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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Schematic for storing forms (with questions) and responses (with answers) with relevant metadata along with plugins.


clone the repo
$ cd collect
$ yarn install
$ cp config/default.example.json config/default.json
$ yarn dev

Usage and Features


  • all of the "post-response-plugins" are stored inside the src/plugins directory.
  • All of the configuration for plugins is stored inside the config/default.json file.
  • Each plugin has a separate class in which queue is created using bull.
  • Inside the src/plugins/index.ts all of the plugins are instantiated and exported as an object.
  • Finally inside the reponse Controller reformed response data is added to corresponding queue.

** for the sheets plugins a "googleapi" credentials.json file is required inside src/plugins/sheets, of the form :

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "",
  "private_key_id": "",
  "private_key": "",
  "client_email": "",
  "client_id": "",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": ""

Centralised Logging

  • by default requests are logged in info level
  • all errors are logged that are thrown using HTTPException class
  • use different named loggers in different modules.
  • alias bunyan=node_modules/.bin/bunyan to view logs. E.g. bunyan logs/logs.json
  • logs are rotated every day.


Config is managed using config package.


In order to create errors/exceptions use HTTPException through middleware. e.g

return next(
    new HttpException({
            status: 401,
            message: "Invalid webmail credentials!",
            logger: this.logger,

All these exceptions are captured, logged and handled by error.middleware.ts

Validating incoming data

  • Validate incoming data using Data Transfer Objects (DTO).
  • Create a corresponding dto file in DataTransferObjects to handle validation.
  • The validation is handled using class-validator.
  • Refer: auth.controller.ts, Class Validator
  • There's option to make certain params optional

Registering Controller

Register the controller to the App object in server.ts.

Extending Library Interfaces

Setting up parameters like req.user:

  • Add a custom type declaration at Interfaces/@types/ with optional parameters.
  • Add the required Interface by extending the Required Library interface at Interfaces/..
  • Add a Type-Guard for the Custom Interface.


No description or website provided.




