Tired of hopping into a game, only to find that you've missed the latest nerf? Want to make sure you and your friends are updated on the meta, or know when that server restart is coming?
This simple tool aims to do all that. When run, it will generate a single configuration file, which you can use to toggle off/on any of the supported games.
It will then scan the patch notes for those games. If it finds a new update, it will link it in your selected Discord channel using whatever webhook you provide in the configuration.
PatchAlerts supports quite a few popular games! Here's a full list:
Depending on my free time and interest, I may expand the list of supported games or alert methods. If you have one you'd like added, please open a request. This project is not in any way affiliated with or supported by these games, or their owners.
PatchAlerts has a Docker build!
If you have Docker installed, it's the simplest way to get started using PatchAlerts.
To download & launch PatchAlerts in Docker, which will scan for new patch notes on a CRON schedule provided, it's as simple as:
sudo docker run -d --name PatchAlerts -v /build:/build shadowmoose/patchalerts -s '*/30 * * * *'
Simply edit the config.yml
file it generates in the data directory. No restart is necessary.
See below for more configuration information.
If you're running PatchAlerts locally without Docker, you'll need Python installed.
It runs in Python 3, and has no UI.
PatchAlerts is perfect for throwing onto your own server somewhere, scheduled to run as often as you like.
The only alert method currently supported is via Discord Webhook, which is a simple way to grant posting access without adding a whole user to your server. You'll need to create a hook in your Discord Channel Settings. You simply need to edit the URL created by the webhook into the configuration file (build/config.yml
), like so:
webhook: [paste link here]
While you're in there, make sure to set enabled: True
for whatever Alerts and Games you want active.