use base_url.
You can also pass your own variables with the sw_array in your config.
To access:
var x = sw_array['mykey'];
body{background: url('sw_array[mykey]');}
- Note, do not use the apostrophies with your sw_pass element key. (nicer for software editors)
The selling point of this framework for some developers will be the easy way to handle sites that need multipul langauges.
When you are busy writing code, you do not always have access to the boss to tell you what specific words to use for differnt things.
Now you can write your code and use [__My Words__]
Encaplulating your text in bracket underscore undercore will on your next page load trigger site_works to:
1) Check the site_works_lang database to see if it already exists
a) If it does, we leave the text but set it to useable. sw_lang_keep = 0
b) If it does not, we insert it into the sw_origional, and english fields.
2) Check all other encapulated text, and mark whatever is not found as ready for deletion. sw_lang_keep = 3
3) If the system things you are in php it will rewrite your dev code to the private code as $this->_s->tool->getText(6) which would be the key of the inserted text.
4) If it thinks javascript, getText(6), or {__6__} if it needs to run through the javascript page parcer because you put the text in $this->_out['body'][] for example.
System generated language always has a sw_lang_category of nothing, if you want to add options for select dropdowns for example, just give it a category
then you will have access to it in your javascript file as an array.
You can force specific text to never change its keep value by force keeping it by setting sw_lang_keep to 1
Once the developers text is in the database, your boss, or your interpreter can change the value for the language they want
and it will be pulled for the user based on $_SESSION['language'].
The string just to the left of your [__WORDS__] determins what to use:
Possible triggers for php are: . ( and =
Possible triggers for js are: + ( and = NOTE: if you write js code outside of your js file you might want to use the + to force the javascript call.
The default is to use {__words__}.
Ex: $w = $w . [__This is Where the Developers Words go__]; That turns into $w = $w . $this->_s->tool->getText(6); in the rebuilt private code.
js Ex: $w = '' + [__My Javascript text__]; Turns into $w = '' + getText(6);
As long as your in a js file you could do $w = [__My Words Here__] and the system will get the right getText() version
Ex: $w = '[__My Words__]'; Will become $w = '{__6__}'; Then that will be auto-parsed by the js on page load.
Typically unit testing means creating a file that you run with lines and lines of code. The trade off with my version is you will not
be able to just access all your tests at once in one file. Instead, each test is associated with the function it is meant to test.
That means to change a test you will have to locate the file and function related to your test. ( Ex: terminal:path/to/work/folder> ifind 'MyFunc' )
When you have your debug_mode active, the framework pre-processes all of your code files under the /dev directory. This allows me to examine each
function for your test code and create a test class and file to run. If you have a fatal error in one of your tests, obviously the code will break.
That's ok, set your unit test path variable $this->UnitTestsFile to a writable file path, you can open and read it to track the offending line.
If you do not set a UnitTestsFile, the test file is automatically removed after it is used.
Another advantage is the speed you can write your test. Just one line sets it up while your working on your function and it's fresh on your mind.
Standard success and fail messages show you the file and function in question in your debug_server output.
How it works:
...your code...
#_sw> "a","b",5,>7
private function MyFunc($a,$b,$c=0){
// Do some things
$x = $r->updateData(); #_sw< $x = true;
// More things to do
if( $r->updateData() ){
$myInt = 8;
} else {
$myInt = 7;
// Do more things
return $myInt;
...your code...
TEST Starter:
#_sw> "a","b",5,>7
If I find #_sw> I use the rest of the line up to the ,> as your fuction input values and use everything after ,> as your expected return value.
The test translates this line into a call to MyFunc, MyFunc( "a", "b", 5 );
TEST Line Replacement:
$x = $r->updateData(); #_sw< $x = true;
When you end a php line with #_sw< we replace the php code of that line with what you put in the comment after the $_sw<
This line will be translated to: $x = true;
$this and Database calls for example, do not work while unit testing, so you can change those lines on the fly
so you can get the expected return value by adding the tester line replacement.
TEST Block Clear:
Whatever is between the tags will be removed for the test.
You may have a large query that spans multipul lines for example
Or a block of code you do not need to run during a unit test.
TEST More than one set of variables:
When you preceed a function call with the test starter #_sw>, it runs the test with the provided values. If you want to run
another test on the same function with different values, just add another $_sw> line before the function to be tested.
Only .php files under your dev folder will be scanned when you do Unit Testing. Running unit tests of course take more processing power
so I would only turn tests on just before building for the production server. If all runs good, disable testing again.
This is a linux only app, you can install it /usr/bin/ifind if you want to run it without typing the ./
- Usage
./ifind 'My Word\'s go here'
- What does it do?
This will search and report on any match of words you give it starting in the directory you type it.
This is a linux only app, you can install it /usr/bin/debug_server if you want to run it without typing the ./
- Usage
./debug_server - To listen on default port 9200
./debug_server 5555 - To listen on port 5555
- What does it do?
This just sits and waits for data strings, then it prints them to the terminal.
You can tell it to print colors using the [c_COLOR] format
Color Options:
[c_clear] [c_black] [c_red]
[c_green] [c_orange] [c_blue]
[c_purple] [c_cyan] [c_light_gray]
[c_gray] [c_light_red] [c_light_green]
[c_yellow] [c_light_blue] [c_light_purple]
[c_light_cyan] [c_white]
Ex: $this->_tool->dmsg('Hello, [c_red] this will be in red, and [c_clear] this will be back to normal',false,false);
This is the windows version of the linux debug_server app, colors probably will not work.
This is a linux only app, you need to leave it in your site_works root folder so the framework can find it.
- Parameters
File = This is the filename of the file in your thread_scripts folder you want to run. We add the path and .php for you.
Wait = before starting the script: Integer number of Milliseconds to wait before starting your thread. 1(s) = 1000(ms)
Vars = Send an array of key => value pairs to retrieve in your thread script.
- Why
Say you want to let a user visit your page, but you want to do some behind the scenes work without making them wait.
Now you can run a script like the following to run a background script, starting 20 seconds from now, with an array of variables.
You'll find an example of this in the template controller.
- Usage
$this->_tool->thread( 'MyFile', 20000, ['key1'=>'var1','key2'=>'var2'] );
// File, WaitTimer(ms), Vars
Will run private/thread_scripts/MyFile.php in 20 seconds
- Your threaded script
Your thread scripts should be located in /dev/thread_scripts
* NOTE: When your page is processed by the framework you reference it in the private/thread_scripts folder.
They should have the extention .php
They must contain vanilla php code as they are not run thought the framework
If you need to run through the framework try something like this in your thread script:
$x = file_get_contents('');
- OR Read below to add site_works_essentials
- Passing Variables to the thread file
Your thread files should always start with this line:
$q = json_decode( base64_decode( getopt("q:")['q'] ) );
If you sent an array of variables, as shown in the call above, then you will access them here as an object.
$q->key1 and $q->key2 as per the calling example above.
This is the queue manager. When you put something in the site_works_queue database, and you have the php_q_it queue manager running
it will run the script in the order it was put in.
- Parameters
File = This is the filename of the file in your queue_scripts folder you want to run. We add the path and .php for you.
Vars = Send an array of key => value pairs to retrieve in your thread script.
Tag = You can run multipul queues at once by giving each queue item a tag it belongs to. Queue tag A and B can run at the same time
The second queue item with the tag A will come after the first queue item with the tag A.
WaitStart = How many Milliseconds should we wait before starting this individual queue item? Deafult 0, do not wait.
Timeout = How many Seconds we wait for your script to run? 0 for default 30 seconds. If your script needs more time tell us here
or the next in line may start before your first one is complete.
- Why
You need to process something that takes a while and you don't want users to see they are hung up on a page.
- Usage
$this->_tool->queue( 'MyFile', ['key1'=>'var1','key2'=>'var2'], 'MyQueueTag', 0, 0 );
// File, Vars, Tag, WaitStart(ms), Timeout(s)
- Your queue script
Your queue scripts should be located in /dev/queue_scripts
* NOTE: When your page is processed by the framework you reference it in the private/queue_scripts folder.
They should have the extention .php
They must contain vanilla php code as they are not run thought the framework
If you need to run through the framework try something like this in your queue script:
$x = file_get_contents('');
- OR Read below to add site_works_essentials
- Passing Variables to the queue file
Your queue files should always start with this line:
$q = json_decode( base64_decode( getopt("q:")['q'] ) );
If you sent an array of variables, as shown in the call above, then you will access them here as an object.
$q->key1 and $q->key2 as per the calling example above.
- Unlike the threader, you need to start php_q_it yourself if you want it to opperate. Typically you might use something like UPSTART or SYSTEMD for this.
- php_p_it takes the following command line arguments, if you provide a config file and another item like -prt, then -prt will take precedence.
Collected by your Config if you provided it:
-x1 : This goes on the left side of the php command. /usr/bin/ for example. Set by: $this->thread_php_path in config
-x2 : This goes on the right side of the php command. 7.2 for example. Set by: $this->thread_php_version in config
If you leave it blank we would call: php /path/to/queue_script.php or per the example: /usr/bin/php7.2 /path/to/queue_script.php
-h : hostname for your database
-u : username for your database
-p : password for your database
-d : database name
-prt : Database Port / Socket
-t : Database type ( mysqli / postgres ) - not currently used.
Not Collected by your Config, you provide them in UPSTART or SYSTEMD or Command line
-c : Full path to your configuration file, Ex: /var/www/YOURSITE/conf/siteworks.YOURSITECOM.pconf.php
-s : Milliseconds to wait between calls to read your database for new queue items to manage. Default is to check every 1 second, 1000(ms).
- SYSTEMD Example for php_q_it
sudo chmod +x /path/to/php_q_it
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/myservice.service
Description=Example Systemd Service.
ExecStart=/path/to/php_q_it -c /path/to/siteworks.YOURSITE.pconf.php -s 10000
# Start The service for testing
sudo systemctl start myservice
# Check the Status
sudo systemctl status myservice
# To stop it
sudo systemctl stop myservice
# To restart it
sudo systemctl restart myservice
# If its all good, enable it
sudo systemctl enable myservice
# Reboot and Check if its running
sudo systemctl status myservice
This is a linux only app to allow you handle websockets between a client and the websocket server.
- Parameters
-x1 : This goes on the left side of the php command. /usr/bin/ for example. Set by: $this->thread_php_path in config
-x2 : This goes on the right side of the php command. 7.2 for example. Set by: $this->thread_php_version in config
If you leave it blank we would call: php /path/to/socket_script.php or per the example: /usr/bin/php7.2 /path/to/socket_script.php
-port = Websocket Server Port, default 8090
-sport = Websocket Server Secure Port, default 8091
-script = /var/www/html/YOURSITE/private/socket_scripts/YOUR_FILE.php The file the socket server should call for processing.
-to = Script Timeout, default 30 seconds.
-debug = true / false, default false
-dupes = Default: false, Allow duplicate connections for identical UID/TAG/UNIQUEID
-c = path to your siteworks config. /var/www/html/YOURSITE/conf/siteworks.YOURSERVER.pconf.php
-cert = (optional) path to your ssl cert. Only needed for secure connection.
-certkey = (optional) path to your ssl cert key. Only needed for secure connection
// Websockets have a problem. The client and server can get disconnected for many reasons unexpectedly.
// In some situaitons settig a keepalive timer can work, this will tell the php_websocket server to send out a
// pong to each connected client every (keepalive) Milliseconds. I suggest setting it to less than 30(s) 30000(ms) if you use
// the keepalive method. Note, if you have 10000 clients connected, you'll be sending the pong string to 10000 people every
// (keepalive) Milliseconds. Not a real issue at a reasonable setting (20000), but something to think about.
// Your other option is to set keepalive to 0 and not use it, but have the connected client servers call the socket server
// with a ping. The server will respond with the string you set in the pong. Once you recieve your pong on the client,
// you restart the clients timer to send another ping. If for some reason you do not recieve a pong from the server
// you can attempt to reestablish the websocket connection. I provide a javascript example with some robustness below.
-keepalive = Number of Milliseconds to loop a brodcast of the pong string to all clients. 0 to turn off Default 0
-ping = This is the string you plan to send to the websocket server to request a pong. Anything else gets passed to your php socket script.
-pong = This is the string the server will resopnd with when pinged, and the string sent with keepalive.
-nopong = Default: false, If true the server will trash incomming pings, meaning you can run a client side keepalive.
- Why
You want a chat component for your site, or you want to brodcast an event. (This is not a streamer) Techincally you could
probalby use it to stream but it would be really ineffeicnet for that. Use it more to send and recieve messages from
many clients. You can select individuals to send text too, or send to everyone at once.
- Usage
You start this with UpSart or SystemD, the command line would be something like:
sudo ./php_websockets -script=/var/www/SITE/private/socket_scripts/sockets.php -c=conf/siteworks.SITE.pconf.php
- Your WebSocket script
Your socket scripts should be located in /dev/socket_scripts
* NOTE: When your page is processed by the framework you reference it in the private/socket_scripts folder.
They should have the extention .php
They must contain vanilla php code as they are not run thought the framework
If you need to run through the framework try something like this in your socket script:
$x = file_get_contents('');
- OR Read below to add site_works_essentials
- Passing Variables to the socket script file
Your socket files should always start with this line:
$q = json_decode( base64_decode( getopt("q:")['q'] ) );
The websocket server sends the following json encoded, base64 encoded variables to your socket script.
- $q->sw_var
This is the string you passed from your client ( likley javacript )
var obj = {sw_var:"{\"input\":\""+input.value+"\"}",sw_action:"sw_10"};
socket.send( JSON.stringify(obj) );
Notice I created my object with an embeded escaped json object string? You can pass json like this to your script if you want.
- $q->sw_action
Other than sw_* variables, you can use this passed string as you like. If you pass my sw_* commands:
- sw_0 = Pass this from your socket script to tell the socket server you want to disconnect the people you selected below
- sw_1 = Pass this from your client(javascript) to have the socket server fill the sw_user_list with active user id's.
- sw_2 = Pass this from your clinet, socket server sends your script filled active tags - sw_tag_list
- sw_3 = Pass this from your client, socket server sends your script filled active uniqueids - sw_uniqueid_list
- sw_10 = Pass this from your clinet, socket server sends filled active: sw_user_list, sw_tag_list, and sw_uniqueid_list
- sw_allow = This aciton is sent anytime someone attempts a connection to the server. You respond with a "1" or "0". If you send a "1"
the user will be allowed, anything else will disconnect them. We also send $q->sw_caller when someone tries to connect.
You can use uid / tag / unique id from the $q->sw_caller array to match your database for added security to chooes who you allow in.
- $q->sw_user_list
When your clients sends sw_1 action, this array will be filled with a list of active user id's.
- $q->sw_tag_list
Your client sends sw_2, this array will be filled with all active id's.
- $q->sw_uniqueid_list
Your client sneds sw_3, this array will be filled with all active unique_id's.
- $q->sw_caller
This array is automatically sent to your php socket script ['uid','tag','uniqueid'], with the
information of the clinet making the call. ( Assuming you set it of course )
# Note I don't know your specific use case, so you may not use user ids, tags, or unique ids. That's fine, your arrays for those will just be
empty when you call the sw_ actoins. Calling sw_0 when all users id's are '' will disconnect everyone.
- Security
- sw_0, when you pass this action from your php socket script it removes everyone you specify in the arrays sw_user_list, sw_tag_list, and sw_uniqueid_list.
This means if you send sw_tag_list['chat_server_1'] with the sw_0 sw_action, everyone with the tag chat_server_1 gets disconnected.
If you send some users and some tags, then everyone who matches a user or a tag gets diconnected.
- This is how you control who you send to as well. If you dont specify sw_0, then the people or tags you list will be the only ones that recive the broadcast.
You can use this to hold a conversation with a single user in a chat room for example.
- Anyone can connect if they know your server and port, so if security is an issue I suggest you make use of passing uid/tag/unique_id, this
means when someone puts in fake info you can check it in your php script, then sw_0 boot them and send them a message sw_var = '{"message":"Get off my lawn!"}'
- Anyone can listen. If they connect to the webserver they may be able to listen in. Again, use the unique_id's and match it with the one you have in your
database for a particular user id. You automate a script sending sw_3, match all unique_id's, and put any that do not match in the sw_uniqueid_list array and
send the sw_0 to kick them. Or whitelist by filling the sw_uniqueid_list array with the people you want to send the data to and do not send the sw_0 action
# Important - If your server isn't allowing connections, make sure you are handling the sw_allow sw_action in your socket script
- Remember, on any connection to the server, we send sw_action of sw_allow. In your script, when you see this special sw_action, you can check
their user id / tag / and unique id against your database. If you echo a "1" the user will be allowed to finish the connection. If you echo anything
other than "1", the user will be disconnected.
* The socet server only sends you unique uids/tags/uniqueid's. So if Frost has uid 1 and has 100 clients, and you send sw_1, you'll get 1, one time in the uid array.
* Swapping around between php/javascript JSON_encode and decoding, be carful of special characters like /n, you'll probably want to nl2br at some point for example.
- SYSTEMD Example for php_websockets
// Often your ExecStart starts with /bin/bash with your options in quotes, but the programs are just binary executables so you dont call somehting else to start it.
sudo chmod +x /path/to/php_websockets
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/myservice2.service
Description=Example Systemd Service.
ExecStart=/path/to/php_websockets -c /path/to/siteworks.YOURSITE.pconf.php -script /path/to/private/socket/scripts/YOURSCRIPT.php
# Start The service for testing
sudo systemctl start myservice2
# Check the Status
sudo systemctl status myservice2
# To stop it
sudo systemctl stop myservice2
# To restart it
sudo systemctl restart myservice2
# If its all good, enable it
sudo systemctl enable myservice2
# Reboot and Check if its running
sudo systemctl status myservice2
- NGINX I provided an example nginx script for this above, but it's not really neccessary. You can directly connect to the ports opened by the websocket server.
If for some reason you want to run though Nginx, that's fine too, but it may get more confusing with load balancing.
- javascript
The connection:
var socket = new WebSocket("ws://YOUR_SERVER:PORT/UID/TAG/UNIQUEID");
If you wanted to let someone make multipul connections with the same uid/tag/uniqueid set
$this->websocket_allow_duplicates to true in config then you could write something like this
in your javascript client:
var n = new Date().getTime();
var socket = new WebSocket("ws://YOUR_SERVER:PORT/UID/TAG/UNIQUEID/" + n);
That will create a new socket connection for each new browser they open.
NOTE: Allowing duplicates just means your user can open multipul connections with the same credentials: UID/TAG/UNIQUEID
Don't confuse that with UNIQUEID which is only passed for you to run security checks on. Each connection made is
of course a unique connection, that's why we need the unique + n segment above to open multipule connections.
Setting allow_duplicates to false means when user Frost opens two browsr windows with the same UID/TAG/UNIQUEID
but a differnet +n segment, only the newest connection will be open, the rest will be closed for him if they
have the same UID/TAG/UNIQUEID.
Send your variable string - could be JSON:
var obj = {sw_var:"{\"input\":\""+msg.value+"\"}",sw_action:"sw_10"};
socket.send( JSON.stringify(obj) );
<!-- Example Javascript for a browser client. Replace YOUR_SERVER:[PORT/SPORT] UID TAG UNIQUEID-->
<input id="input" type="text" />
<button onclick="send()">Send</button>
<pre id="output"></pre>
var input = document.getElementById("input");
var output = document.getElementById("output");
var socket = null;
// If you set the config to allow dupes(duplicates), then you can add additional unique segments to the websocket url
// For example, Frost would like to open two browser windows to monitor the same chat server. Your code is set up to
// check Frosts UID and UNIQUEID for secuirty, but Frost only has one uniqueid associated with his account.
// If you allow dupes, you just add another unique segment to the calling websocket url as show below
// If you do not want to allow dulicates, the /socket_unique is not neccessary because the server will kick
// any old connection that matches UID/TAG/UNIQUEID.
// I use socket_unique if I plan to allow duplicates
var socket_unique = new Date().getTime();
function socket_connect(){
socket = new WebSocket("ws://YOUR_SERVER:PORT/UID/TAG/UNIQUEID" + "/" + socket_unique );
// To use a secure websocket
// socket = new WebSocket("wss://YOUR_SERVER:SPORT/UID/TAG/UNIQUEID" + "/" + socket_unique );
// If you want to use a ping / pong to keep connections alive, set up an interval timer to send your ping.
var pong_recieved = true;
var iTimer = {};
iTimer.keepalive = 0;
function iTimerF(){
// If using ping/pong or ping/nopong
console.log("Sending the Ping");
socket.send( "1" );
// If you exect to recieve a pong set pong_recieved to false
// However if you set nopong to true in config, comment this next line out.
pong_recieved = false;
// Hmm we sent a ping, but did not recieve an expected pong
// That likely means we have been disconnected so lets try to reconnect
// Make sure the socket is closed
// Reset our pong_recieved starter status
pong_recieved = true;
// Reconnect
iTimer.keepalive = 0;
// Start our initial websocket connection
// Use a javascript timer for ping/pong and ping/nopong client side keepalive stratagies
// Comment the next line out if you just plan on using server side keepalive
// To Stop the timer use: clearInterval(SecondTimer);
var SecondTimer = setInterval(iTimerF, 1000);
socket.onopen = function () {
output.innerHTML += "Status: Connected\n";
socket.onclose = function () {
// The client thinks it was disconnected
// You could do a socket_connect() here to reconnect
// Or if you are using the interval timer above it should reconnect automatically
socket.onmessage = function (e) {
// Handle Pong return from our Ping
if( == "1"){
// If you are using server side keepalive, or ping pong you should handle the incoming pong.
pong_recieved = true;
// Non-pong responce, This is your php socket script file responce
output.innerHTML += "Server: " + + "\n";
// If you sent back JSON, parse it
var obj = JSON.parse(;
output.innerHTML += "p: " + obj.p + "\n";
output.innerHTML += "i: " + obj.i + "\n";
output.innerHTML += "w: " + obj.w + "\n";
// You can have JSON within JSON and parse that too
var obj2 = JSON.parse(obj.w);
output.innerHTML += "w2: " + obj2[2] + "\n";
function send() {
// Lets send the socket server some json for the sw_var and an empty sw_action
var obj = {sw_var:"{\"input\":\""+input.value+"\"}",sw_action:""};
// Now we JSON encode the above object and send it off to the server.
socket.send( JSON.stringify(obj) );
// Clear the input textbox
input.value = "";
- php
// Turns out it's really ugly to have php connect to a websocket, so I created an app you call from php to handle it for you.
// To use this you must have php_websockets_client in your project root folder, and it must be executable.
// It will take a message, connect to the websocket server, send your message, close the connection and return the string resopnce to you.
// I wrote this because, say you want your queue manager to handle something, then you want to report to all watchers that the
// funciton has completed. You could also use curl to call a javascript/python script but this seems like the easiest solution for most situations.
Send a message like this:
$reply = $this->_tool->broadcast($sw_var='',$sw_action='',$uid='',$tag='',$uniqueid='',$host='',$port='',$sendhost='',$sendport='');
# Note, if you return something like {"key":"val"}, you may want to addslashes in some contexts.
Ex: $this->_console[] = addslashes( $this->_tool->broadcast('hello','','1','tag','38483') );
$sw_var = (string) Your message, you can send JSON but as a string, then json_decode it in your socket script.
$sw_action = (string) You can use one of the sw_ commands like above, or use it for your own purposes.
$uid = (string) Set the Callers user id for this connection.
$tag = (string) Set the Callers tag for this connection.
$uniqueid = (string) Set the Callers unique id for this connection.
$host = (string) If you do not provide a host, we'll use the one you set up in config: $this->_s->websocket_server Default:
$port = (string) If you do not provide a port, we'll use the one you set up in config: $this->_s->websocket_port Default:8090
// You may not need to use the following to in most situations. Websockets accept the sender host and port, the default
// is localhost and blank, which will just use a random open port. If for some reason the defaults will not work for you
// you can set these to a specific host and open port.
$sendhost = (string)(optional)
$sendport = (string)(optional)
The response is a string that you sent from your socket script file.
This is the multiserver ram key value pair server. Somewhat similar to Memcache but nothing to install, just run the app, set the config
and use it. Along with sending a key and a value, you can also send a tag. That may help for some projects where you want to pull or
delete similar types of variables all at once. When you call to access a variable you do it locally, then the software shares the
information to the other servers, that way all your php code accesses a local server making it faster than connecting to another server
holding your database for example.
- Security
Keep in mind you are currently passing plain text data over TCP sockets with this. I'd score it a B for security, but if someone has access
to your internal system, it could be comprimised. I would not use this for critical or sensitive data.
Secondly, anyone with access to the ramvar server and port will be able to attempt a connection.
To make you a little safer, when someone attempts to connect, but does not provide the proper
app_key you set in your configuration file, their IP will be qurantined for 600 seconds by default. That means they get one guess at your password
before having to wait the deault 600 seconds to try again from the same IP. Set your app_key to something people won't guess, the default is admin.
Example Localhost certificate and Key creation:
openssl req -x509 -out localhost.crt -keyout localhost.key -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 -subj '/CN=localhost' -extensions EXT -config <(printf "[dn]\nCN=localhost\n[req]\ndistinguished_name = dn\n[EXT]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:localhost\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth")
If you pass a certificate crt and key, then the server will listen on secure tls; however, all of your ramvar servers will need to listen securly and it will be slower, but not too bad.
- Config
$this->ramvar_local_server '', likely you'll leave this alone, unless you really want to access a report ramserver from the framework.
$this->ramvar_local_port Set the port you want your localhost ramserver to run on.
$this->ramvar_quarantine_seconds The default is likely fine, but change it as you see fit, number of seconds an IP remains in quarantine
$this->ramvar_app_key Use a key people won't easily guessed.
$this->ramvar_servers Comma separated list of ramvar servers:,
$this->ramvar_cert_crt Full path to your certificate crt /my/path/localhost.crt, leave empty to use non secure
$this->ramvar_cert_key Full path to your certificate key /my/path/localhost.key, leave empty to use non secure
- Parameters
$action = (Insert/Update) 1, (GET) 2/2.0 (AND) 2.1 (OR), (DELETE) 3/3.0 (AND) 3.1 (OR)
$key = This is your app key, default admin
$value = This is the number of seconds to quarantine an ip, default 600 seconds
$tag = true or false, default false
$message = false, you would ues a ramvar command here like sw_exit, sw_clearData, sw_clearAllData, sw_sync, sw_fullsync (Or just use one of the wrappers)
Note: $action is not needed when you use one of the wrapper functions ( setRamvar, getRamvar, getOrRamvar, deleteRamvar, deleteOrRamvar, exitRamvar, clearRamvar, clearAllRamvar, syncRamvar, fullsyncRamvar )
- Wrappers, used like $this->_tool->setRamvar($key, $value, $tag)
setRamvar($key, $value, $tag) See Usage below
getRamvar($key, $value, $tag) See Usage below
getOrRamvar($key, $value, $tag) See Usage below
deleteRamvar($key, $value, $tag) See Usage below
deleteOrRamvar($key, $value, $tag) See Usage below
exitRamvar() = This will force the ramvar server to exit, but if you have systemD or upstart be aware it may restart on you. I don't think you'll ever use this
clearRamvar() = This will clear all variables held by the local ramvar, you would likely call syncRamvar() after clearing. You might do this if you thought your ramvar was corrupted
clearAllRamvar() = This will clear all variables held by all ramvar servers.
syncRamvar() = This will call the first available ramvar server and update the local ramvar variables. It does not clear any of its old variables.
fullsyncRamvar() = This will call every available ramvar server and update its current variables. It will not clear any old variables on its own.
- Command Line Action
-c = path to your siteworks config. /var/www/html/YOURSITE/conf/siteworks.YOURSERVER.pconf.php
-k = This is your app key, default admin
-qs = This is the number of seconds to quarantine an ip, default 600 seconds
-debug = true or false, default false, just putting -debug sets this argument as true, set it last to avoid argument conflict.
-p = This is the port your local server will listen on
-s = This is a comma separated list of servers that will sync with each other. Ex:, Default
-cc = This is the full path to your certificate crt
-ck = This is the full path to your certificate key
- Why
Your service wants a fast way to store key value pairs without using a database, perhaps Rasberry Pi project and you need to access
the data on many machines locally.
- Usage
$this->_tool->ramvar( $action, $key, $value, $tag, $message )
$action = The action to perform 1, 2/2.0, 2.1, 3/3.0, 3.1
$key = Your variable key of the key value pair
$value = Your key value pair value
$tag = Your key value pair tag to group values if you desire
$message = You should just use the wrappers, but you could send a ramvar command.
1: Insert or Update if already inserted
2: Get where key = key AND value = value AND tag = tag, leaving a value empty excludes it from the evaluation
2.1: Same as 2, but OR instead of AND
3: Delete where key = key AND value = value AND tag = tag, leaving a value empty excludes it from the evaluation
3.1: Same as 3, but OR instead of AND
Ex: $this->_tool->ramvar( 2.1, 'pluto', 'dog', '');
Evaluates to SELECT ALL WHERE key = pluto OR value = dog
Ex: $this->_tool->ramvar( 2, 'pluto', 'dog', '');
Evaluates to SELECT ALL WHERE key = pluto AND value = dog
Ex: $this->_tool->ramvar( 2, '', 'dog', 'dogtag');
Evaluates to SELECT ALL WHERE value = dog AND value = dogtag
$this->_tool->setRamvar($key, $value, $tag) Returns 1 if value was set
$this->_tool->getRamvar($key, $value, $tag) Returns object array [{"a":"action","k":"key","v":"value","t":"tag","d1":"TimeStamp","d2":"Initial Ramvar ServerID"}] (AND)
$this->_tool->getOrRamvar($key, $value, $tag) Returns object array [{"a":"action","k":"key","v":"value","t":"tag","d1":"TimeStamp","d2":"Initial Ramvar ServerID"}] (OR)
$this->_tool->deleteRamvar($key, $value, $tag) Returns 1 if delete was successful (AND)
$this->_tool->deleteOrRamvar($key, $value, $tag) Returns 1 if delete was successful (OR)
- SYSTEMD Example for php_ramvar
sudo chmod +x /path/to/php_ramvar
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/myservice.service
Description=Example Systemd Service.
ExecStart=/path/to/php_ramvar -c /path/to/siteworks.YOURSITE.pconf.php
# Start The service for testing
sudo systemctl start myservice
# Check the Status
sudo systemctl status myservice
# To stop it
sudo systemctl stop myservice
# To restart it
sudo systemctl restart myservice
# If its all good, enable it
sudo systemctl enable myservice
# Reboot and Check if its running
sudo systemctl status myservice
You may find yourself wishing you didn't have to rewrite vanilla php code to access
your databases, configs, and site_works tools.
- Add these lines to get the essence of the framework added to your vanilla code
$use_config = 'joint_config.pconf.php';
require_once '/var/www/html/YOUR_PROJECT/site_works_essentials.php';
# Note, your path may differ between servers, you could do something like this php7+
This will get the queue or threaders root_dir path and move up by two, which
should be your project folder root:
require_once dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/site_works_essentials.php';
Requiring the essnentials file requires you to specify a configuration file.
Some of you will have a development server and a live server, so you'll have to create
a shared config file for this. An easy way to do it is create a symbolic link to your individual servers
personlized config file with a common name.
- Ex: ln -s /var/www/html/YOUR_PROJECT/conf/siteworks.mysitecom.pconf.php /var/ww/html/YOUR_PROJECT/conf/joint_config.pconf.php
By creating a symbolic link on each of your servers pionting to that individual servers
real config, you can call joint_config.pconf.php in your code and the framework will find the right file.
How do you access the framework essentials?
- $_s->
You can var_dump($_s) to see what you have access too.
- $_s->_tool or $_s->tool will work
You may be used to $this->_tool or $this->_s-> but you are no longer using the framework as an object here.
- site_works Author: Frost Cinderstorm (FrostCandy)