An expense sharing application is where you can add your expenses and split it among different people. The app keeps balances between people as in who owes how much to whom.
- User: Each user should have a userId, name, email, mobile number.
- Expense: Could either be EQUAL, EXACT or PERCENT
- Users can add any amount, select any type of expense and split with any of the available users.
- The percent and amount provided could have decimals upto two decimal places.
- In case of percent, you need to verify if the total sum of percentage shares is 100 or not.
- In case of exact, you need to verify if the total sum of shares is equal to the total amount or not.
- The application should have a capability to show expenses for a single user as well as balances for everyone.
- When asked to show balances, the application should show balances of a user with all the users where there is a non-zero balance.
- The amount should be rounded off to two decimal places. Say if User1 paid 100 and amount is split equally among 3 people. Assign 33.34 to first person and 33.33 to others.
- You can create a few users in your main method. No need to take it as input.
- There will be 3 types of input:
- Expense in the format: EXPENSE <EQUAL/EXACT/PERCENT>
- Show balances for all: SHOW
- Show balances for a single user: SHOW
- When asked to show balance for a single user. Show all the balances that user is part of:
- Format: owes :
- If there are no balances for the input, print No balances
- In cases where the user for which balance was asked for, owes money, they’ll be x. They’ll be y otherwise.
EXPENSE u1 1000 4 u1 u2 u3 u4 EQUAL
EXPENSE u1 1250 2 u2 u3 EXACT 370 880
EXPENSE u4 1200 4 u1 u2 u3 u4 PERCENT 40 20 20 20
No balances
No balances
User4 owes User1: 250
User2 owes User1: 250
User3 owes User1: 250
User4 owes User1: 250
User2 owes User1: 620
User3 owes User1: 1130
User4 owes User1: 250
User1 owes User4: 230
User2 owes User1: 620
User3 owes User1: 1130
User1 owes User4: 230
User2 owes User1: 620
User2 owes User4: 240
User3 owes User1: 1130
User3 owes User4: 240