In-Memory Key-Value Store like Redis.
- The key-value store will be in-memory and does not require access to the file system.
- The key will always be a string.
- The value would be an object/map. The object would have attributes and corresponding values.
Example => "sde_bootcamp": { "title": "SDE-Bootcamp", "price": 30000.00, "enrolled": false, "estimated_time": 30 } - Each attribute key would be a string and the attribute values could be string, integer, double or boolean.
- The key-value store should be thread-safe.
- The Key-Value store should expose the following functions:
get(String key) => Should return the value (object with attributes and their values). Return null if key not present
search(String attributeKey, String attributeValue) => Returns a list of keys that have the given attribute key, value pair.
put(String key, List<Pair<String, String>> listOfAttributePairs) => Adds the key and the attributes to the key-value store. If the key already exists then the value is replaced.
delete(String key) => Deletes the key, value pair from the store.
keys() => Return a list of all the keys - The value object should override the toString method to print the object as a comma-separated list of key-value pairs for the attributes.
Example: attribute1: attribute_value_1, attribute2: attribute_value_2, attribute3: attribute_value_3 - The data type of an attribute should get fixed after its first occurrence.
Example: Once we encounter an attribute age with an integer value then any entry with an age attribute having a non-integer value should result in an exception. - Nothing should be printed inside any of these methods. All scanning and printing should happen in the Driver/Main class only. Exception Handling should also happen in the Driver/Main class.
Multiple lines with each line containing a command.
Possible commands:
get <key>
put <key> <attributeKey1> <attributeValue1> <attributeKey2> <attributeValue2>....
delete <key>
search <attributeKey> <attributeValue>
Stop taking the input when you encounter the word exit.
Assume that attribute keys and values would not have space in between.
#Output Format Print output based on the specific commands as mentioned below.
Comma and space-separated attributes. Example:
attribute1: attribute_value_1, attribute2: attribute_value_2, attribute3: attribute_value_3
Print "No entry found for " if get returns null. -
Do not print anything. Print "Data Type Error" if attribute has data type other than previous set. -
Do not print anything. -
Comma-separated keys. Example:key1,key2,key3,key4
Comma-separated keys. Example:key1,key2,key3,key4
Print in sorted order
put sde_bootcamp title SDE-Bootcamp price 30000.00 enrolled false estimated_time 30
get sde_bootcamp
put sde_kickstart title SDE-Kickstart price 4000 enrolled true estimated_time 8
get sde_kickstart
put sde_kickstart title SDE-Kickstart price 4000.00 enrolled true estimated_time 8
get sde_kickstart
delete sde_bootcamp
get sde_bootcamp
put sde_bootcamp title SDE-Bootcamp price 30000.00 enrolled true estimated_time 30
search price 30000.00
search enrolled true
##Expected Output
title: SDE-Bootcamp, price: 30000.00, enrolled: false, estimated_time: 30
Data Type Error
No entry found for sde_kickstart
title: SDE-Kickstart, price: 4000.00, enrolled: true, estimated_time: 8
No entry found for sde_bootcamp