PongUnlimited is a simple version of the well-known arcade game Pong. This is a single player game where the opponent is a never-losing computer. This is more like a practice game for the real Pong.
This game can be played without touching the mouse or the keyboard. OpenCV has been used to detect green colored pen movements in front of the screen through a webcam. The slider then moves based on the pen movement.
There are two modes, normal and neon. Additionally, the scores of the players are stored in a database and is retrieved and displayed on tapping the DISPLAY SCORES button.
In theses two modes, the player can control the sliding bar using the mouse or a green pen (or a pointy green object of hsv values in the range (31,107,135) to (59,2208,255)).
To control the sliding bar using a green pen, all you need to do is point it to your webcam and move it left or right in mid-air. You must bring the cursor to the display area initially by moving the pen left, right, up or down.
The game scores and player names are stored in a MySQL database. The scores are retrieved when DISPLAY SCORES button is called. The game initially creates a database and an appropriate table if not already created, to store the information.
- opencv
- tkinter
- mysql
- mouse
- numpy
- sys
- datetime
- pygame
- time
- random
Follow this link to view game screenshots and videos: screenshots and videos