In GraphQL Resolvers Functions Arguments are parent, args, context, info
. When use this package, it is provide next, returns
This function provide to pass other to function in order. Also next functions provide to send other function in order some values like next(1, 2)
. You can reach parameters from other order functions like const UserList = async (one , two, parent, args, context, info, next, returns) => {}
This function returns your graphql api response to front-end.
File userListType.ts
export const userListType = gql`
type Query {
userList: userListPayload
type userListPayload {
result: String
File resolvers.ts
import { graphqlResolversMiddleware } from "graphql-resolvers-middleware"
import { JwtCheck } from "./JwtCheck"
import { UserList } from "./UserList"
export const resolvers = {
Query: {
userList: graphqlResolversMiddleware(JwtCheck, /*add some functions*/ UserList),
others: graphqlResolversMiddleware(JwtCheck, Validation, /*add some functions*/ OtherFunction),
File JwtCheck.ts
export const JwtCheck = async (parent, args, context, info, next, returns) => {
try {
const token = context.req.headers.authorization.split("Bearer ")[1]
const _decoded = jwt.verify(token, process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY)
return next()
} catch (error) {
return returns({ result: "Invalid Token" })
File UserList.ts
export const UserList = async (parent, args, context, info, next, returns) => {
try {
//Do somethings.....
return returns({ result: "result: " + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)})
} catch (error) {
return returns({ result: "error" })